Page 44 of Avenging Laura
“Where is David’s older brother? I know one died in the Middle East, but what happened to the other one that was older than David?” Diesel looked over at Laura as she rubbed her chin as if in thought.
“I don’t know. I know Dominick doesn’t know either. He’s only met him twice and when it was declared that Dominick wasn’t going to be a part of the program, they basically ignored him,” Laura stated as her brother’s previous statement came to mind. “We should let the captain have her fun with interrogations of the swamp rat.”
“Why not ye grandmother? Let her deal with ye incubator on that question. Have her and the captain go in. I’m scared of ye captain, but I can answer for the whole of the SEAL community, ye grandmother and captain scare the living hell out of all of us. If they had both of them lasses working in our BUDs, we’d give up state secrets if they demanded it.” Highlander shivered at the thought of both women together.
“Don’t let them hear you guys admit that or they may just do that for shits and giggles.” Sgt. Brocard patted Highlander on his arm when she passed him to leave the room.
“Ok. While the sarge sets up that entertainment, how do we draw out Cyrus? I say we find Deanna and then use her to draw out Cyrus.” Diesel rubbed her hands together with an evil grin.
“I have to agree. While the others weren’t raised by their mothers, Cyrus was raised by his. I suggest we find Deanna anduse her to draw him out. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Deanna is still on David’s pinky.” Raso smirked over at Diesel following her idea.
“I’m of the same frame of mind. We need to find Deanna. Tomorrow is Friday. She tends to go and get her hair and nails done at the same beauty shop every week. I think we will pay it a visit once she shows up. Bring in Bravo team to watch the back. Highlander, your team can watch the front with a few of ours while myself and sarge go in and bring her in,” Laura decided as she looked around the room to everyone nodding.
“Alright, let’s go let the captain know our plans and put everything together with Highlander’s team. We need this to go down smoothly. Not send him further into hiding.” Diesel clapped as they all stood up and started filing out of the room.
Laura sat in her vehicle with Sgt. Brocard sitting next to her and Highlander in the back seat next to Dominick. When her brother had found out what they were planning, he demanded to be a part of it.
They all had a full day ahead of them. Not only were they planning on arresting Deanna today, the captain and Jeannette were going to team up and deal with Kathy before she was arraigned. They had planned it that while Kathy was in interrogation, Deanna would be escorted by the interrogation room window to see Kathy in there talking with them.
They were purposely going to see how strong of a friendship those two had. They wanted to shake their foundations. They were going to do everything they could to draw Cyrus out. Even make sure it was put on the news that Deanna and Kathy had been arrested and charged with aiding and abetting a fugitive from the law, human trafficking, and a slew of other charges.
They wanted him to come after them. Laura was hoping he would make another play for her. She didn’t tell them that because she knew it would start issues. She had a strong suspicion that if he did go after anyone, it would be her. At least this time, she would have her husband as backup.
“You know the team will be watching your place when he does attack.” Sgt. Brocard’s statement brought Laura out of her musings.
“What are you talking about?” Laura looked at her sergeant, trying to play the confused imp.
“Don’t try that shit with me, Red on the head. I know you better than you think. We all know once we make this move that Cyrus will come out of hiding for his mommy. You’re hoping like hell he comes for you so you can take that demon out of your misery. You’ll have the Lt. with you if he does strike. But you two won’t be alone. We will be nearby once this goes down. Bravo Squad also has called shotgun on this ride as well.”
Well fuck a duck on a pogo stick. This bitch figured her out. Was she that obvious?
“I’ll be there, too. I want a piece of this fucker as well,” Dominick growled from the back seat.
“Ye can have what’s left over,” Highlander growled beside him.
“Does that growling shit always work?” Sgt. Brocard quirked an eyebrow as she looked over at Laura.
“Eh, it can be sexy now and then. Especially when he’s growling while eating the kat. Sometimes it can get the kat mewling when done right. Now the brother on the other hand? Does nothing for me but make me want to roll my eyes. You’ll have to ask Angel if it makes her kitty kat mewl. I’m going to have to say he’s not hitting the right pitch or something because she just laughs when he does that shit.”
“Seriously? I’m sitting right here!” Dominick whined as he smacked the back of Laura’s head before she could duck.
“Behave children! Our guest of honor has arrived. You two stay here. Bravo and Alpha, target has arrived. Take your position. Lt., alert your team as well,” Sgt. Brocard ordered asshe and Laura got out of the vehicles and made their way to the beauty salon to make their moves.
When the two women stepped into the beauty salon, they showed their badges to the front desk clerk and made the motion for her to keep quiet and sit down. They went toward the back area where Deanna had gone and stopped beside her chair.
“What is the meaning of this?” Deanna Placid screeched as she turned to look at the two women.
“Deanna Placid, you’re under arrest. We have a warrant for your arrest with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department for aiding and abetting a known fugitive, human trafficking and attempted murder of a law enforcement officer,” Sgt. Brocard warned the fuming woman as she was pulled out of her chair and handcuffed in front of everyone in the salon.
“I want my lawyer!” Deanna yelled, glaring at Laura in the process.
“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll have a chance to call him or her when you get to the department.” Laura smirked at her, winking as she turned the woman toward the door and helped her sergeant take the woman out of the salon.
Once the team had arrived back at HQ, they escorted Deanna inside the building, her threatening them the whole way. Once they were in the building, they purposely walked her by the interrogation room where Kathy was being interrogated.
“Oh lookie. Looks like your bestie got caught too. Wonder what she’s spilling with her momma in there threatening to cut her off in the will.” Laura smirked at the angry woman.