Page 79 of Securing Samantha

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Page 79 of Securing Samantha

The plane taxied on the runway. She clasped her hands between her legs as she anxiously waited for it to come to a stop. When it did, she unbuckled and grabbed her things before the attendant even pushed the door open. Kassie and Chase stood by the truck. She ran and embraced Kassie. Chase put his arm around her before taking her suitcase.

“What happened? Where are they? We lost internet and my phone didn’t work. I’ve been so worried,” Samantha burst out.

Kassie pushed back from her, the nurse in her came out.

“First, everyone is fine. We experienced a few scary moments, but everyone’s getting care. LJ suffered a broken right arm and a concussion. Emma’s wrist, Nugget’s left arm and a couple of fingers are broken. Whiskey’s resting comfortably. He broke his left arm, and they placed pins and rods in it. “Melody suffered the concussion. Then Catherine got a bit stressed and spotted. She’s on bedrest.” Kassie’s mouth firmed in a straight line.

“Did they have a car accident?” her voice raised an octave.

“No. The kids went sledding. A pocket of ice formed over a small pit on the big hill. Emma, Nugget, and Melody rode on a sled together while LJ raced them. We guess the weight of them caused the ice on top to break through. LJ flew over them. Since the men stayed on top of the hill, they didn’t see it happen as the kids went up and down sledding. LJ stopped his sled and pulled them out. As he pushed Emma up, he slid headfirst into the hole and some of the ice fell on top of him. The girls ran up the hill screaming and crying. Whiskey and Saint took off down the hill while Chase triaged the girls. They have cuts, bruises, and scrapes everywhere. It resembled a murder scene by the time Catherine and I reached them. Whiskey broke through the ice to get LJ out. When he did, a large chunk shifted down the hill and crushed his arm. He managed to keep hold of LJ until Saint pulled him up and then Leo and Saint got Whiskey out.”

“The grandparent gang already rode to the rescue. I knew you’d fret, Chase and I volunteered to come get you. Michael’s already checked on everyone. One of the doctors at the hospital performed surgery on Whiskey. Victoria and Ivan showed up with balloons, puzzles, and all sorts of things. When we left LJ fell back to sleep and Shadow sat with him. Taco and Saint roped off the area until further notice. The kids in town come up to sled but Chase closed it down until they figure out what happened.”

When they arrived at Chase’s hospital, Chase and Kassie followed Samantha inside. Kassie directed her down a hallway. LJ sat up in the bed putting together a puzzle with Whiskey at his side.

She rushed to them. LJ, noticing his crazed mom, grinned and held his arm up, “Look Mom, me and Whiskey got matching casts.”

She sighed with relief as both held their arms up. Whiskey put his down and winced. Samantha checked out LJ’s cast already decorated with pictures from the gang. Whiskey sat quietly beside her as she checked out her son. Kassie and Chase went to check on Em.

“So, I see,” she took a deep breath, it felt like she breathed easy for the first time in hours.

She turned to face Whiskey as her son turned his attention back to his puzzle. She brushed back a lock of hair to examine the cut along his forehead which required stitches. His cheek held a nasty bruise similar to the one LJ sported on the opposite cheek.

“I don’t think you’re supposed to be here,” she gently admonished him.

“I’ll leave.” Whiskey started to get up when her hand held him in place.

“I meant you should be in your own bed, resting,” She searched his face. Whiskey avoided her gaze.

“I dinna want him here alone. He’s my…” he glanced in LJ’s direction.

“Stay. Put the recliner back and I’ll find you an extra pillow. Your arm needs to stay elevated,” Now that she had seen him, she felt better. Mom mode kicked in and she went to work. She placed a pillow behind Whiskey’s head and under his arm. She covered him with a blanket. She helped LJ with his puzzle and handed him a juice box. Whiskey fell asleep, and LJ yawned. She helped him elevate his arm as she drew a heart on his cast.

“Were you scared?” she asked as she soothed LJ’s temple.

“I was at first. Then Whiskey found me. The snow and ice moved, and I saw how it hurt his arm, but he promised he wouldn’t let me go. Then Uncle Saint and Uncle Leo broke the ice off him. He’s my hero.”

Samantha soothed his brow until he fell asleep. Then she lost it. She quietly sobbed in the corner when she heard Whiskey’s voice, “Don’t worry, lass. I didn’t let go. He’s the good piece of me and I know how much he means to you.”

She stood and knelt at Whiskey’s side. “When you’re feeling better, it’s time we tell our son.”

He cupped her face gently before falling back to sleep.


Samantha called Bryan and informed him she planned to stay to help with all the kids and give LJ time to recuperate before flying home. He agreed and encouraged her to stay as long as she needed. A week later, Samantha stood in Whiskey’s kitchen making seafood chowder. She smiled as she placed the pan in the oven and waited for it to bake. Whiskey and LJ made the bread, and she watched as her son listened intently as Whiskey explained the importance of adding the X. Standing together, there was no denying the resemblance of father and son. Her boys were two peas in a pod. She stopped herself. Whiskey wasn’t hers. She texted Bryan.

Are you sure you want to fly out to get us? LJ’s feeling better. We can make it home.

Three dots appeared.

I’m coming to help. I’ll have the weekend to help care for him while you rest.

She smiled. Tonight, they planned to tell LJ about his da. Bryan agreed to wait until Saturday, and fly home with them.

Samantha slept on the couch downstairs at Whiskey’s house. She helped set the boys up downstairs in the sunroom. The guys brought over a large screen TV and a game system. Whiskey and LJ watched movies, played games, and when they showed signs of getting tired, she sent them upstairs for naps.

In the evenings, once LJ slept for the night, she and Whiskey watched a movie or played cards. Sometimes, he fell asleep from the pain meds while watching the television. His head fell toward her shoulder, and she gently guided him down to her lap. She smoothed his forehead when he seemed lost in a bad dream or talked softly to him reassuring him he was safe and home with her. It seemed to calm him but for reasons she couldn’t explain, it made her feel unsettled.

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