Page 28 of Securing Samantha
“I unpacked LJ and working on my suitcase at this very moment. Then we’ll find a place to eat lunch and explore,” she told him.
“Oh, I thought you might need a bit of a rest,” he sounded disappointed.
“LJ will take a nap shortly. He needs to let out some pent-up energy after the five-hour flight. The tall buildings captured his attention. A little walk and food in his stomach will give me two hours to finish going over the final paperwork,” she explained.
“Did you have any worries over the documents?” he asked.
“Oh no,” she reassured him. “I made a list of questions and things I want to see at the plant.”
“I should’ve known. Samantha O’Neil has an eye out for my position. Not even an hour in my city and you’re making your lists.”
She softly laughed.
“Make sure to bundle up. If you want to visit Central Park, take a left out of your hotel. LJ will love it. I’ll see you soon,” his voice lingered.
“I’ll see you soon,” she softly replied. For the first time in a long time, Samantha let herself feel a slight anticipation of seeing Bryan.
Whiskey’s actions pushed her to explore the feelings of excitement at seeing Bryan’s name popping up on her phone screen. When she saw Whiskey the first day, her body woke up after years of feeling numb. She wanted him to hold her in his arms and whisper the cherished words they greeted each other with every time he left on a mission.
In the end, he walked off and left her. When the divorce papers arrived, she worried he wasn’t thinking straight. When she saw Whiskey at the bar after hoping he’d come home and meet his son, it felt like a punch to her gut. She wanted him to find refuge with her and instead he found solace in a stranger’s arms.
Samantha closed her eyes. The memory hurt as she recalled how he worshipped her body, and she imagined him doing the same thing with the beautiful blonde. Anger boiled in her veins while she watched him kiss the woman as if Samantha didn’t mean anything. Instead of rushing at him and yelling what a big asshole he was, she stood rooted to the spot. Her feet seemed frozen to the ground.
The last couple months, between James Stanton, helping LJ heal from the trauma, Whiskey’s return, and finding out Kassie lied to her, she realized nothing held her to Serenity Mountain.
Whiskey needed the team. They helped her enough over the years. Kassie and Catherine stayed at odds while she removed herself completely. Kassie tried to communicate, but even knowing it wasn’t Kassie’s fault, her best friend left her and her son to die.
“Mom, I’m hungry. Can we go check out the buildings and can we send Uncle Leo and Aunt Kassie a picture of me in from of the most giantest one?” LJ bounced on her bed. He definitely needed some outdoor time.
“Go get your gloves, hat, and scarf. We’ll grab lunch and I’ll take you to the park for a bit.” She ruffled her son’s hair a bit as he ran past her yelling for Becky.
She grabbed her coat, and they left the hotel to explore.
Three hours later, a tired and cranky LJ whined as Samantha tucked him into his bed. She plopped down on the sofa to relax a bit while Becky texted her friends in her room and sent pictures of their adventure. She mentally went through her wardrobe deciding what she wanted to wear for the evening.
A text came through on her phone, making it buzz on her lap.
Hi. This is Whiskey. I wanted to make sure you and LJ arrived safely.
Samantha’s fingers hesitated on whether to answer. Reasoning he asked about his son, she decided to respond.
LJ arrived safely.
She hit send and a few minutes later another text appeared.
This is Whiskey. How are you?
She chuckled as she realized he forgot the name appeared on the text.
I’m fine.
I wanted to ask if it might be possible to meet with Claire to discuss explaining to LJ who I am? I’m thinking I might have Leo go with me to see my parents. It’s Whiskey.
Samantha sighed. His parents loved their only son and enjoyed spending time with their grandson. Whiskey’s reappearance in their lives counted as a blessing.
We can set something up when I return. Your parents will welcome you with opens arms. They’ve missed you. I wish you the best.
She watched as dots appeared then disappeared. They stopped all together before starting all over again. Whiskey must’ve debated on what to say to her.