Page 87 of Rescuing Ryder
“She’s blessed to have such a caring son. As you know, the elderly don’t tend to have many family members devoted to their care.”
“I’m relieved she’s in a place where they understand the rantings of dementia and provide her with the care she needs.”
Claire finished her cup and Dr. Klein put his tea on the tray.
“I’ll take this to the kitchen, then we can leave.” Claire rose to pick up the tray when a wave of dizziness overcame her.
“Allow me to take it to the kitchen,” he offered.
Claire smiled weakly as she sat down to allow the feeling to pass. When he returned, Dr. Klein held his hand out, and she grasped it. Leaning against him, she picked up her purse and exited the house. Taking her keys, he locked the door behind them and assisted Claire into the car.
Warning bells started to ring in her head as her body grew sluggish. It took too much effort to raise her gaze as Claire attempted to ask him to call for help. Her mouth refused to work, and her arms lay by her side like limp noodles. Dr. Klein leaned over her and buckled her in.
“Don’t fight it, Claire. Let the meds kick in and you’ll feel better soon,” he soothed.
Panic hit Claire as her body slowly refused to move. She scanned the area, hoping someone witnessed her inside the car,yet she saw no one. Her heart raced and she screamed her terror inside her head when the car began to move.
He pulled out of the driveway and turned toward Seattle. Claire’s body moved side to side with the vehicle, causing her face to hit the passenger window. She watched the landscape change as they neared the main road. The mountain’s access road came into view and she screamed silently, pleading for someone to help her.
“I’m sorry, Claire. If Kilner succeeded in doing his job, I wouldn’t be the one to do this. I’ve always admired your determination and drive to learn how the mind works. Once, I strived to become exactly like you. My mother thought me a strange child, especially when she caught me with the brains of small animals. She didn’t understand the calling to discover how the mind worked or how you can manipulate it like putty in your hands.”
Terror shook her to the core. Claire’s mind flipped through the files as she recalled the notes in the margins and how Dr. Klein pointed out the flaws of Kilner’s temporary insanity plea. Her young mind, eager to learn from one of the best, soaking up every detail. She believed every single suggestion Dr. Klein presented to her, ignoring her own instincts. What had she done?
Ryder ran into the house. Shadow and Taco worked in the dining room while Leo spoke with Matthew on the phone.
“Did you find anything?” Ryder asked. The adrenaline kicked in as he scanned the house, searching for any indication of her being harmed.
“Nothing. The alarm wasn’t set. Matthew arrived to allow the electrician in while Claire went to the hospital. When she didn’t return, Matthew called Kassie, who said Claire never came to the hospital. We know she slept here and drank tea this morning. It’s sitting in the kitchen. We’re checking with all the women to see if she mentioned her plans this morning. There’s a second cup on the tray. We’ve sealed both and sent them to Matthew’s friend in the lab for fingerprints. Saint’s checking with the neighbor. She returned home a few minutes ago,” Whiskey reported.
Ryder walked the house, checking windows and doors. Entering the bedroom, he viewed the wadded tissues beside the bed and his shirt beside her pillow on the unmade bed. Another indication something went wrong; she never left the bed without making it in the morning.
He exited the bedroom and went to the study. Sitting at the desk, he pushed the false bottom to discover the file she continued to work on. Ryder picked it up and brought it to Chase. “I don’t know if this has anything to do with her disappearance, but Claire kept reading the file and writing in the margins. I don’t know the legalities of searching the records, but can you do it? You might notice something,” he added.
Chase accepted the file and sat at the dining table. His hand skimmed each page as he turned them. Kassie ran inside and went directly to her husband.
“Did you find her yet?” Her wide eyes and her hair scooped into a messy bun showed she rushed to help.
“No, Princess. Ryder gave me this file. You read Claire’s writing more than I do. Can you search the file?”
Kassie sat and pulled the folder to her. “This isn’t all her handwriting.” She pushed the page toward her husband. “Do you see the differences?”
Chase nodded. “Can you tell who wrote them? Did they leave a signature?”
Kassie bit her lip as she read the margins and turned the pages.
Ryder approached Kassie. “Did she mention meeting with anyone today?”
Kassie shook her head. “No.”
Leo approached him. “The neighbor said she saw you enter the house. Can you talk to her?”
Ryder skipped the stairs two at a time and jogged next door. Saint pointed to him as he drew closer. She shook her head and pointed at the driveway.
“Did you see Claire getting into a car? She can’t drive because of her eye injury,” he rushed. “Did someone pick her up?”
The older woman squinted up at him. “I thought you did. The man’s hair resembled your color and he wore glasses. Clairedidn’t seem distressed. He helped her inside and buckled her in. The poor dear must’ve suffered another headache because she held her head down and leaned against him.