Page 91 of Rescuing Ryder
Leo picked the lock to the sliding glass door on the deck and slid inside after watching Dr. Klein walk to the back of the apartment. Ryder followed at his heels. His head cleared and his breathing slowed as he prepared to slay Claire’s monster.
Ryder heard Klein speaking to Claire.
Hold on, Claire Bear, I’m coming.
Shadow slipped through the front door as Taco covered the back stairs. Leo signaled the men and they moved as one toward the back, clearing the rooms as they went.
Leo motioned for Ryder to take the lead, as they heard Klein. “You’d want to die swiftly and with little fuss.” He turned the corner to see him insert a syringe into the bag and he took the shot. Ryder, Leo and Taco rushed in, removing Klein’s body from Claire. Chase rushed into the room, pulling the IV from her arm. Claire lay motionless on the bed. Ryder’s heart pounded in his chest as he held the upper half of her body. Chase checked her pulse and called 911.
Sirens blared as Ryder held her tightly, urging her to fight. They rushed her through the ER, Chase barking orders and giving vitals.
Someone said something to him. He didn’t hear. His body went numb as he slid against the wall.
Gunner, are you there? Silence met him. Now you choose to stop speaking to me? Damn it, I need her. She can’t be gone. Please tell me she makes it. I’ll do whatever you want. Make her fight. Do whatever you gotta do. You made them find me. You figure out where the hell she is and tell her I’m ordering her to fight. I’ll even live in the damn pink abomination. I won’t even complain,he begged. I need her. I love her.
One week later, Chase entered the room. Ryder sat in the chair beside her bed, refusing to leave her side. His scruff turned into a full-grown beard and he stank. Ryder didn’t care. He wanted her to see him when she opened her eyes.
Chase addressed him, “Ryder. They want to move Claire to a different facility. I know a few colleagues on staff and asked them to transfer Claire home to Serenity Mountain. She named me as power of attorney for all medical decisions.”
“Did they figure out what he gave her?” he asked wearily.
Chase sighed. “It appears he experimented with his own variation of drugs. Matthew located the mother and they’re running tests. We combed through the anesthesia meds, and believe he gave her a paralytic. Then he mixed it with something else. Any treatment we give her without knowing exactly what he added can make the difference between a full recovery or a permanent state. Her vitals remain stable. Leo ordered the helo to evac her, and we can transfer her as soon as they sign off.”
“Bring it. She wants to go home,” he whispered. His voice held very little fight after waiting seven days for her to wake. Claire never opened her eyes and he knew what Chase refusedto say. The longer Claire stayed under the influence of whatever Klein gave her, the chances of her waking dimmed by the day.
Chase made the necessary arrangements. Ryder flew in the helo with her and wondered if Claire feared heights. He held her hand as they made the short flight to the mountain. Kassie, Catherine and Lizzy waited for them to touch down. They wheeled her to a room where the women surrounded her, making her comfortable and cleaning her up.
Leo’s hand on his shoulder kept him from entering. “Give the women a few minutes. They’re concerned, too. She’s family and they need to help.” He steered him to a room across the hall. Clean clothes and a razor lay on the bed. Ryder took the subtle hint and decided to shower.
He towel-dried his hair and threw the towels in the basket before returning to her room. Claire resembled a sleeping angel. The women bathed and dressed her in pretty pink pajamas. A pregnant Samantha leaned over to fix her hair. Kassie covered her with a homemade quilt and ran the IV. The room smelled of jasmine, Claire’s favorite scent.
Samantha smoothed the finishing touches before exiting, leaving Kassie alone. She glanced up and noticed him.
“Come in. We gave Claire all the gossip and promised her when you returned, you’d smell better. Lunch will arrive in a few minutes,” Kassie informed him as she wrote down her last vitals.
Ryder moved to the opposite side and kissed Claire’s forehead.
“Talk to her. We don’t know if she can hear us or not. Let her know we aren’t giving up and reassure her. I can’t imagine how scared she must’ve felt, paralyzed and unable to move and fight. Give her a reason to hold on, Ryder.”
Kassie left the room.
Ryder held Claire’s hand. “Kassie says to talk to you. I hope you can hear me, Claire Bear. We aren’t giving up. I askedMichael to stop by the house and pick up one of your books. After lunch, I’ll read to you.” She lay there, unresponsive to his touch or voice. Ryder wanted to shake her and demand she return to them.
“Chase found a scientist and a pharmaceutical maker who specializes in making paralytics. They’re working overtime to discover what he gave you. The Seattle police gave us access to the evidence and Chase took pictures of everything from the apartment,” he informed her.
The nurse, Annabelle, walked in with a tray of snacks for him. “Hello, Claire. Kassie sent me with snacks and later, I’ll bring lunch. We’re having Chicken salad sandwiches and fruit salad today. Ricky, from the kitchen, sends his love. He says he’ll make you the best omelet you’ve ever eaten when you wake up.”
She placed the tray on the hospital table and left Ryder alone.
“Come on, Claire. Talk to me. Yell at me. You keep shouting about choices. You pushed me to make mine. Now, I’m pushing you. Do you want a life withering away in this bed or a lifetime with me? I made a choice when I stepped off the plane to come for you and I’m not leaving without you. Make a choice, sweetheart. Choose me. Choose us,” he pleaded.
Chase entered the room. “They believe they discovered what he gave her. They found a vial hidden in his mother’s room with a syringe. We’re testing it now. His mother woke and can’t move her limbs, but she started saying a few words. She doesn’t make much sense. The authorities will talk to her. If she woke on her own, we’re hoping Claire can fight her way through it, too.”
Ryder squeezed Claire’s hand. “Did you hear Chase? Please, don’t give up. I’m not leaving your side.”