Page 15 of Avenging Laura
“Georgia Air Force Base,” General McCoy answered at the same time Wolf and Tex did.
“That’s the closest one to us. It’s in San Bernardino. It’s been abandoned since the Cold War with Russia when it was still considered the USSR,” Dominick remembered the facts his father had fed him.
“I thought part of the base was still in use?” Diesel looked around the room at all the military guys.
“Some of the hangers and the air strips are during drill weekends. Some areas are still used for training ops. For the most part it’s abandoned. Some areas are considered toxic because of the radiation levels and toxic water and stuff,” Tex answered Diesel, looking up the information he could find about the base.
“That would be the perfect hiding place. What do we know about this Cyrus asshole? Isn’t that the name Serenity gave you guys?” General McCoy asked York.
“Well, he’s definitely David’s son. He was trained by the government. His mother’s name is Deanna Placid. She was never married. Only has the one child, Cyrus. Not much is known about her since she doesn’t have much of a footstep online or anywhere. Cyrus joined the Marines and served in Recon. Tried out a couple of times for Raider but failed. He was recruited by the CIA upon David and Adamson’s recommendation after a pretty nasty op that he was on. Wastrained as a wet worker there. He wound up leaving the agency a few years ago when he was reprimanded for going off the books on some assignments before he was declared AWOL,” Tex informed the group as he looked at some information he was looking at.
“I thought the agency tended to eighty-six agents who went rogue like that?” Alexis Rameriez asked as she looked over at Tex in confusion.
“They usually do. Something tells me the agency hasn’t because they are keeping him on the books for something else. I wouldn’t be surprised if the senator himself has something to do with that,” General McCoy explained without looking up from the paperwork he was looking at.
“Which one?” Dominick asked McCoy, trying to keep up with his trail of thought.
“Which one was my daughter married to?” General McCoy fired back when he looked over at Dominick.
“Good point. Would make sense since they forced Laura to marry that asshat. I know the father or uncle served with Dad. It was all part of some deal they had.”
“When I was here for the training operation we did with the Marines years ago, I remember there were five of them that were always together even thought they were different areas of the Marines. There was Pratt, Adamson, Whitetower, Harris, and I think his name was Chromeberg or something like that. Pratt, Adamson, and Whitetower were the main ones I saw from time to time. All thought they were better than everyone else and would get their asses on their shoulders when my guys would outmaneuver them every time,” General McCoy remembered as he looked over at Dominick.
“Sounds like Dad and Adamson. I don’t know much about Whitetower. He never really came around. At least not to the house. Never heard of Chromberg’s name.”
“Found her. There’s a section of the Georgia base that showed no activity for years, even during training ops. Now it’s got power and movement in and out,” Tex spoke excitedly as his fingers flew over the keyboards.
“Shit. They would operate in the US so that these guys can’t operate,” Raso grumbled as she looked over at Highlander.
“Who says they can’t?” General McCoy smirked at Raso before looking at his boys. “Highlander, is it?”
“Aye, sir.” Highlander looked over at the General skeptically.
“Your brothers that are here in this room, what do they do?” General McCoy asked, looking over at the men in question.
“SAS, General. My da is retired SAS. The others are active-duty SAS. Only my brother Mike is with ye unit. I’m stationed here in Coronado as a SEAL. My brother Bryson is DEVGRU and Marcus over there is Raider, sir,” Highlander pointed each brother out and his father as he informed the General of what they all did.
“Perfect. Commander Hurt, what say you and I make some calls and have a training op set up with these boys. We use that training op to cover up the real fun that’s about to be had by everyone finding my daughter.”
“Gentlemen, let’s go call your Commanding Officers and get this party started.” Commander Hurt smirked as he walked out of the room with General McCoy.
Highlander was itching to infiltrate. It was taking everything he had inside of him to be patient and go in with everyone. His new father-in-law was pulling out all the stops in finding Laura. Alpha, Bravo, and Delta Squads were geared up along with Highlander and his family. Commander Hurt had two SEAL teams and General McCoy had his favorite two Delta Force teams all working as one large extraction team.
Commander Hurt, Dominick, General McCoy, Alpha Squad’s captain, and sheriff were all suiting up with them. The entire op was being put together by Alpha Squad, Captain Irby, and Sheriff Phillips.
Highlander had to admit he was still in awe with how Alpha Squad, their captain, and sheriff would consult with him, Wolf, Ghost, Marcus’s team leader, Commander Hurt, and General McCoy. They were making sure they brought their sister home.
Dominick was teaming up with Alpha Squad, taking Laura’s place on the team since they were a man down. They were using Bravo Squad and Delta Squad to surround the area that Tex believed Laura was being hidden, to make sure no one went in or escaped once the main team went in.
Once everyone had suited up, General McCoy pulled out a map that he, Sheriff Phillips, and Commander Hurt looked at. Pulling in Highlander, Dominick, Wolf, and Ghost as team leaders for each group, they went over their best route to deal with the situation.
“Tex believes this area is where she is being held. I have to agree with him. It’s out of sight and out of mind. From what he was able to find out about it, it’s mainly an underground bunker. It’s got signals coming out of it, possibly for internet and cell service. No where else does the base have that except for further west where the airfield is located.” Wolf pointed to the locations on the map.
“I have to agree with him. Wolf and I both have done training here on this base a few times. There’s rarely any cell service in this location. Ever. Right now, I have a couple of bars on my cell,” Highlander agreed with Wolf on his assessment.
“I have to agree with these gentlemen. One thing I’ve learned in working with both men and their teams through the years is to trust their gut instinct. Our experience with human traffickers is that they like to make their hideaways the most unusual places. Places we will not consider. If that is an underground bunker and it’s not been touched, even by you boys during training, then that’s going to be where they are. We just need to figure out booby traps because something tells me that there will be some heavy ones to make sure they have time to escape. I think we need to keep Bravo and Delta Squad where they are and let them know to keep an eye out for possible escape routes while they are out there,” Captain Irby decided as she looked at the men standing around her.