Page 35 of Rescuing Ryder
Claire pursed her lips and shook her head. “No, sergeant. I want to speak with Captain Greene. I’ll wait until his meeting concludes. Can you let him know I’m waiting?”
The sergeant nodded even though he didn’t seem pleased with her demand and went to inform his boss.
Half an hour later, the officer led her back to the captain’s office.
“Hello, I’m Captain Greene. I understand you’ve worked with one of my detectives, Detective Stewart. I’ve seen his notes and follow-up calls. What can I do for you, Dr. Meyers?”
Claire shook his hand and sat across from his desk. “I received a card.” She pulled out the plastic baggy with the contents sealed inside. “Detective Stewart says he called the facility and ensured David Kilner still resides there. I’m sorry if I sound pushy. This person continues to threaten me. The letter says it’s mailed from Seattle. There’s no one else who holds a grudge against me. I testified against David Kilner before taking the position with Seattle Health. Can you please send someone over to make sure he’s there? He’s dangerous to society,” she spoke desperately.
“I understand. I’ll ask Detective Stewart to go over personally to allay your fears. I’ll take this evidence to the lab and ask them to put a rush on it. I’m afraid the package you brought didn’t contain fingerprints other than yours,” Captain Greene informed her.
She sighed and pursed her lips, “I’ve tried reaching Dr. Gregory Klein. His mother suffers from dementia, and I’m guessing he took some time off to spend it with her. We testified against this man, and if I’m receiving threats, he may be in danger, too. Can you check his mail for any suspicious packages?”
The captain shook his head. “I can’t search his belongings without a warrant or just cause. The facility confirmed that David Kilner resides there over the phone, safely tucked away. I’ll see if Detective Stewart can track down Dr. Klein and ask him if he received anything odd. I feel you’re getting pranked, Dr. Meyers, and from your appearance, I believe they’re succeeding. Why don’t you return home and let us do our job? If I discover anything, I’ll send someone to you.”
“I appreciate your help and don’t want to become a bother. Frankly, I’ll feel relieved if you discover a couple of teens pranking me at this point. These notes feel sinister,” she explained.
The captain chuckled. “I imagine they do. Detective Stewart said you recently moved to Serenity. A new place, a new person to scare over the hot, summer months. We see this all the time,” he assured her.
“Thank you for your time.” Feeling brushed off again, she rose and left his office.
The security people called and explained they experienced a delay, and as soon as the equipment showed up, they promised to reschedule. She returned to the house and packed a suitcase to bring to her office, praying Chase and Kassie didn’t discover her little secret of spending nights in her office.
Claire felt like an unprofessional nightmare. Not to mention, she maced one of her bosses. Slapping herself on the forehead, she attempted to stay quietly in her office and read one of her books, thinking how she felt off-kilter lately.
Ryder entered her thoughts. She failed to see him over the last couple of days. Giving him the weekend to reconcile his feelings, she decided to approach him on Monday. Aware the button in his closet set off an alarm the day she pushed him, she wanted to rush to his cabin. Instead, she sent Whiskey, who promised he and the team kept Ryder within their sites.
They grew comfortable with one another during their morning jogs and the time he spent fixing things in her home. Unlike her past patients, Ryder grew too close for her comfort. The desire to help him burned deep, but butterflies moved in her stomach when she thought of him as a man. His thick chest and massive arms made her feel safe, especially now.
Shaking her head, she reasoned her feelings for Ryder would never exist if she weren’t concerned over David Kilner. Somehow, she must keep Ryder at a distance to help him. The thought of doing so made her chest feel heavy, and sadness floated over her. Ryder deserved her professional expertise to heal, not her personal feelings.
Dr. Winters held his daughter’s hand with one hand and carried the baby carrier in the other. He nodded at Ryder as he met him at the nursery door.
“Leo’s dropping Kassie off and picking up Em. Then we can chat,” he instructed him as he placed the baby on the changing table and unbuckled her. Emma ran to the swing, held it as he put the baby in, and covered her, careful not to wake her. Then Chase turned to Em and gave her a high five as they cheered silently.
“Sorry, Kassie’s been afraid to hold Tori for the last few days and Ladybug has acted as my helper. She’s the best big sister ever,” he explained to Ryder, clearly saying it for Emma’s benefit. “Catherine asked Kassie to check on Bryanna this morning.”
“I can wait,” Ryder assured him as he watched the hall uneasily.
He witnessed Claire disappearing to her office late at night. Ryder didn’t like the thought of her driving down the mountain late at night. He wondered why she stayed late and if she saw other patients then. Not wanting to approach her, he kept his distance over the last week, refusing to discuss the day sheblindfolded him and what he saw. After all, she insisted he had choices, and he chose not to talk about it.
At some point, he knew he’d have to inform her about his request to switch psychiatrists. Something held him back. He attempted to write her a short note, and they now lay on the cabin floor, like his thoughts over the last few days. He tried to call and leave a message, but it seemed like a chicken’s way out. Then he reasoned he still needed to talk to Dr. Winters, resolving afterward he planned to tell her of his decision.
He watched as Leo lightly held onto Kassie’s arm while he led her to the nursery. As they grew closer his eyes widened at Kassie’s reddened face. Her eyes appeared bloodshot, but she still smiled at the residents.
“Hello, Ryder, how are you doing?” she greeted him.
“A helluva a lot better than you, it seems. What happened to you?” he asked, forgetting little Emma remained in the nursery with her little sister.
She painfully smiled as she glanced in her daughter’s direction. “I experienced a little bit of an accident. But I feel much better since Dr. Emma and her daddy cared for me. Em, grab your backpack. Uncle Leo’s taking you to school with Melody. She went down to the cafeteria with Claire for a muffin if you want to pick something. She’s waiting for you and her dad there,” she addressed the little girl.
When she left, Chase hovered over Kassie. “Why don’t you stay at home today and return on Monday? I’ll see to your patients,” he coddled her.
She brushed him away, annoyed. “I feel loads better. It only appears worse because of my fair skin,” she protested.
Ryder narrowed his eyes and came closer to Kassie. Using his fingers, he tipped her chin upward to examine her more closely. “Who the hell sprayed you with pepper spray?” he barked. Ready to defend the defenseless redhead against whoever did such amenacing trick on her. Her husband didn’t seem pleased with him handling his wife freely but with her delicate skin, the redness stood out like a homing beacon.