Page 46 of Loving Lizzy
Lizzy laughed out loud causing Michael to glance her way.
“Kassie told me the team didn’t like lugging those stupid dolls Leo ordered. They waited until he timed all of them and challenged him to lug one through the town and get it to the helo. They added ten more pounds to his and set obstacles down the length of his whole route.”
He laughed. “I think everyone will breathe a sigh of relief when Catherine has the baby. When is she due again?”
She sipped her tea. “She’s not due until August. They found out in December.”
“How did Leo know she carried a boy in January?” He scooted the toast closer to her, encouraging her to eat something.
“Leo didn’t know. He commanded. He says he’s outnumbered with Melody and Catherine. LJ needs a playmate.” Lizzy bit into the toast and slowly chewed.
Michael shook his head. “It will become one long hot summer for poor Catherine.”
“I don’t miss that part of pregnancy. The constant need to pee, walking like a duck, and I stayed sick through the first six months,” she admitted as she picked up her cup.
He stared at her. “When I talked to you, you said you felt fine.”
She let out a little laugh. “You worked thousands of miles away and I didn’t want to worry you. The doctor admitted me a couple of times to keep me hydrated but I managed.”
Michael’s cup slammed down on the counter. “If I knew you suffered from extreme morning sickness, I’d have broken my contract and come home earlier to help care for you.”
“We already decided you needed to stay there and help the kids. Plus, we knew you planned to arrive in time for Conner’s birth. We didn’t expect you and Chase to get kidnapped by rebels,” she brushed him off. “I handled it myself.”
“My job as your husband, puts you first. Do you not understand how important you are to me?” he gritted out.
Lizzy bristled. “I can care for myself; I didn’t need you.”
Michael gripped the counter in frustration. “Did it ever occur to you I might’ve wanted to experience this with you? Your independence is one of the reasons I didn’t rush back home. You lied to me. Going through a healthy pregnancy for a first-time mom can be stressful. Now you tell me they hospitalized you due to hyperemesis gravidarum. Hell, do you even need me at all?” Michael didn’t try to hide the anguish he felt in his voice.
He shoved away from the counter and the doorbell rang, indicating Kassie arrived a bit earlier than expected.
He walked to the entryway and threw open the door to find Edie standing in front of him. He swallowed and attempted to get his anger under control.
“I know I’m a bit early, did you get Kassie’s message?” Edie addressed Michael as Lizzy followed behind.
Stepping back to allow Edie inside, both grabbed their phones to see several missed texts.
Kassie’s sick and can’t be around Lizzy. Saint’s driving Edie to stay with her.
Chase texted.
I can go with Lizzy.
Catherine volunteered.
No, you can’t. Doc said bed rest until amniotic fluid test in two days.
Leo chimed in.
Ugh. Someone save me from this man.
Catherine complained.
Mama says she’s got it covered. Everyone chill. We’re headed down. I’ll pick up supplies while I’m in town.
Saint replied.