Page 14 of Court of Aether and Shadows
I nodded, processing this information while taking her in.
We were the same height of 5’2” but she was a lot skinnier than me. She had that athletic build that told you she was easily a long-distance runner.I could probably beat her in a short-distance race.
"You're the medic?" I decide to ask so I don’t look so awkward staring at her like I haven’t seen a normal human being in a long minute.
Well, I was stuck in a different realm of sorts for three days thanks to being unconscious, so maybe that relates to my situation just a little bit.
She smiled, her expression transforming her stern features into something almost motherly. It’s weird, but then again, she could have children.
"Dr. Elenore Vasquez, at your service. Though 'medic' works just fine in our circles. Less paperwork that way."
I couldn't help but return her smile. There was something comforting about her presence, a steadiness that put me at ease despite the unfamiliar surroundings.
"I know who you are, Sparrow," she cut me off gently. "Your reputation precedes you. Now, let's take a look at those bandages, shall we?"
Reputation?Oh right. People in the underground assume I’m some sort of prodigy murderer. Apparently, it’s not normal for someone in their early twenties to be able to kill so flawlessly.
Alright, it’s a bit fucked up, but I take pride in succeeding in surviving and killing my prey, near or far.
If such behaviors end up getting me a reputation —good or bad —I should just be grateful and move right along.
As Elenore carefully unwrapped the dressing on my side, I hissed through clenched teeth, because fuck!It hurts like a bitch.It’s been a hot minute since I got wounded like this. I don’t normally make such errors in judgment when on the “battlefield”.
If we can even call it that.
The wound looked angry and red, but she seemed satisfied enough with what she saw because she was bobbing her head in approval.
"Healing nicely," she murmured, applying some kind of salve that smelled of herbs and electricity. "Another day or two and you should be mobile. Though I'd advise against any acrobatics for at least a week."
I snorted.
Yeah fucking right.
You can’t pick and choose whether you have to jump out a window and cartwheel your way down a fleet of stairs to enjoy another day in the land of the living.
"No promises, doc."
She fixed me with a stern look, but I could see the amusement lurking in her violet eyes.
"I mean it, young lady. I didn't pull you back from the brink of your demise, just to have you undo all my hard work."
“Alright, alright. I’ll be good.” I can promise that much, because, despite everything and her being relatively a strangeroutside of her name and profession, I was grateful to live another day.
You always express your gratitude, for you never know when it’ll come back in return.
As she worked, rebandaging the wound with practiced efficiency, I found myself studying her more closely. There was something... different about her. A kind of energy that I couldn't quite put my finger on.
It could be this weird sense of energy around her. Like some sort of aura, only it’s something that burns in the depths of its invisibility. Moving in waves of hypnotic intrigue, but fading in and out of existence whenever I dare try to focus on one or the other.
"So," I said, trying to distract myself from the discomfort of an awkward silence, "what's new in the world? Did I miss anything exciting while I was out?"
Brilliant Sparrow. Just act as if you were in a coma for five years and missed out on WWIII, the presidential elections, and watching the new seasons of You on Netflix.
Elenore's hands stilled for just a moment, so briefly I almost thought I'd imagined it. It’s an odd jerk of action, but I can’t tell what it was for. I decide to dismiss it because there’s nothing I can say to make such a “regular” reaction sound odd.
When Elenore spoke, her voice was carefully neutral.