Page 30 of Loving Lizzy
Catherine returned. “Did you tell her about the doomsday mask?”
Bryanna rolled her eyes as the women giggled.
The doorbell rang and Michael hurried from the kitchen to answer the door while the girls visited.
Kassie, Maddie, and Victoria walked in carrying platters in their hands, calling out greetings as they set everything in the kitchen.
Kassie met Michael in the living room. “Thank you for letting Lizzy join us for tea. Don’t hurry back, we plan to enjoy the afternoon catching up.” She led him to the door. “Here’s your keys and wallet, you left them on the counter. The guys plan to stay at the team building if you get done early, feel free to join them.” She smiled as she opened the door.
“I’ll call and check on her,” Michael backed out of the door.
“Michael, there’re three nurses, a mafia boss and all of us, moms. She can’t be in better hands. Go visit the men and get a bit of air. You haven’t left the house in a week. Get out,” Kassie playfully whispered and ordered him.
Michael glanced nervously back at Lizzy, who gave an encouraging nod. “What if the doctor calls and I’m not here?” he whispered in Kassie’s ear.
Kassie shot him a glance of sympathy. “I promise to call you if she hears back from the doctor. She needs a break as much as you do. It’s only a few hours,” she told him consolingly.
“Fine,” he sighed and turned toward his vehicle.
“Where’s Carol?” Maddie asked as she came into the living room. “I talked to her last night and assumed she came over to help Michael pull everything out.”
“I’ll go check on her,” Catherine volunteered as she rose from the couch. “I’ll get my steps in before Leo purchases me a hovercraft to ride in. Mom’s acting a bit absentminded lately, she probably lost track of time.”
“How do you feel, sweetie?” Maddie sat down on the loveseat next to Victoria.
“I’m still sore. Thank you for taking such good care of me and Michael. I’m glad you convinced him to get out of the house. He’s going stir crazy. The clinic is all set up and he’s refusing to open it until I go back to work. Kassie, I wanted to talk to you about bringing some files down for me. I’m getting antsy myself,” Lizzy confessed.
“Nope. You’re on official medical leave and I believe it’s breaking a law to bring you work,” she insisted.
Lizzy pouted and Maddie got up to put on the tea while Victoria pulled out a smoothie for Lizzy from the freezer.
“Did Samantha make it in?” Bryanna moved the coffee table into position and took out the remaining TV trays for the older women.
“She’s running a bit late.” Kassie replied curtly as she busied herself.
Catherine walked through the door with her arm around a teary-eyed Carol.
“What’s wrong?” Maddie asked as she and Victoria rushed over to their friend from the hallway.
“I don’t care to discuss it. Jake acts like an absolute jack ass and next time he gets shot, which I’m sure someone will go for him at some point, don’t call me to babysit the man!” Carol exclaimed between sniffles. “I know he’s like a father to you Kassie, I apologize if I hurt your feelings. Jake Harper is the most inconsiderate man I’ve ever met.”
“Oh no. He seems grumpy lately. Chase took him to his doctor for a checkup and he got a clean bill of health. Did he do something?”
The doorbell rang and Victoria closed the distance to open the door to allow Samantha to come inside.
“It’s about time. I thought you’d never get here, and Bryanna already asked where you were. You know once they pick up the scent there’s no stopping them,” Kassie smiled at Samantha as if she knew a secret.
Victoria regarded the two women closely. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing, I went camping last night and didn’t get back until later this morning,” Samantha replied.
“What on earth? It’s freezing outside and you decided to go camping?” Maddie and Carol chimed in fussing over her. The kettle went off in the kitchen and Victoria went to remove it from the stove.
“I went to watch the sunrise,” Samantha explained as she took off her coat and hung it on the hall tree next to the others.
“I don’t know what these young kids are thinking these days. When you come down with pneumonia, I don’t want to hear a single complaint about bedrest and taking your medication,” Maddie fussed.
“Don’t worry, I stayed warm, Maddie.” Samantha practically glowed with excitement.