Page 32 of Rescuing Baylee
“Yeah,” the sergeant sighed, “but that’s why we get paid the big bucks. Right?”
Hunter laughed. Cops were not paid big bucks by any means. “Right,” he drawled. “Still on for the softball game next weekend?”
“You know it,” Porter laughed.
Hunter started the car, rolled up the window, and pulled away.
“He seems like a nice guy,” Baylee said.
Landon glanced at her. “He is. The upper brass have tried to promote him off the street several times, but he loves running out here. And he’s a good supervisor, so they let him. Watch for anything out of the ordinary, okay? Keep your head on a swivel.”
“Roger that,” she said, but she didn’t even need the instruction. As soon as they’d pulled onto the street, her awareness had crept up. She knew someone, or several someones, had been watching her, and she knew that her life was literally in danger.
She was also aware of the undercurrents in the conversation between the two men. Were they hoping they would see the gang bangers? She was presenting them with the perfect opportunity to catch them.
They went quiet as he pulled into the alley behind the apartment building. This was mostly a storage area, thoughthere were a few parking spots. Landon backed into one and turned off the car, then he looked around for a few long, heart pounding seconds.
“Do you have your keys?”
She nodded, patting her cross-body bag.
“Then let’s go.”
They stepped out of the car, the night air cool against their skin. The apartment building loomed ahead, dark and quiet, but Baylee’s senses were on high alert. She scanned the area, looking for anything out of place, but everything seemed normal. Too normal, perhaps.
With a protective hand at the base of her spine, he escorted her into the building. They crept past Mrs. Traeger’s apartment on the ground floor and jogged up the stairs to the second floor. At her door, Landon took her keys from her and went in first. She watched as he went through the entire apartment, his gun out as he checked the shadows. She followed along, quietly. Everything was just as she’d left it. No signs of forced entry or disturbance.
The apartment wasn’t huge, so it was easy enough to check. He stopped in the living room. “It’s clear.”
Baylee heard the buzz of a cell phone, and he pulled it from his pocket. He read the text, then turned the phone so that she could read it as well.
We’ve got eyes on Hector. He’s at a known hangout several blocks away. Looks like you’re clear for now but stay sharp.
Landon sent a quick acknowledgment and then turned to Baylee. “We’re clear, but let’s not take any chances. Get your bag packed and find the cat.”
Turning to the kitchen, she poured some cat food into his bowl and started calling for Siggy. He crept out of the dark, meowing pitifully. Crouching, she scratched him on the head fora few seconds. “Oh, buddy. You’re fine. Eat some food and then we’re going to go for a ride.”
Baylee left Siggy eating his food and eyeing Landon malevolently.
“Do you need a bag?”
Indecision crossed his face, and he glanced toward her door. “No, get your stuff and we’ll stop at my apartment on the way out.”
She nodded, moving quickly. She would let Siggy eat his food and then she would grab him on the way out. He hated his cat carrier, so as soon as she pulled it out of the hallway closet, he would know something was up and probably bolt. Cat carrier usually equaled vet, so he would be upset.
Baylee moved toward the bedroom, grabbing a backpack from the hall closet. She started stuffing things inside. She packed enough panties for a week, then a few changes of clothes, some cash. Then she grabbed a spare mag for her Glock and a box of rounds. Hopefully, she wouldn’t need any of this.
Moving to the bathroom, she grabbed her essentials and dropped them into her makeup bag, then she stashed it in her backpack. Pausing, she looked around the bedroom. Was there anything else she needed? She didn’t think so.
Moving back out to the living room, she closed her laptop and put in the protective sleeve, then slid it down into the backpack sleeve. Then she wrapped the charger, using a Velcro tab to keep the cord looped. Glancing around, she tried to imagine what she might need, but her mind was a little chaotic. Anything else?
No, she didn’t think so.
She set the zipped backpack at the door and walked toward Siggy. He’d guarded his food, but he hadn’t eaten much because he’d been glaring at Landon. She grabbed a cloth grocery sack and packed his dry food, then several cans of wet. She wouldhave to find a box lid or something he could use as a litter box at the house.
Reaching her hand around his belly, she gave him some loves, then moved to the hallway closet. Before he could argue, she’d dropped him down into the crate she’d opened when she’d grabbed her backpack. He gave a howl of indignation, then went quiet as she closed the door and righted the cage. He was just going to have to be pissed at her.
Landon snorted at the cat’s predicament. Before he could say something, his phone buzzed again, this time with a call from Morgan. He answered quickly. “Morgan, what’s up?”