Page 13 of Loving Lizzy
Bryanna took the items and set them to the side. “Oh, you know us; we need a good laugh before we start our day.”
Leo glanced quizzically at the group as he exited the room.
Catherine shook her head. “He refuses to allow me to do anything. I appreciate all the effort he puts in with Melody and taking care of me, but the man seriously needs a chill pill.”
Kassie planted her elbows on the counter and ducked her head around to ensure the guys weren’t lingering around the corner. “Three little birdies informed me Uncle Leo planned a mission called Operation Baby Bump. He borrowed Wendy Wet Pants from his daughter and the guys apparently practiced diaper changing. Michael gave the entire team a crash course on bathing, burping, and dealing with a crying baby.”
Bryanna leaned forward at the same time as Lizzy. Catherine glanced toward the door before joining them. “Let me guess, those little birdies, Lady Bug, June Bug, and Nugget informed you.”
“Yep,” Kassie told the group before turning her attention to Lizzy. “Where do you want to start?”
“How about the bedroom? Michael took the list of furniture coming with us. The bed will be the last item to go since we don’t know how long it will take to move everything.” She led the way to the bedroom.
Kassie taped the first box while Lizzy went through the items in the dresser. “Can you reach the suitcase on the top rack of the closet? I’ll pack some of my clothes to take with me.”
Bryanna proceeded into the closet and brought back the luggage. She opened it on the bed. Catherine took the marker and assigned the box to the bedroom.
Lizzy took out a couple of sets of pajamas and passed them to Bryanna. The rest she handed to Kassie to add to the box. She did the same for the next two drawers. She opened the next one and paused. Her hand slowly pulled out a delicate lacy pink bra. She held it close to her chest as she slid to her knees.
Catherine went and closed the door. Kassie placed her hand on Lizzy’s back offering silent support. Bryanna knelt and held her hand, lending her strength. Catherine sat on the floor in front of her and put her hands on Lizzy’s knees.
“It’s silly. The stupid thing itches to no end. I paid two hundred dollars to wear the damn torture device and now I’m sitting on the floor crying because I won’t be able to use it,” she cried.
“Think how much money you’ll save on bras alone,” Bryanna whistled making Lizzy choke back a giggle.
“No tight underwire digging into your sides,” Kassie volunteered.
“No icky boob sweat,” Catherine added.
Bryanna gently pulled the bra from Lizzy’s hold. “Why do we allow ourselves to wear these darn things? They’re uncomfortable as all hell. Donate the sucker.”
“Pick one of your favorites to slip on tomorrow. Later, after you heal, we’ll have a ta ta party.” Kassie told her.
“A what?” Bryanna questioned.
“A ta ta party. You’re losing a part of yourself and those contraptions will no longer bind you. We’ll throw a ceremony to honor your loss and burn these lacy torture devices in effigy.”
“Where do you find this stuff? It’s a good idea, don’t get me wrong.” Catherine stared at her friend.
“What do you say? Shall we send them off in a blaze of glory?”
Lizzy’s gaze wandered to the dresser drawer holding numerous satin and lace items exactly like the one Bryanna held. She bit her lip in indecision. Lizzy pulled a white silk bra out from the back. The intricately woven lace and tiny seed pearls adorned the bra along the cup. She dug deeper, pulling out a matching pair of panties.
“I wore these on our wedding night and the night we conceived Conner. Michael left for the humanitarian mission the next day. I want to keep these because they hold the greatest memories.” She paused as she stroked the fabric and smiled as the nostalgia of the garment returned to her. She wiped the tears from her face and grinned at the trio quietly watching her. “I say burn those suckers.”
Kassie took the precious items and passed them to Bryanna to add to the suitcase. Catherine pulled out another box which Kassie taped and handed it to Lizzy. She pulled out the entire drawer and dumped it in the box. Catherine wrote ‘Burn these bras’ in large letters.
After picking out a couple of outfits to add to her suitcase, Lizzy directed the rest of the clothing into boxes. Her business suits and dresses placed and zipped into garment bags. They gave Catherine things to wrap while she sat on the bed.
A knock at the door made the women pause their assembly line while Lizzy opened it. Victoria pulled her in for a hug. Her eyes scanned the room as she nodded her approval at the support team surrounding their friend.
“I brought helpers. Ivan found a few of his men taking a holiday in our absence.” She shook her head. “I keep telling him I don’t have any issues. He says he wouldn’t either if I let him shoot a few in the ass,” she sighed heavily. “I’m meeting Maddie and Carol. Can my men load anything into your vehicle? The moving truck will arrive in an hour.”
“We didn’t hire one,” Lizzy told her.
“I know my dear. Consider it a housewarming gift. We want you settled in your new place as soon as possible. Catherine, you’re coming with me. Your mother may need you, plus Leo’s acting positively insane. How many children do you plan on having with the porpoise? You’ve earned at least a bottle of wine as soon as the little bundle of joy leaves the hatch. Where on earth does he get all this information on childbirth? Doesn’t he realize his only job consists of watching you bear down in pain, birth a bowling ball from your hoohaa, and he gets the honor of cutting the cord. Then he’ll strut around the lobby passing out some souvenir like a bloody peacock. Even for a porpoise he should manage to handle the job.” She shook her head in dismay as she helped Catherine slide off the bed.
Victoria leaned down, placed her hands on each side of Kassie’s cheeks and kissed her on both. “I’ve missed you, luv. I’ll see you soon to chat.” She patted Bryanna’s shoulder as she walked from the room.