Page 65 of Loving Lizzy
Victoria rounded the couch while Carol’s eyes followed her. She plopped next to Carol and angled her body toward her. The room went silent as the women held their breath to hear Victoria. “Ivan’s one of the fiercest men I’ve ever known. He fiercely loves, protects, and honors me. He cherishes me in ways no man ever has. With him, I can be a bitch, an angel or his helpmate and he accepts every single part of me. Ivan violently protects those under his protection and the innocent. You may find my way of life strange and Ivan scary. Long ago, I felt broken inside much like you, Lizzy. Ivan loved me, even when I didn’t love myself.”
Maddie sat on the couch next to Victoria and took her hand. “I’ll admit, I didn’t like you in the beginning, but sometimes I wonder if you came here to teach us how to be fierce. I’ll admit, I’m stuck in my ways, and you think I’m a prude. Joe remains the only man I’ve ever loved.”
Victoria shot a smile in Maddie’s direction. “There’s a saying about teaching old dogs to do new tricks. Men are exactly the same, except some bite and it can be fun.”
Kassie shook her head.
Carol stood up and crossed the room to add more wigs to the donation pile. “If only it were true. Jake barely talks to me now and I live across the street. Every morning, I go for my walk, and he used to join me. Now he avoids me like the plague. I miss our talks,” she told them sadly.
“He’s an old dog in training, Carol. You must stick to your guns. Keep dating and having fun,” Victoria reminded her.
“I’m not enjoying it. These men want a wife to do household chores and warm their beds. They don’t want to share a life.” Carol turned toward Victoria.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” she asked.
“I fell in love with Jake. We have tons of stuff in common. He isn’t like some of the old coots here. He makes the bed, cooks, washes dishes and he’s a great kisser,” Carol informed them.
“Mom, I think it’s wonderful you found someone. Jake’s a wonderful man. I’m worried Jake’s not ready to make a commitment as big as marriage. I don’t want to see you get hurt,” Catherine confessed as she headed toward the kitchen and cut a big slice of apple pie and returned to the group.
Victoria wistfully smiled. “Ahhh, but if you never take the chance, you might miss out on something even greater than you ever imagined. Love can hurt, but it can forgive, grow, evolve, and accept us when we can’t see the worth in ourselves.”
Maddie nodded her head.
Lizzy listened to the banter of the women and her mind flashed back to Michael’s statement the night before. He saw her worth, while she struggled to believe, she’d done everything correctly and still lost their son. She exercised, made healthy meals, never smoked and drank seldom. Yet here she sat with no chest, no hair, and battling breast cancer.
The doorbell rang and Kassie answered it while Michael walked in. Kassie’s gasp alerted the others to glance in her direction. The men followed him inside.
Lizzy’s hand flew to her mouth, tears pooled in her eyes as the men stood in a line. A few minutes later Jake and Joe showed up sporting bald heads as well. Making her weep harder. If the afternoon didn’t prove she inherited a family, the gesture of all of them completely undid her.
Michael strode to her side. He took her in as she bit her lip in insecurity. His forehead touched hers. “Hey.”
Lizzy hiccuped as his fingers titled her chin up. “Michael,” her voice broke as she struggled with words to express her appreciation at their gesture. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she sobbed.
“They did this for us. We belong,” her voice sounded muffled as she kept repeating the phrase into his shoulder.
The women teared up as each of them went to their partners. Victoria gave an approving nod at the men just as a bald Whiskey and Ivan walked in. Whiskey pulled Samantha close as she scanned his face for any anxiety. His beaming smile said everything she needed to know.
Victoria picked up the donation box and each of them gathered the items brought in by their women. Michael continued to hold onto Lizzy as she sobbed and hugged each man. When the door clicked shut, he picked her up and headed to their bedroom. He wiped her tears away and waited patiently until they subsided. In the safety of his arms, Lizzy realized he remained the lighthouse in her storm.
Michael made stuffed acorn squash for dinner, one of Lizzy’s favorite meals. He placed it on a tray and carried it into the living room. He propped her up, knowing after such an emotional afternoon, she felt drained. Her head slightly turned as he scooped a spoonful of squash and pecans and fed it to her. Normally she’d protest at him feeding her, but tonight she accepted his care.
“When we finish dinner, I want to try something. Will you trust me?”
Lizzy’s gaze met his as she nodded her agreement. He briefly wondered if he should wait to confess what he learned over the last few weeks. Her defenses fell and she let him in, and he hoped it continued. Afraid he might miss his window of opportunity, he decided to jump at the chance to show her what he’d learned.
They ate dinner enjoying the peaceful serenity between them. Even the house felt relaxed. The warm vanilla scent from Samantha’s candles filled their home. The crackling fire added to the mood. When they finished, he cleared away the dishes and started the dishwasher. He made his way down the hall and lit candles strategically around the room. The special massage oil Samantha made for him sat on the bedside table. He pulled the blankets to the end of the bed and laid the electric blanket on top, covered it with a sheet, and put the setting on warm.
When he returned to the living room, he took in her green cashmere sweater with tiny pearl like buttons. The jeans she wore surprised him. Lizzy usually wore pantsuits or skirts. Her makeup always appeared natural, and her hair professionally done with a bit of sassiness showing. Now he soaked in the longer wavy hair from the wig, her makeup barely there from crying, and the casualness of her outfit and he found her even more beautiful.
He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. He entered the doorway first and when she crossed the threshold, she stopped in her tracks and let go of his hand.
He watched as she swallowed and absorbed what she saw in the room. Her eyes met his and he witnessed the hurt and fear come into her expression.
“Take a breath, Lizzy Bee. Nothing will happen in here if you say no. I want to show you something.” He waited while the wheels turned over in her mind. The indecision showed clearly in her eyes. “Can you trust me?”
* * *