Page 4 of Breathless Recruiter
I stole Arthur’s technique of letting out a long sigh. Something in the hallway caught my eye. Through the holograms, I watched as a man in a black uniform scoured the floor of the office.
“This goes live this week?”
I nodded at Doc Exotic’s question. “Heroes can use it now. We’ll be launching at the party. You’re all invited guests.”
The supers asked questions about the dress code, but I couldn’t stop staring at the man’s backside. His uniform might have been black, but I couldn’t help but admire how it hugged his hips and made the curves of his ass stand out. I wanted to touch it, but I didn’t want to land in another sexual harassment seminar with Janet.
“Earth to Supreme.”
My attention turned back to the wall of heroes giving me funny looks. Artemis held up her phone. “Tell Secret Identities Incorporated they are doing Zeus’s work, even if theyaremere mortals.”
“Tell Arthur I’ll be at the launch,” Riot Girl added. “Make sure he has an open bar.”
One by one, the heroes turned off their screens. I had a clear shot out the door of my office to the gentleman as he got down on his hands and knees. His belly hung down, almost touchingthe floor, as he inspected a potted plant. I couldn’t figure out the Earth custom at work here. Did the new building come with carpet inspectors?
He must be a skilled assassin if he got past Janet’s reception desk. “Oh, no.” What if he had subdued her and was now lying in wait for the boss? Where were Drew and Orion? Maybe they’d get to the intruder. If I waited in my office, Orion could blast him with one of those gloves he’s always tinkering with.
“Best to wait.” I’d remain vigilant, even if I didn’t get involved. I got behind my desk, dropping into a crouch so I could watch without being seen. If he crawled into my office, I’d get the jump on him… or jump out the window. I’d decide when the time?—
Three more squeaks followed. I didn’t want to take my eyes off the intruder. If I looked away, he might try to surprise me. When the high-pitched noise continued, I turned about, searching for the source. Did that sound have anything to do with the man on his hands and knees? Were we under attack by fairies? It had been a month since?—
Sitting at eye level on my desk, I spotted the source of the sound. Two tiny, soulless eyes lead to a pointy nose with whiskers. I held up my hands, hoping it understood the universal sign of surrender. As I backed away, I rose to my feet, deciding if jumping out the window was worth Arthur’s disapproving glare.
“RUN!” I bolted.
Arthur forbade the use of powers when other people were in the office. I could have flown to safety, but I followed the rules. Running for the door, my shoulders brushed against the frame, and I nearly tripped over my own feet. I turned to see if the vile creature had taken up pursuit. I’d save who I could. There’dbe casualties as it asserted its rightful place as the king of the building.
I collided with somebody. We tumbled to the floor, limbs flailing. I landed on something soft and squishy. When I opened my eyes, the carpet inspector lay underneath me. I could save him. I could…
Propping up on my elbows, my body draped across his. His eyes were the same color as tree bark. Unlike my bushy beard, he kept his face free of hair except for the faintest stubble. I should drag him to safety, rescuing him from the hell beast, but I could only think about running through the forest.
“Hi,” he said in a strained voice.
“Hi.” I tried offering him a hand to shake, but I couldn’t move without squashing the poor man. I leaned in close and whispered, “There’s a blood-thirsty creature on my desk.”
“His name is Sampson.”
“Sampson will kill us all.” I couldn’t understand how he remained calm when our lives were in jeopardy. “We must flee.”
This beautiful man’s body shook as he laughed. “You crack me up.” He scooted back, wriggling out from under me. Sitting upright, he offered his hand. “I’m Dustin. I work downstairs.”
His eyes had a calming effect, preventing me from running away. “Wyatt.”
“Scared of mice, huh?”
Me? Scared? Not even a little. I wanted to blurt out that I had been ranked Vanguard’s third-strongest hero. Arthur made us promise to protect our secret identities. If it came to feats of strength, I could take a mere mouse. I didn’twantto trade blows. There was a difference.
“You’re a big boy, aren’t you?”
A respectable three hundred pounds last time I weighed myself. Earth Mom used to say my heft came from my aliengenes and a healthy love of chocolate. I should get up and help him to his feet. It’d be the polite thing to do, but… I didn’t want to do that, either. The way his right lip stretched upward kept me in place.