Page 42 of Rescuing Baylee
“I do,” she said softly. “I tend to get really attached to them though. Which can be heartbreaking sometimes. They don’t all make it.”
Baylee was surprised when Landon reached out and gripped her hand, resting it on her thigh. It was an unexpected, thoughtful thing to do, and her throat tightened with emotion.
When one of her patients died, sometimes she would call Olivia and they would talk about it. Olivia had her own demons to deal with, though, and Baylee didn’t always feel like she hadthe right to add to them. And since she’d gotten together with Connor, and had the new baby, Baylee hadn’t always felt like she could take time from their relationship. They’d been together a year, now, and they were doing so good. Baylee loved Connor and felt like he was the perfect match for her friend.
Rex was in an amazing relationship, too. Lauren was also a cop, which she thought was kind of ironic. They were getting married at Lauren’s farm in a few weeks.
Baylee was very thankful that Liv and Rex had found love, but she was a little envious. It was hard being the fifth wheel when they all managed to get together.
Seems like they’d all fallen for first responders.
Leave it to her to be the last and the most difficult. Then she realized what she’d thought. Had she started to fall for Landon Hunter?
She was kind of amazed that he was still here. She’d expected some kind of withdrawal after she told him about being raped, but he’d only shown her support. And she didn’t think he had any ulterior motives.
And the way he looked at her…
She looked down at his hand, held in her own. His fingers were long and strong, and there was a dusting of dark hair peeking from beneath his shirt cuff. She wanted those fingers to stroke her skin and mould her body. She wanted those fingers to cup her face as he kissed her again. It had been a long time since she’d felt a connection to someone this strong, and she was scared how out of control she felt when she was around him.
In a way, she was disappointed not to be stuck in that terrible brown house with him. Maybe if they’d been there a little longer, things would have progressed more.
No, it wouldn’t have worked in a forced situation. They both needed air to breathe, and space to retreat, and the ability tomake decisions freely. So, he needed to know that she wanted him.
The thought of going to bed with Landon Hunter was exciting to her. Did she have the gumption to tell him that?
They drove back to the apartment building, his hand holding hers the entire way. When they got out of the car, he escorted her inside. There was a cool breeze blowing, which was nice, but it made his scent swirl around her. They walked upstairs, and Baylee was suddenly worried that he was going to see her inside and disappear. “Did you maybe want to grab some dinner?” she asked, a little breathless.
A smile spread across his mouth. “I would love to. I didn’t know if you’d be up for it, or not.”
“There’s this great little Chinese place that delivers…”
“The Red Dragon?” he asked, and she grinned, nodding. “I love that place. Sold!”
Baylee closed the door behind him as he stepped in and secured all the locks. Then she turned to lean against the door and look at him. She had the wild thought that maybe she was holding him inside, and it was almost enough to make her giggle.
Landon grinned at the look on her face and tilted his head. “What are you thinking?”
She shrugged lightly. “I just had the thought that you’re trapped now, in my lair.”
He snorted, glancing down at Siggy, who had stalked up to look at them. “With your protective dragon…” He reached out to stroke her hair. She’d left it down, and it curled slightly in the heat. “And you look like a princess with all this hair. I know it was a somber day, but I thought you looked beautiful.”
Baylee felt the blush creep up her cheeks, but she lifted her chin. “Thank you for saying that.”
When Landon lowered his head to her, she could have moved away, but she really didn’t want to. Instead, she reached upto touch his freshly shaved jaw, running her fingers over the texture of his skin. And she leaned up to meet his kiss.
As soon as his lips touched hers, Baylee felt like she was falling. She held onto Landon, knowing he would never let her stumble. His strong arms wrapped around her, and he pulled her close as he kissed her. His hands clutched at her, and it set off a chain reaction inside her. His fingers squeezed and her body responded.
She’d known that this coming, this connection. It had been building for a long time. Even when she’d thought he was aggravated with her as they passed in the hallway, there had been an awareness there. And the closer they’d gotten over the past few days had only cemented that connection.
Landon tilted his head and made this sound in his throat that set something in her body quivering. She wanted to hear that sound again.
Drawing back enough to look up at him, she took a deep breath for courage. “I know you were here for the case, but I’m hoping you’ll stay for me, at least a little longer. I really like you, Landon, and I think we could be good together.”
He gave her a rakish smile. “Iknowwe’d be good together, but I’m willing to take it slowly. You’re worth waiting for.”
Baylee made a bit of a face. ”And what if I don’t want to wait?”
Immediately, the tension between them ratcheted up. There was a quiver in his shoulders as he cupped her face to kiss her again. “Tell me clearly, Baylee, so there’s no confusion.” There was a rasp to his voice that hadn’t been there before.