Page 17 of Avenging Laura
Without waiting for the others to react, Highlander took off running, his weapon raised. When he turned the corner, he found both Wolf and Ghost’s team in action.
“We have no signal to make a call with. I’ll stabilize her. Get someone’s ass to the top to demand medivac. Move it!” Truck demanded, on his knees beside two bodies on the ground.
“Sit rep!” General McCoy yelled at the growing group as he came up on the scene with Sheriff Phillips, Commander Hurt, and Captain Irby behind him.
Highlander didn’t give two shits about the others around him. He rushed to where Truck was and looked down to see who he was working on. He saw the young girl that Cookie was working on.
Next to the young girl laid his heart and soul. Beaten, bruised, face swollen and bloodied. Her chest wasn’t moving. Why wasn’t her chest moving?
“Fuck, she’s not breathing. Get those fucking jammers moved. I need the AED kit now!” Truck screamed, doing compressions on Laura, begging her to keep fighting.
“Has the rest of this bunker been searched?” Sheriff Phillips yelled out, not taking his eyes off of the scene before him.
“Aye. Found one body. Looks like he got beat with a bloody pipe. I’m going to say our lass did that. There’s more blood over there. Not sure if that’s hers, the kids, or someone else. Those three are the only ones found here,” Tommy advised the sheriff as he looked around the bunker.
“Is there another way out that we’re not seeing? There’s no way that one man did all that in there,” Captain Irby questioned as she started to walk away, signaling for Alpha Squad to follow her, despite their desire to stay near their fallen teammate.
“Jammers have been removed. Tex has a medivac enroute. ETA three minutes,” Fletch’s voice came over the comms.
“Irby to all of Bravo and Delta Squad. Keep an eye out for any bodies coming out. Wolf, Ghost, or whomever, I need asses and elbows over there. There’s blood by this wall and looks like it’s going through the wall on the ground. Help me find the fucking lever and lets nail this son of a bitch!” Irby raised her weapon after motioning to her team to start searching.
“Found it!” Diesel announced as a section of the wall started to move in front of Captain Irby.
Weapons raised, Alpha Squad proceeded into the darkness. Commander Hurt snapped his fingers and pointed toward Wolf and his team, who followed the women into the tunnel that was just found.
“Medivac is on-site, landing in T minus fifteen seconds.”
“I need something to transport her upstairs. I’m afraid if I move her, I’ll cause more damage,” Truck admitted to the group.
“Here!” Mac declared as he pulled a packet out of his backpack.
When Mac opened it, it turned into a flexi stretcher. Handing the item over to Truck, Mac assisted him in moving Laura gently so that they could get her on it. Once they were able to get her on it, Ghost picked up one end and Mac picked up the other end with Truck continuing to do CPR on her as they rushed as best they could out of the room.
Highlander looked over to see Coach, one of Ghost’s men, pick up the little girl who whimpered at the movement. Turning away, he quickly followed Ghost, Mac, and Truck out of the bunker refusing to allow his wife out of his sight.
When they got to the top, the helicopter was waiting for them nearby. Two medics jumped off the bird and ran to them with a stretcher between them and an AED device.
“Pratt family?”
“I’m her husband.” Highlander jumped up quickly as the nurse said her name.
“She’s still in surgery. Will be a while longer yet. I just wanted to give you a quick update. Once everything is dealt with, the doctor will be in to speak with you about everything.”
“Oh. Do ye know h-how much longer? She’s been in surgery for four hours already.” Highlander’s heart was skipping beats in fear of the news to come.
“I’m sorry, sir. I wish I could give you a definitive answer. She’s sustained a lot of injuries. Just a little while longer.” The nurse smiled before she walked out of the waiting room.
Just as the nurse left, Captain Irby, Sheriff Phillips, Commander Hurt, Alpha Squad, Wolf, and his team arrived at the hospital. They were all pissed and miserable looking. Highlander looked at them with hope in his eyes.
“We’ve identified the male body found. His name was Bruce Ziegler. He’s the right-hand man slash bodyguard for Cyrus. Looks like Laura took him out with the metal piping,” Captain Irby advised everyone in the room.