Page 22 of Loving Lizzy
“Eat, Michael,” she encouraged him.
“Thanks, I’m not hungry,” he distractedly told her as he returned it.
Her brow arched and she sent him a menacing smile. “Oh, you thought I asked,” she crooned. She pinned him with a stare, daring him to refuse. He briefly saw why Victoria’s men never disobeyed her. She pushed the meal back into his hands. “When she returns home, you’ll forget to eat while caring for her.” She nodded toward the food. “Eat while you can,” her voice turned gentle as she patted his shoulder.
Leo returned to take Catherine back home. She got to her feet and approached him. “I’m keeping the kids at my house. Kassie’s on call tonight if you need anything. There’s a chart on your fridge. Don’t hesitate to use it.”
“I appreciate all the help,” he told the couple.
“No problem, man. I recall you didn’t hesitate to help our kids after the sledding accident,” Leo answered. He wrapped an arm around Catherine and led her out. Chase followed him out into the hall to speak with him.
Michael watched from a distance. Leo had hired Chase and him to help with the team. They rarely used him other than a few small injuries every now and again. On the other hand, Chase maintained a great relationship with the group of men. He felt like an outsider most of the time. Hopefully, when Lizzy feels better, he’ll get to know the team better. He envied Chase’s easy relationship with the team and realized how much his practice had interfered with him making many friends. Of course, he met colleagues for drinks every now and again. He didn’t consider any of them as real friends.
Bryanna stood and talked to Kassie, who waited for Chase. She smiled as she turned and headed his way.
“I’m closing the bakery and setting dough tonight. Call me for anything. Kassie will let me know when she’s out of surgery.” She leaned down and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.
He checked his phone; two hours had passed. His foot tapped impatiently as he glanced in the direction of the hallway. What was the old saying? A phone never rings when you’re waiting for a call. Did it apply to doctors? He scanned the room. Victoria inclined her head toward his lap, indicating she expected him to start eating. He picked up the fork and stabbed at the food. He chewed and swallowed it, not caring what he ate or how it tasted. If it provided the nourishment he needed to care for Lizzy, it didn’t matter.
When he finished, he placed the container in the bag beside him. He saw Kassie pulling out her phone and glanced worriedly at the time before shoving it back into her purse. She sent him a reassuring smile.
Chase sat down next to him. “I’m sure they’re taking good care of her. Dr. Brady takes her job seriously. She came with high praise, there’s nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah,” he responded. “It’s almost three hours. Did they find something? Why don’t they send a nurse out here with an update? I’m going outta my freakin’ mind. I swear I’m jumping out of my skin,” he confessed.
“I’d feel the same way if Kassie went through this,” Chase told him.
Michael shook his head, “I’m sorry, man. I know you went through Kassie being in surgery for hours. At least you got to stay with her. God, that came out wrong.”
“Forget it, I understand,” Chase squeezed his shoulder. “At the time, I felt as helpless as you do now. I didn’t know if she’d make it through the surgery. The entire time, I sat next to her head and bargained with God to spare her. Honestly, the hardest part happened when she came out of surgery. She bottled up all her emotions and fears. I struggled to get her to talk to me. Claire’s available to help Lizzy work out her feelings if she’s comfortable. She’s there for you too.”
“I wish they’d tell us something. Do you think it’s a bad sign?” He swiped his hand over his face.
“You know how this works. Don’t read anything into it. Delays happen in surgical rooms all the time,” Chase reassured him, but he didn’t miss the concerned glance Kassie shot him.
“Did the construction workers finish?” Chase tried to keep him distracted. “Kassie mentioned they planned to stop at the house to finish your office.”
“Lizzy said something about it. I don’t remember,” he sighed.
One by one, the other families in the waiting room left until Kassie, Chase and Michael remained. They sat on opposite sides of him offering their support.
Forty-five minutes later, Dr. Brady rounded the corner. Releasing a half-relieved sigh, he stood and walked toward her. She indicated for him to take a seat. “Do you want your friends to remain, or shall we take a walk down the hall?”
“No. They’re family. How’s Lizzy?” He searched her face for any indication things had gone wrong.
“She’s out of surgery. The procedure went great. I took eleven lymph nodes. Lizzy and I discussed the possibility in my office. I’ve sent them to the lab to be biopsied. We’ll get a report this week if not sooner. She’s in recovery and I want to observe her for a few hours to see how we can control her pain. She may stay overnight as a precaution. You can wait in her room if you like,” she gently offered.
“Do you think it’s spread?” his voice sounded panicked.
“Let’s wait until we get the lab report back and remain positive. Lizzy’s in great physical health and she has an incredible support system. She’s already ahead of the game.” Dr. Brady stood. “I’ll check in on her again in a few hours.”
The couple surrounded him. “Checking the lymph nodes is a precaution. It’s a smart move,” Kassie told him as she rubbed his arm.
Chase stayed silent, knowing exactly where Michael’s mind drifted.
“I asked Leo to pack an overnight bag for you. Chase will bring it to you. Let Lizzy know I’ll stop by tomorrow. I’ll start the phone tree with your permission. Do you want me to keep anything confidential?” She waited for him to respond.
“No. You’re her friends and she’s shared everything else with you. Let’s keep it in our circle, though.” He turned and walked down the hall toward her room. How long until she arrived?