Page 1 of Securing Samantha
Samantha O’Neil closed the door to her parents’ room as she made her way down the hall. Her parents lived with them over the past year because her mom needed help with her dad. He suffered from Alzheimer’s, and frequently took midnight strolls. Patrice Harris feared for her husband’s safety if he managed to escape. Liam “Whiskey” O’Neil with all his stealth as a Navy SEAL often woke in time to catch his father-in-law trying to leave the house. Now, they converted their garage into living quarters for her parents and helped pay for his medical expenses.
Music started from the kitchen causing Samantha to smile. Whiskey performed the same ritual every time he spun up for a mission. By the time she made it into the room, Whiskey pulled out his Irish soda bread and seafood chowder.
“Dad’s down for the night,” Samantha told him as she placed the bowls on the table and smiled at the X in the bread. Whiskey told her it warded off evil and it became a tradition of theirs to have it when he received orders for a mission. Her stomach always tightened when he left, and she breathed when he pulled her into his strong muscular arms when he returned. She never showed him how much his missions bothered her. Whiskey didn’t need the distraction because of her insecurities.
“Ahhh, Sunshine, he and I discussed the fact I want some time with me wife this evenin’.” His Irish lilt always came out when he attempted to seduce her. He didn’t need to try for long, she melted like putty in his hands between his accent, looks, and the man carried the biggest heart she ever knew.
Samantha smiled. Whiskey treated her dad as if he remembered his wife and daughter. “Oh, and what do you have planned for her?” She walked into his arms as he adjusted the volume of the music and turned on “You’re the One” as he led her into a slow dance.
“I’m dancing with my lovely bride, feeding her a wonderful meal and then making love to her until the sun comes up,” he whispered in her ear.
She closed her eyes as he held her tightly and moved about the tiny room. Her world began and ended with him. But tonight, she held a surprise. She raised her head from his shoulder to cup his cheek. “I went to the doctor today. They did an impromptu ultrasound.”
Whiskey immediately raised his head in concern.
“Everything’s fine, my love. One of my tests came back questionable and they performed it as a precaution,” she assured him.
Whiskey immediately relaxed.
“I thought you might like to know you have a son. Which explains things, he’s already as mischievous as his father.” She laughed softly.
“We have a son. A son? As long as he’s healthy and can watch after his mum while I’m away. Samantha, don’t say such things about our boy, you know I’m as innocent as a newborn babe.” Liam attempted to appear all sweet, but his warrior build, and the serious expression he tended to get before missions, gave him away. “You make me proud, Samantha. Our son will be blessed to have you as a mum.”
“I’ll miss you,” she whispered to keep the sadness from seeping in and alerting him.
“Aye, I’ll miss you, lass. I’ll be home before you know it. We’ll invite the boys for pizza and beer and hand them a paint roller as they arrive when I get home. We’ll have the nursery up in no time,” he assured her.
Whiskey leaned down and brushed her lips sweetly with his before holding out a chair for her at the tiny kitchen table. They ate and put the dishes in the sink, not wanting to waste a moment together. Then Whiskey made good on his promise, loving her until the wee hours of the morning.
Samantha dried her hands and waddled to the front door. The doorbell rang a second time, causing her to place one hand on her belly and another on her back as if it helped her along the hallway.
“I’m coming!” she yelled.
She opened the door to see Leo, Whiskey’s friend and leader, standing in the doorway. It meant the team arrived home! Her eyes searched the driveway for the love of her life to walk in and scoop her into his arms.
The smile she carried faltered as she saw the haggard man in front of her. Leo’s red-rimmed eyes and sunken cheeks instantly sent up red flags. Her heart skipped a beat.
“Leo. Where’s Whiskey? When did you arrive home?” she licked her lips dreading his answers.
“Samantha, why don’t we have a seat?” Leo took her arm and led her into the living room. He sat her in Whiskey’s favorite chair. A tear fell from his cheek. “I regret to inform you?—”
“No!” She shook her head, denying him the opportunity to finish. “Don’t say it Leo, he’s my life,” she begged.
The chaplain rounded the corner and stood stoically as Leo softly talked to her. He gripped her hand as if to lend her strength. Her heart stopped as if it already knew the dreaded words Leo prepared to utter.
“I’m sorry, Sam. Whiskey is gone.”
She adamantly shook her head as tears rolled down her face. She held on to her stomach as if to protect her unborn child from hearing the horrible words threatening his world of innocence, love and security. She stuck out her chin and stared into Leo’s watery eyes.
“No. I want to see him! He can’t be dead! He promised to come home. We planned to paint the nursery. Leo, take me to him,” she demanded.
Leo glanced up at the chaplain before responding. He breathed a heavy sigh.
“I can’t.” Leo’s voice lowered to soften the blow. “Whiskey was involved in an explosion.” He watched her sympathetically waiting for her to understand what he said.
Samantha stared at him confused, she tried to grasp what he said. The sound of her heart ramped up and the roaring in her ears got louder.