Page 79 of Loving Lizzy
Diana sighed and sat back in the chair. “Dr. Chase talked to my oncologist. I’m going in to see her in two weeks. I won’t be at chemo this coming week. I asked Michael to take us home tomorrow. I’m afraid if we stay any longer, my kids will demand we move here. Kassie never puts Faith down and when she does, you take her. Caleb believes Dr. Michael walks on water. He still hasn’t stopped talking about walking by the lake and seeing the frog Dr. Michael took from his throat and how he found him a new home.”
The trio giggled as they watched Kassie bounce baby Faith on her hip. The baby laughed and babbled at something. She smoothed down her hair and ran her hand down the child’s cheek. Emma ran and placed her arms around her mother’s waist and Kassie kissed the child’s head and laughed at something she said as the men rounded up the children into the back yard.
Lizzy and Catherine shared a silent communication. Their friend helped everyone on the mountain, and they felt helpless in giving her the one thing she desired most.
Maddie, Carol, Edie, and Debbie sat on the opposite side of the porch as they witnessed the men gather the children and pass out baskets. Victoria stood at the end of the porch and observed the young woman she’d come to love as her own with a shrewd gaze.
Kassie disappeared from the lawn and a few minutes later she walked onto the back porch with Faith. Leo whistled and kids ran everywhere searching for eggs. Squeals and laughter filled the yard as the children ran to show each other their finds. The men ran around chasing them. Saint hauled Nugget over his shoulder. Leo scooped Melody up. Emma hopped on Chase’s back for a ride. Whiskey held LJ high in the air as he made helo sounds. Shadow swung Caleb up on his back for a piggyback ride, making him beam ear to ear. Taco and Michael carried the baskets inside.
Maddie and Carol covertly headed toward the kitchen while the women chatted. Bryanna and Samantha arrived, carrying a birthday cake and cookies. They sat everything on the table on the opposite end of the porch to keep the children away from Lizzy and Diana. The men piled onto the porch and sent the kids into the house to wash their hands.
Chase started the grill and brought out an array of chicken, burgers, and hot dogs while the men carried out iced trays to place the cold salads, veggies, and fruits on. Bryanna set out her homemade hamburger and hot dog buns. Saint went over to grab one of the homemade cookies when Bryanna gently smacked his hand away. She nodded toward Nugget and stated loudly, “We don’t get dessert before we eat nutritious food to nourish our bodies. Sneaking cookies without permission isn’t acceptable.” Saint removed his hand.
“I apologize, I didn’t ask first and you’re correct. We need good food to help us grow.” Saint steered Nugget from the dessert table.
Michael helped take the burgers from the grill. He loaded two plates with a bit of everything and handed one to Lizzy and the other to Diana. He plucked Faith from Kassie’s arms.
“Go get your food. It’s your birthday. Faith and I will hang out here.” Michael came back with a bottle and sat down across from the ladies while he fed the baby. He talked to her and made funny faces while the women watched, enjoying his antics.
“He’s great with kids. I don’t even think my husband paid Faith this much attention. He certainly never changed diapers.” Diana took a bite of the fresh fruit. She turned her head as she watched Taco lean down and cut Caleb’s hot dog in half. The child pointed to the mac and cheese and the bowl of fruit. Shadow scooped out a small helping of each while Taco held the boy and his plate.
Leo glanced toward Catherine, who smiled sweetly as she ate her grilled chicken and a plate of fruit. He nodded toward the burgers when Catherine cleared her throat and pointed to her plate. Leo grimaced and muttered something under his breath sending the women into a fit of laughter.
“How long do you think he’ll keep this up?” Kassie asked as she sat down and smiled as Michael finished Faith’s bottle and laid her over his shoulder and rubbed circles on her back.
“Oh, my guess he’ll cave in a half an hour,” Catherine answered smugly.
“What did you do?” Kassie put her fork down and waited for her friend to speak.
“I didn’t do anything. I can’t predict what Bryanna or Edie bring for desserts. I witnessed Edie bringing in one of her famous pecan pies and Bryanna made the chocolate mousse cake in the fridge. My husband has a fondness for both, and I don’t believe fresh fruit will take their place,” Catherine bit back her laughter.
Chase made his way over to his wife after making Emma’s plate. “Did Jake text you? He promised to come after he finished at the Keller farm.”
Kassie soothingly rubbed her husband’s leg. “I’m sure he’s running late. He won’t miss my birthday.”
Carol stared forlornly at her plate and didn’t say a word. Since their argument, Carol didn’t mention him at all.
When everyone finished eating, the women collected the paper plates while the men lugged the containers of foods into the kitchen.
“Your friends work as a team. I can’t imagine belonging to such a group,” Diana told Lizzy as they watched everyone work. It proved useless to try to help when everyone shot dirty looks in their direction if they tried.
“Now you’re part of it. Once they adopt you into the fold, you’re theirs forever. We found that out when we moved to Serenity. It was the best decision we ever made. It made our relationship stronger, and we have come to realize we need to put each other first. My friends surrounded me with support and I’m grateful for their help. The team shaved their heads to support me, but I suspect it helped Michael to realize he belonged in the family. I’m blessed beyond measure,” Lizzy sighed as she watched him take Faith to the portable crib.
The guys grabbed a playground ball and coaxed the kids to run off their energy with a game of kick ball. The women relaxed and chatted on the porch when Jake yelled from the deck below.
“Carol, may I speak to you? Can you walk with me on the trail?”
The women stopped talking. Lizzy watched as Carol pursed her lips and her hands clenched into fists. She stood and went to the screened in railing.
“I’ll not be starting this again at Kassie’s birthday party. We won’t be going for any walks, sharing any meals, and you can stop watching my house. We share family and we’ll see each other now and again as friends. You’re welcome to come and get food in the kitchen, there’s plenty of leftovers.”
“Can you come down here for a moment…please,” Jake pleaded.
“I said no and I mean it. You made yourself clear and I’ve accepted your decision. If you don’t mind, I’m going back to visiting with my friends.”
“Dang it, woman, why do you have to be stubborn? I want to tell you I’m sorry for acting like such a stubborn a—” Jake whipped his hat off his head and gripped it as he glanced back at the children. “You know. I love you. I miss our walks and washing dishes together and sitting on the front porch talking about all our kids here. I never thought to find another woman who meant as much to me as Bonnie. Yet, you taught me love comes in different forms and although I’ll always cherish the time I spent with her, you make me happy. What I’m trying to say is Carol Reese, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and watching our kids grow. I want to marry you if you’ll have me.”
Carol’s hand shot to her mouth in shock as she let out a little cry.