Page 46 of Ceridor
"So we know what we'll do if things take a turn," said Wren, "but until then, I want to build a group of beloved and trusted people around these lanterns who can step in to take my place should Fate take me before this is over. Awariye has already experienced these gods directly, just as I have. Marit, I hope you're around enough that you can also."
Marit nodded. "That's one of many reasons why Corbi, Peter, and I are moving to the Danubian capital. Ulbrecht is opening doors for us to build on what we've learned at Diana Monastery. I've never been as theurgically inclined as you, Wren, but I also never thought I'd be establishing a training center for warrior monks allied with a Danubian High King either. Corbi is excited about establishing his clinic"—he glanced at his lover, who nodded confirmation—"and he's thrilled that Ulbrecht haspromised the funds for it, so easily removing the hardest part of that process. And Peter is still searching for a path he wants to dedicate himself to."
"I want to help with the lanterns if I can," Peter chimed in. "I want to see whether the visions I've seen are possible dreams for us in the future."
Johann shivered and I wrapped my arm around his hip, pulling him into my side. He seemed to be staring into space, deep in thought, though also in the vague direction of the table of lanterns.
"What say you, Ceridor?" asked Wren.
"About?" I asked; I'd rather have him clarify than assume.
Those twinkling lights still danced in Wren's eyes. I couldn't tell if they were getting more prevalent with time, or if my vision was just sharpening in the same way that the lanterns changed each time I met them. Awariye thought the power that came through heightened a person's capabilities, whatever those happened to be. He said his memory techniques came more easily, for example, and Wren thought he felt closer to the gods each time.
But Marit worried that the same function might work in the negative, that if the power came through a rageful person, it could push them to become violent.
"Would you be willing to train with the lanterns?" Wren asked. "I imagine you'd be capable of it, with your experience, and from what I know of you."
I glanced at Johann to find him watching me, an unreadable expression on his face. I saw a future where this power became so strong it slipped the leash and exploded out of our control. This poor, desolate place that had suffered from invasion and turmoil for so long...I did not want such a dire fate to come to pass.
I saw Johann's fear and imagined him as a regional king supporting Ulbrecht and allied with Magnus. Thinking of my love for this tender, sweet man, my answer became clear.
"I would step in, if it was to protect Johann," I said simply, knowing that my beloved fighting under the High King meant it would be protecting Ulbrecht, too.
Marit hummed, then yipped when Wren poked him in the side.
Johann cupped the back of my neck and pressed his forehead to mine, closing his eyes. "May it never come to that, love."
"I know," I answered, closing my eyes too. "May the bright gods bless us, if they so choose."
"Indeed," concurred Wren. "If we at all can, may we manage to live in peace."
Chapter Thirty
One week later
Ceridor stood next to me at the entrance to Ulbrecht's great hall. He wore no disguise, as the magewoman Ingeborg who advised Ulbrecht and was a mentor to Wren would see right through it, plus he wanted to be himself for this moment.
My lover handed the letter from Wren to the guard, who after reading it, sent a page around the back to get Ulbrecht's permission for us to be admitted. A knock came from inside the thick wooden door and guards on both sides opened to admit us.
"Ceridor the Bard, and Johann of West Danube and East Helvetica."
I forced breath into my lungs as we walked the distance from the door up to the throne. It wouldn't do for me to trip over my own feet and go splat on the hardwood floor.
Wren beamed from where he stood behind Ulbrecht's right shoulder. Igor stood at Ulbrecht's left, and to my surprise Ifound Marit and Corbi there, looking pleased as we approached. The five of them must have been having a meeting.
Ceridor had informed me that Peter was traveling with Awariye to continue his spiritual studies, based on the vision he'd had of the lanterns some months ago.
After visiting my home of West Danube and being filled with hope at finding it thriving, I'd trained full-time at the Diana Monastery for six weeks, leading up to the summer solstice. Not just magical training, especially focusing on etheric and astral perception in hopes that Ceridor could eventually communicate with me telepathically once we began traveling in disguise together, but Marit had trained me in the ways of the warrior monk, and I had brought him up to speed on the combat training I'd been engaged in my whole life. Marit was now finalizing the branch of Diana Monastery in Ulbrecht's capital, putting the finishing touches on a small old Catholic cloister that had moved elsewhere, while Corbi had already started to train medics with etheric sensitivity at a clinic nearby.
My lover and I knelt in front of the High King.
Ulbrecht stood and came down the steps to us. "Ceridor, it's good to see you," he said, then touched my partner's shoulder and bid him to stand.
"It's great to see you, Ulbrecht. I've brought my partner, Johann."
My heart started pounding something fierce as a long moment of silence stretched on.