Page 73 of Loving Lizzy
Kassie smiled, “If Ivan and Victoria showed up at your door with a wad of cash and gave you instructions, wouldn’t you follow them? I imagine not many people turn them down.”
Catherine rose from the couch and took her plate to the dishwasher. “I’m ready to leave Samantha.”
“Don’t you need to tell Leo you’re heading to Seattle?” Kassie casually asked as she pulled a blanket over a tired Lizzy and placed the water bottle next to her on the tray.
Catherine rolled her eyes. “He’s on time out. I made him send the ridiculous boob thing back and he admitted he bought it in a moment of insecurity over the baby not creating a bond with him. I pointed out he and Melody created one easily and this time he’ll be present for the birth. I know he’s acting crazy, and the team takes it in stride after the monstrosity of a playground in my backyard. I kept the baby food maker and might experiment with it. He’s going through first time dad anxiety.”
“Why is he on time out? You sound as if you’re sympathetic to his craziness,” Lizzy asked.
“I never thought Leo capable of going over the top. He runs the team with a certain firm hand, a level head, and plans missions with his strategic abilities. I came home yesterday to find all the throw rugs removed from the entire house because they’re a safety hazard.” She rolled her eyes.
“Did you fall or something to make him worried?” Kassie asked as she went about picking up the living room.
“Nope. Then, he replaced all my cleaning products with Samantha’s natural products, which I don’t mind. I drew the line when I found a schedule for my pregnancy. He listed what foods I can eat according to a book he read, foods on a ‘No, no’ list, an exercise routine, and a scheduled bedtime.
“Oh, he did not, did he?” She asked incredulously.
“Yep, and he planned it through August to my due date. I tried explaining babies come in their own sweet time. At this point, I guess I’m grateful he gave me an entire day to give birth,” she sighed as the women laughed.
“If this didn’t tip me over the edge, he informed Melody we needed to postpone the puppy we promised her because he read how cats climb into the cribs and smother a baby sometimes. I asked, how many puppies have you witnessed climbing crib rails? We’re getting one of the failed service dog puppies from Chase and Kassie and we’re supposed to pick it up this weekend.” Catherine narrowed her eyes and her mouth firmed as she thought about it.
Bryanna shook her head, “He’s lucky you didn’t boot his butt over to the team’s building until you give birth.”
“Until he slacks off on the insanity, I’m doing as I please. I miss the afternoon naps. If he wants me to cooperate, he’ll loosen up on the boys and his family,” she told them determinedly.
Kassie, Bryanna, and Lizzy giggled. Knowing Leo and Catherine, this sounded like a battle of wills.
“Where’s your mom?” Bryanna asked her as she picked up their snacks and cleaned off Lizzy’s tray.
“She stopped walking to keep from running into Jake. The dating ruse is still happening. I can tell she’s ready to give up on Jake coming around. She’s spending time with Melody tonight and I’m asking her to spend the night, hoping to distract her,” she confessed. “Kassie, what about your birthday party and Easter egg hunt, do you still plan on holding it?”
Kassie stood. “Lizzy, we planned my birthday around your chemo schedule for you to recuperate enough to enjoy the party, I already gave Michael the details. Rest and we’ll handle everything from here. We’ll keep you posted as we get things ready and accomplished. I’ll text on our Serenity family group.”
The women left and Michael joined her in the living room. Her brain finally rested in peace knowing Diana’s hardship ended soon. Barb’s refrigerator contained enough food for the next three weeks until they took her home from chemo. Until then, Lizzy decided to keep in touch by phone.
* * *
Lizzy, thank you for giving the form to your friend. Four humongous delivery men showed up at my door to deliver supplies! They brought a ton of stuff and said tomorrow they’re bringing premade meals. One of the men sat down and went through a check list of foods we liked. Caleb’s thrilled about getting mac and cheese! I’m grateful you remembered the program. I can’t tell you what a load off my plate this is.
Diana texted.
I’m glad it helped. Please reach out if you need anything. We’re in this together.
Lizzy replied.
She smiled down at the text as Michael walked in with a cup of peppermint tea for her while he ate a late dinner.
“Diana texted. She’s excited about all the supplies the team took over for her. You reminded them to wear medical masks, right?”
“I did,” he reassured her.
“I can rest now knowing we relieved some of her stress. I can’t imagine the struggle. Luckily, Chase and Kassie carry excellent insurance as part of our benefit packages. I can’t imagine having to fight this battle, worrying about the hospital bills, and raising small children,” she sighed in relief.
“Unfortunately, the medical insurance system sucks. I’ll admit, I’m almost relieved Kassie included my practice as part of the hospital. We won’t have to turn away a sick kid. She mentioned she was scouting for an event coordinator for fundraising. It’ll go toward programs aimed at the kids and helping veterans with starting fresh.” Michael shook his head in amazement at the couple’s accomplishments.
“We talked about it when she visited the other day. She’s purchasing the land around her mountain and Bear’s. The contractor who worked on our home mentioned they’ll break ground on a few more cabins in another month,” she told him.
“Chase caught himself a great partner. She takes as much pride in the hospital as he does. I hope they figure out the infertility issues. She’s a dedicated mom.”