Page 19 of Loving Lizzy
Samantha blushed. “Whiskey and I recently got back together. We’re staying with him at his house and taking one day at a time. Bryan has graciously allowed me to work from home. I can keep the shop in town, and he hired some extra employees. As of last week, my skincare line will launch by this summer and ‘Whiskey and Sunshine’ tea is being sold worldwide.”
The women congratulated Samantha as she smiled from ear to ear. Catherine spoke up next.
“The local library called demanding Leo return at least half the books from the maternity section. I’m mortified to show my face in town. He asked Chase to hold a birthing class for the team in case I go into labor, and he isn’t around. One of the men will stay always assigned to me. He swore if they peeked at my cooter he’ll punch them in the jaw. If I go into labor my child will be delivered by a blindfolded Navy SEAL.” The women giggled.
Lizzy snorted. “Oh my gosh. Can you picture it? Shadow and Saint taking the job seriously. Taco, on the other hand, might be blindfolded, checking your cooter with one hand, and God forbid it be born on Tuesday. He’d have a taco in the other hand.” The women burst into laughter.
“Bryanna?” Lizzy glanced at her friend.
“I can’t tell you what I cooked up yet. My testers claim it’s my best dessert yet and doesn’t contain any sugar,” she bragged.
“May I ask who you’re using as taste testers because I didn’t get an invite?” Kassie accused.
“I can take a guess,” Catherine chimed in.
Bryanna shot her a scowl. “Why not? He shows up every morning and eats anything I put in front of him. He keeps my business running,” she defended herself.
Lizzy covered her mouth with her hand. “Did Saint ask you out yet? He’s crushing on you, big time.”
“He’s only a customer. I’m not buying anything he’s selling,” Bryanna announced.
The women shared knowing smiles.
“Kassie?” Lizzy nudged her friend.
“We’re doing another round in a month. Chase insists we consider adoption if this one doesn’t work. I’m not opposed. Plus, my teen ward keeps me busy, and the kids amaze me daily. The veterans have pitched in and taught the youths different skills like changing tires and oil on the cars, cooking, and cleaning properly, and they meet every week to assign chores to the kids and oversee them.” Her pride in her project clearly showed in her voice. “I’ve only seen Rachel once since our rehearsal dinner. I went shopping for groceries for the team and turned into the produce section, and she was there. Her face scowled up like I made her eat a prune. I ignored her when she approached me and started insinuating Chase met with her on the side. When I finished putting my eyes back in place from rolling them, Matthew came in to help carry the groceries to the truck. She took one glance in his direction, her face turned three shades of red and she stammered something about karma and took off like her ass caught on fire. I asked Matthew if he knew anything concerning her reaction. He stayed mum but watched her leave the store without paying for her groceries. I figured Samantha dealt with her coming into the shop.”
Samantha shook her head. “I’m rarely there and if there’s an issue, the employees call me. I can’t say I’ve seen her purchasing my products lately on the customer list. She isn’t necessarily my favorite person if you know what I mean.”
Candi knocked on the door and stuck her head in. “Dr. Brady finished her last surgery and will be around within forty minutes. Go ahead and get changed and then push the button when you’re ready. I’ll send Dr. Harris back. You’re already pre-registered, I only need two signatures.”
“Thank you, Candi.” Lizzy paled a bit.
The women began to move around the room. Bryanna pulled out the socks with sticky bottoms to place on her feet. Samantha held up a sheet while Lizzy removed her top and slipped the generic hospital gown on. Kassie folded the clothes and unzipped the overnight bag to place the items inside. She pulled the beautiful bra and panty set from the bag.
“You decided not to wear it today?” she questioned.
Lizzy smiled. “I made one more special memory with it last night. I don’t need it anymore.”
“I’ll take it with me then if you don’t mind?” Kassie waited until she nodded before placing it in the plastic patient bag hanging on the back of the door.
Lizzy slid under the sheet on the hospital bed. Samantha and Kassie stood on one side while Bryanna and Catherine walked to the opposite side. Catherine took her left hand while Kassie took her right. They clasped hands completing a circle with each other. Bryanna reached across the bed and took Samantha’s. Lizzy watched the women.
Bryanna closed her eyes,
“We request your healing angels to watch over our friend today. Let our friendship provide her with the courage she requires to battle cancer. Remind her how much she’s loved. We promise to care for her and Michael until she gains her strength. We’ll always provide a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and a hand to hold.”
Lizzy swiped away the tears, “Oh, you ladies are my biggest blessing. Thank you for those words of comfort. I’ll cherish it forever.”
Catherine leaned in and gave her a hug. Bryanna followed, then Samantha. Kassie clutched her and kissed her cheek. They filed to the door. Michael came in as they made their way out. They offered him silent support by rubbing his arm as they walked out.
* * *
Michael’s heartpounded in his ears. He barely felt the women’s touch as they walked by him. His focus zeroed in on Lizzy, who seemed small in the hospital bed. He closed the door as the women left.
He walked to the edge of the bed and took her hand in his. His thumb caressed the top of her knuckles.
“Candi said she needed two forms signed and the doctors will come in shortly,” she informed him.