Page 39 of Avenging Laura
Laura looked around the room as everyone nodded their agreement with Mike. Looking back at Highlander, she smiled up at him as she leaned into him.
“We all love ye, lass. Granted none of these losers love ye as much as I do and always will, but we all love ye. Ye are worthy of love and family, lass. The general’s family want to include ye in theirs.”
Laura looked back at the screen toward General McCoy. “I’d like that. Thank you.”
“I know how to fuck up his life if he causes you any heartache, Red. I’ll even get Beth to help me.” Tex winked at Laura as everyone laughed at his idle threat.
“Thanks, Tex. I’ll keep that under advisement. Now, Diesel said Cyrus has been sighted?”
“We’ve been keeping his mother, who resides in Bishop County under surveillance with the help of the state police.”
“What about my incubator? Has she been spotted anywhere?” Laura moved to sit in one of the empty chairs around the conference table.
“Shortly before Cyrus. Considering where both were found, I think it’s safe to believe that Kathy was their source of information regarding anything we knew here. Tex is looking into the other teams to see who may have had contact with Kathy to feed her any information. We know it wasn’t anyone on Alpha Squad or Bravo Squad. Charlie Squad is still under investigation.” Captain Irby sighed deeply as she leaned back as if to stretch her back.
“I don’t understand why she would still be helping David and Maria out. Maria hates her. She and David didn’t get along really.”
“They still had sexual relations.”
Laura and the room turned toward Dom and Jeannette walking into the conference room. Laura got out of her seat so that Jeannette could sit down in her seat.
“Wait, what do you mean they still had sexual relations? She cheated on David multiple times, and he ran around on her as well,” Laura answered in confusion looking at Jeannette.
“Grams is right. There would be times that they would be screaming and yelling at each other. Often times they would go out of the room and several minutes later one or the other would come out while fixing their clothes and hair.”
“Ok so angry sex. They had a love-hate relationship. Gross.” Laura grimaced at the same time Dominick did.
“You don’t think that, despite everything the man has done to her and how he treated her, that she still has loyalty to him, do you?” Laura looked over at her brother.
“Nothing would surprise me at this rate, to be honest. I think there’s more than we know is going on and she’s their inside man.”
“But why? She talks shite about him. Why would she help him if she says the things she has about him and Maria?” Mike leaned forward, his elbows on his knees.
“He knows how to play her. She knows his secrets,” Ghost surmised, looking between everyone.
“Just because she knows his secrets isn’t a reason to keep her around. We’ve seen people killed for less and for those exact reasons,” Wolf shrugged as he shared his thoughts.
“I have to agree with Wolf. Just knowing his secrets isn’t enough to keep her around. That would be a reason to have her taken out. There has to be more,” Laura agreed with Wolf, rubbing her face with her hands.
“So, we’re still at square one.” Sgt. Brocard sighed as she leaned back into her seat.
“Not exactly. Where were they sighted?” Laura sat forward and looked around the room.
“Riverdale area.” Captain Irby looked at her notes.
“Fuck! If Deanna is in Bishop County, then so is Cyrus. Kathy may be there too. They have sanctuary there for now. While the state police and the FBI conduct their investigations, they still have a safety net. Tex, do you still have contact with someone that’s still involved with the investigation there?”
“Yep. Patching them in now,” Tex answered as his fingers flew over the keyboard.
“This is Special Agent Clemmins.”
“Clem, it’s Tex. You’re still in Bishop County, California, aren’t you?”
“Unfuckingfortunately. This place is a fucking disaster.”
“I’m afraid we’re going to be adding to that disaster. You have three people hiding in that county. Cyrus and Deanna Placid and Kathy Pratt. Cyrus is wanted on a warrant for kidnapping, sexual assault, assault and attempted homicide of a police officer. That’s just her. He’s also wanted for several counts of kidnapping, sexual assault, homicide, drug charges, and human trafficking charges. If I’m not mistaken, he’s also got several federal warrants as well. Deanna Placid is his mother and Kathy Pratt also has a warrant for her arrest out of Riverside County.”
“Goodie. I guess I get to have some fun after all. Send me the information and I’ll spread the word.”