Page 18 of Triadic
I touched eyes with Corbi, seeing the pain written there that I too felt. We'd mentioned Wren in front of Peter before, but Peter had been so sick, it was no wonder he didn't remember.
Deliberating on how to explain our situation, I settled on making it lighthearted. "Your meditation on the bardic triads isn't the only thing triadic around here. Corbi, Wren, and I had a bonding experience when wewere seventeen. Wren had a spiritual scare, and thankfully the instructors fixed it and brought him back. The three of us were already best friends, but that frightening night brought us closer. By the time we came of age at twenty, and by monastery rules we could take sexual partners, it was the most natural thing in the world for the three of us to just stay together."
"You were all in a relationship?" he asked.
Corbi hummed ascent.
"Where's Wren now?"
"He was called to serve at a mountain shrine a few weeks ago, so we ended our relationship," explained Corbi, his voice hollowed out.
Peter gasped, stared at Corbi, shocked, then turned those disbelieving eyes on me. "Just like that? And you were together for years?"
I couldn't take the heartache anymore; it made me want to run sprints and scream, so I changed the topic. "Corbi, Peter says he wants to train here."
My partner brightened. "Indeed? Do you feel called by the gods?"
Peter blinked at him. "…no?"
A silent moment stretched on, then Corbi and I collapsed into a fit of giggles.
Peter scratched the back of his neck bashfully. "Sorry? If the gods are calling me, they need to send another messenger my way, because I must have missed the other ones…"
Corbi swiped tears from his eyes, and I was just glad they were from laughing too hard. "Nein-nein, you're all right, Peter."
"I'll train him myself," I said softly. "If the instructors really do refuse."
They both softened. Peter smiled. "Thanks, Marit."
Corbi sat on the bed, and Peter scooted up next to him in what had become their routine. After checking Peter over, Corbi would then massage the different energy centers all over Peter's body, gently and soothingly, to help any blockages in his life force to break free and flow.
Glancing at my book of triads, I offered to fill the silence. "Three aspects of the mental plane: consciousness, discernment, and memory."
As I recited more of our beginner's curriculum, something glinted and caught my eye. I glanced up to find Peter so relaxed against Corbi, he was nearly a puddle, about to fall asleep. Corbi, focused on his task, didn't see the look Peter was giving him, so calm and content.
But there was something more there, and that was the golden shimmering in my astral vision that kept me thinking Peter was angelic. Angels were people literally made of love, the same substance from the astral plane. Peter looked at Corbi and radiated that same glow.
Corbi glanced up and caught my gaze, raising his eyebrows in question. I realized I'd stopped reciting but couldn't bring myself to stop looking at them both, my heart in my throat.
"Alles okay?" asked Corbi.
Peter turned my way with an easy smile, blissed out and content as Corbi continued massaging him.
"I'm okay," I answered, sharing in their warmth.
Peter fell asleep in my arms, deep enough that I was able to lay him down and get him tucked under the covers without waking him. Marit and I stood side by side a moment and just watched him sleep. He was recovering quickly after getting rid of the last of the poison. Aside from a troubled tummy that would take more time, especially if the pain was from an ulcer, I had no doubt that he would make a full recovery back to an equilibrium of decent health.
Marit brushed my hand with his fingertips, and I linked us together, looking at him in question. He cocked his head at the door, and we quietly let ourselves out. Together as one, we went up the stairs and to our room, where I shut the door so we could have a bit of privacy.
Marit lit the oil lamp. I saw worry in his eyes and waited for him to speak.
"The way he looked at you this evening, Corbi…" he trailed off.
My chest ached. "I can feel it in his etheric force when I touch him."
He met my eyes, and as always, my Marit gave it to me plain. "He cares for you."