Page 7 of A Wilde Christmas
Greer waved a hand in ac’monmotion. “Out with it, Camden. What’s on your mind?”
Cam remained silent for another handful of beats, then exhaled hard. “This is going to kill Cade. WSW has been his whole life. The others went off to pursue their careers, but he’s been with the company since we had him answering phones and pushing papers for us back in high school.”
“We already discussed this,” Reece said. “Cade doesn’t have the right temperament. He’s too much like Vaughn.” His eyes cut to Cam’s twin as he slid his glasses back into place. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Vaughn said. “And he’s right, Cam. Cade is exactly like me, and you know how much I hate administrative shit. If Greer had tried to hand me the company, I would’ve turned him down flat because I liked being out in the field. Cadealso likes to be in the thick of things, not behind a desk. Always has, always will.”
Cam’s scowl only deepened. “But he has Nova now. He can’t hop around the world on a whim anymore.”
“Another reason this job isn’t the right fit for him,” Greer said patiently. “I was hardly ever home and missed way more of my boys’ childhoods than I like to think about. I’m confident Davey will find a position in the company for Cade so he can provide for his daughter.”
Always the peacemaker, Cam didn’t protest further and went back to pressing his lips together in disapproval. Jude opened his mouth to keep arguing, but Greer held up a hand to stop him.
“Enough. It’s already done. We offered, and Davey accepted. Wilde Security Worldwide is his company now, and we’re all officially retired.”
Davey lookedup at the familiar squeak of the door hinge, unsurprised to see his brothers in the hallway.
“Thought we’d find you in here.” Elliot stepped into the room with their youngest brother, Dominic, behind him.
He’d had every intention of going downstairs after he left Dad’s office but only made it as far as his old room. It wasn’t the same anymore—no more Washington Capitals merch or posters of his favorite bands, and all of his old swim medals and hockey trophies sat in a box in his closet at his apartment. Mom had converted the space into a bland guest room long ago, but he still found comfort in these four walls, even if they were painted a soft gray now instead of the intense blue he’d chosen as a teenager.
“What’s going on?” Dominic asked and flopped on the bed beside him. Excluding baby Nova, he was the youngest of the family at twenty-eight. Sometimes, he seemed even younger than that to Davey, who had already been a SEAL for a year when Dom started high school. Of the three of them, he was most like their father—goofy, fun-loving, and, more often thannot, annoying as hell. The family had never needed a golden retriever because they already had one in Dominic.
Davey exhaled hard. “Dad and the uncles are retiring. They offered me the company.”
Dom sat up. “For real?” he said at the same time Elliot muttered, “Shit.”
“What?” Dom glanced back and forth between them. “Wait, what am I missing? This is an honor. Out of all of us, they choseyou. You should be thrilled.”
“I am,” Davey said, but it didn’t sound convincing even to his own ears.
Dom shot him a skeptical look. “And yet you’re holed up here instead of celebrating with a bottle of Dad’s good scotch. That doesn’t sound thrilled to me.”
“Because Cade’s not gonna like it,” Elliot said.
Davey groaned and leaned his head back against the headboard. “Fuck. I didn’t even think of that.”
Elliot stared at him. “Cade’snotwhat you were worried about?”
“No, he wasn’t even on my radar.”
“He should never be off it. He’s a scary dude.”
Dominic shrugged. “So, what? He’ll get over it. They appointed you.”
Elliot smacked the back of Dom’s head. “Dumbass. Do you evenknowCade Wilde? He doesn’tget overthings. He gets revenge.”
“Fuck,” Davey said again with feeling.
“Have you talked to him yet?” Elliot asked.
“No. They kinda just dumped it on me, and I didn’t have the opportunity.” He dragged both hands over his face. “But I should’ve talked to him before signing anything. The company’s his life.”
“What are you going to do?” Dom asked after a beat of silence.