Page 44 of Securing Samantha
“I wanted to remind you of what we shared. I’m not proud of it but I don’t like you seeing other men,” he admitted.
“I can’t believe this.” She shook her head. She pointed to the door. “Get out,” she gritted her teeth. “You only kissed me because another man’s interested.” She shoved him in the chest making him back away. “You throw divorce papers at me and now expect me to fall at your feet.” She poked her finger into his chest. “I’m not the one who betrayed us in this marriage.” Rage filled her with his audacity. He backed up, surprised by her outburst.
“Don’t you ‘lass’ me!” She opened the door and shoved the flabbergasted man out the door. She started to slam it shut when his hand kept her from completely closing it.
“Lass, you gotta give me Hope” he stuttered out at a complete loss at what he did to cause her reaction.
“Ha. I don’t have to give you anything, you didn’t give me any, you selfish jerk.” she shouted as she pressed her bodyweight into the wood.
“I need my dog,” he quietly explained.
She pressed her forehead to the divider between them. Tears gathered in her eyes. She let go and turned toward the box.
She picked up the sweet pup and held her closely to her chest as she stifled her sob.
Whiskey stood in the middle of the entrance. His face registered confusion and maybe a bit of panic in his eyes.
“Here, take Hope back.” She thrust the puppy toward him. Tears ran down her face as all the hurt threatened to spill from her throat. Whiskey needed to leave.
His hand wrapped around her wrist. “Samantha, tell me how I hurt you. Tell me how to make it right. I’ll give my life to keep from ever hurting you,” he whispered.
She shook her head, unable to speak what weighed heavy on her heart. “You stand there complaining how seeing me with a man hurts you, but did you ever think of how I felt? No, you didn’t give me a second thought,” she whispered. “Go, Whiskey. Just leave.”
Whiskey let go of her wrist and stood for a moment wanting to say something before he swiped his hand over his face and walked away taking Hope with him.
Whiskey walked into the kitchen of the team facility. Leo, Saint, Matthew, and Shadow sat at the table.
“When we got back from our honeymoon, I flew to DC. Rebecca and I agree. Someone in the military fed Ash the information for shipments on the weapons. I find it coincidental Avie Rahimi visits two doctors in the middle of a desert and the same night, the camp is destroyed, and Doc and Michael kidnapped.” Leo stood and drew a line from Rahimi’s name to Seattle with a question mark.
“I’ll see if I can find anything on the dark web. Doc said he only emailed his parents, Rachel, and Commander Johnson. Who did Michael contact while they stayed there?” Matthew asked as he took notes.
“Other than Lizzy, the coordinator for the medical team, and the supply company,” Saint checked his paperwork.
Taking one glance at Whiskey, Shadow motioned for him to join them.
Leo continued, “I heard from Julio. Jameson will remain a patient at the rehab center. Doc asked if we wanted him moved to Serenity. I’d like to talk to him without Doc present. He’s too close to the situation. From Kassie’s point of view, Jameson saved them. I guess I want to know the why’s and how’s.”
Matthew cleared his throat. “I want to talk to him. He was my friend and he lied about who he was, but he stayed diligent in watching Kassie and Em.”
Leo nodded. “Shadow, you and Matthew make the trip and see what you can get out of him. Talk to Julio before you go.”
With all the team business concluded, Leo focused his attention on his friend. “We can tell by your face your coffee meeting didn’t go well. Do you want to talk about it?” Leo asked.
For once, Whiskey felt relieved about the question. He drove all the way back completely befuddled by Samantha’s response.
“I kissed Samantha,” he told them.
“Congratulations, buddy. We’re happy you guys worked it out,” Shadow patted his arm, and he watched his friend. “Did it not go well?”
“I’m trying to figure out the damn psycho meter and where she’s at,” he stated.
“Uh oh,” Saint expressed. “Let’s have it.”
“A few weeks ago, she got a text from the guy helping her with the business in New York. Her phone lit up and she kept a picture of him holding LJ with her on her screen. I said things I shouldn’t have, and I apologized. I know I buggered things. With things going great with LJ, I thought to start working on Samantha and letting her know I made a hasty decision.”