Page 22 of Avenging Laura
“What’s that, love?”
“He claims he’s not my biological father. That mom had an affair.” Laura looked at him in confusion.
Highlander wanted to punch the fucker in the face even more now. He was going to make that man suffer the most painful death he could think of.
“Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how ye want to look at it, he was correct. Ye mother had an affair after an argument with David. Ye mum went to a local bar and wound up picking up a man who was in town for a training session with another unit as part of a program the military has. We still do it from time to time. She had the affair for a couple of weeks while he was in town. Gave him a fake name. He didn’t even know she was married.”
“Who’s my father?” Laura deflated, suddenly numb.
“I am.”
Highlander watched as she slowly turned her head toward the voice that was standing in the doorway of her private room. He looked familiar but she couldn’t place him.
“Who are you?” Laura studied the man.
Highlander had to applaud his wife. She kept her voice even and soft at the same time she reached for his hand. He didn’t think she realized she had done that.
“I am General Travis McCoy. I am a general in the Army. I am over the CAG unit out of Fort Cavazos in Kileen, Texas. Turns out I was your brother’s commanding officer when he was with Delta.”
“That’s why you look familiar.”
“He’s also Ghost and Mike’s boss, too.” Highlander chuckled as he winked down at Laura.
“Ah, so now when Hammer pisses me off, I can call daddio and tell him that big brother is being an asshat and he needs to be punished. I’m digging it.” Laura smirked as she looked at General McCoy up and down.
“Ah, lass, ye are devious as hell. That’s why I love ye.” Highlander chuckled as he nodded to a seat for the general to take.
“Why now?” Laura watched McCoy as he took the seat that Highlander suggested to him.
“Why now what?”
“Why come forward now?” Laura tried to hide the sadness she had about everything.
“I didn’t know about you until a couple of days ago. As soon as I found out about you, I came here. If you will allow me to, I would love to get to know you and your family. Those you consider family.”
“Are you married, other children?”
Highlander could hear the almost childlike fear she had in her voice when she asked the question. He knew she was afraidthat if he had another family, after what happened to her, his family would hate her. Not on his watch.
“I am. I have been married for twenty-five years. I have five children. Three boys and two girls. Don’t worry, I promise my wife and other children will love you.”
“You can’t know that. My own mother didn’t love me,” Laura softly said, looking down at the blankets on her bed.
“Your mother wasn’t a real mother. Yes, I had an affair with her. I was young and stupid back then. But I do not regret having you. I regret not knowing about you and the horror you lived through at their hands,” General McCoy admitted to Laura as he stared into her eyes.
“Had you known about me?”
“I would have moved heaven and earth to be a part of your life. If I had known what they were doing to you, then I would have taken custody. You would have known the love of a parent,” General McCoy said strongly.
Highlander watched as Laura studied the general for a few moments before looking over at him. He watched her as she studied him for a few minutes before turning back to the general.
“I think everything that’s happened, happened for a reason. As much as I hate how I was raised, if I had gone to you, Dominick wouldn’t be the man he is today. I wouldn’t have met my husband or my children. I don’t understand why, but I think I’m where I’m supposed to be for a reason. You do know about me now. Now, you have a chance to be a part of my life. I’m not going to jump into your arms or ask for piggyback rides or anything like that. At least not yet. We now have a chance to get to know one another.”
“I’m game for that piggyback ride any time you are. Just give me a heads-up so this old man can be prepared for that jump.”
Laura was starting to pull her hair out. She’d been home from the hospital for four weeks now, after having been in the hospital for a week.