Page 26 of Ceridor
The book forgotten, I pulled against the restraints and struggled as Johann grabbed my hips in a vice grip, spread my cheeks with his thumbs and drove into me, his cock filling me up and pulsing in my channel that strained to take all of him. I might have been in the habit of prepping myself but stopping just short so he still stretched me, and it seemed this time my lover was going to make me pay for it.
His balls smacked against mine and both pleasure and pain shot through me, my nut sac already trapped and squeezed by my weight—and now Johann's—pushing it into the bed. I was so stimulated my cock was ready to come all over the pillow.
"You're so beautiful," Johann praised. "Your ass is so hot and squeezes me so well. You're mine. I'm going to own you so thoroughly you'll never look at anyone else."
"Own me," I begged, my voice husky. "You've got me tied down—take whatever you want from me."
He growled again.
Yanking on my hips and driving his forward, Johann fucked me without mercy. He rutted into me, heedless of my gasps and how I struggled against the restraints. In fact, my reactions seemed to spur him onward. He snapped his hips, themushroom head of his cock finding my prostate and giving it a good pounding. I was going to be sore, but it was worth it. He was so rough with me I was going to remember his punishment every time I sat down for days.
Delirious with lust, I babbled nonsense, simultaneously praising how good he felt and begging him to keep going, to not stop.
Johann slowed his pace and leaned forward, lightly pressing the back of my neck, and then splaying his palm across my upper back, between my shoulder blades. "Submit to me, Ceridor. I've got you."
I whimpered and struggled harder, but when he resumed his thrusts, I came without warning. Johann didn't stop rutting into me, still seeking his own orgasm as I shook from head to toe and rode the waves of pleasure. My trapped cock had made a sticky mess, but I would have to ride this out until he was done with me.
My muscles urged me to relax and stop fucking, but Johann kept going and I let him go till he was done. I just breathed and clenched my muscles, trying to make him come, but that just increased the severity of his pace. When he came, I breathed a sigh of relief and blessed the heavens, relishing the feel of his hot cum splashing inside me.
Johann pulled out and I felt his spunk run out of my hole and down my taint. I was so spent I just melted into the mattress.
"Look at you, what a sight," Johann praised, his gaze spreading heat and gooseflesh over my skin, chilled with sweat.
Then blessed warmth flowed over me as Johann tugged the blanket back up to my shoulders. He nipped the book out of my limp grasp and plopped down in the writing chair just in view from the head of the bed.
I fidgeted uncomfortably. "Johann."
"No," he snapped, cocking a brow in accusation and pointing the corner of the book at me. "You get to stay there, you naughty thing. I'm reading until I recharge, and then I'm going to fuck you again, whether you want it or not. Using your incredible body to entice me into bed, when actually I was coming home to take you out to dinner…now I'm hungry, and simultaneously sexually frustrated and sated."
His tirade was so ridiculous it made me burst out laughing, but the belly laugh put more pressure on my straining bladder and I whined. "I have to pee."
The bubble of the supposed spoiled dominant he was trying to portray popped and he jumped up and got me quickly out of the restraints and into a robe so I could dash down the hall and relieve myself. My tummy rumbled as I walked back—indeed, dinner sounded quite good.
But Johann kept his word, and I went right back into the restraints, this time on my hands and knees to give my poor balls a break, though I sank to my left forearm to ease the burden on my right arm. He made me ride him out a second time, the rut taking longer and testing my endurance. By the time he filled my ass with cum again, pumping into me with his full strength and driving me senseless, I was so hungry I couldn't even summon the energy to orgasm.
But then, after a quick wipe off with the promise of a long bath later, it was dinnertime. Johann wanted to do more aftercare, but I needed food, so he promised to spoil me the rest of the evening once we got back home. I was so sexed up, I felt unstoppable and had no regrets.
Chapter Seventeen
The next day
Father, the Regent of East Helvetica, sat back in his chair and asked a follow-up question on the update I'd just finished giving him about the machinations of the petty regional Danubian kings. As regent, he was most concerned with economic issues, primarily trade or laundering that came through the border, and also the stability and state of West Danube, the region that shared our eastern border.
Magnus sat nearby as I stood in front of Father. My little brother listened to the update, chin on his fist, elbow on one knee, ankle propped against the other knee. His eyes danced occasionally, clearly looking forward to us catching up together after this, but overall I couldn't react with our father in the room, and only took in my baby brother in my peripheral vision.
Father had gone completely bald some time ago, and though his head was a bit bulbous it overall didn't look too bad on him,so if Magnus and I were destined for the same fate I wasn't too worried. His brows were thick and black, furrowed as he confirmed a couple of details and noted some things down. I was grateful to take after my mother, which allowed me to travel throughout even neighboring lands without being recognized as a prince regent of East Helvetica. Magnus was not so lucky, so it was good that I was the one who wanted to travel around and he was the one who wanted to take over as regent.
I gave Father the information he needed, but I saved a deeper and more detailed trove of information for Magnus. My relationship with my father was chilly to say the least, and had been ever since I'd come into my own.
The night of my eighteenth birthday, Father had called me to his office after my birthday dinner. Since I had come of age, he planned to do an official announcement with lots of pomp and circumstance to name me as his heir and successor to the position of regent. Helvetica was a republic with feudal tendencies. If a Regent was successful at running his lands, the people of the region would likely allow the regent's son or daughter to take over if they promised to run things the same way. However, if the public became dissatisfied, a minimum number of signatures on a petition could trigger an election and a changeover of those in power.
It was thus quite the issue for me to tell Father that I did not want to take over for him, and that I wanted to work as a bard, to travel the lands collecting folk songs and singing to kings. In Father's eyes it was stupid, but to me it was my precious dream that I had been quietly working on for years. Mother had allowed me to take singing lessons since I was twelve, and those lessons had saved me through my early teen years when I realized I was attracted to men in addition to women.
I'd suspected Father might not approve, and, worried about his disdain, I'd asked Mother if I should hide such things fromhim. She'd firmly told me that both my sexuality and my singing lessons were none of his business. That gave me the right framework in which to protect my dreams while I fostered them out of sight throughout my teen years.
Father had doubted my bardic admission at first, refused to believe it, since I had never once defied him before that. Then, when it finally sank in that I wasn't taking over no matter what, and that Magnus—who then was only six—was his only hope for a legacy as regent, Father became livid.