Page 17 of Abalim
She took a chance and bit in. The taste was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Though it was strange, it was sweet and delicious with a hit of hot spice. A pleasant warmth spread throughout her body. She licked her lips, savoring the taste for a few moments before keeping an eye on the alien as she slowly devoured the treat.
Rerqel never took his eyes from her, his eyelids blinking sideways as he watched her every move.
She was the first to glance away. The back of her neck heated as she felt his gaze on her. When she finished everything offered, the alien nodded. She sat back with a goofy grin. Damn, for the first time in a long time, her tummy was happy.
“Excellent.” Rerqel laced his thin fingers together. “You may rest and regain your strength. I will come back for you at the appropriate time.” He stood at the open door for a few moments, his gaze still fixed on her. Then, without a word, he turned and left, the wall closing behind him.
Lisa stared at the solid wall for a few moments before letting a deep sigh escape. Taking a fortifying breath, she took her time getting up from the table and headed to the hovering cot. With each step, her mind raced on what had just happened. She yawned so hard her jaw cracked. Well, nothing was going to get solved right now.
She rubbed her burning eyes. If nothing else, she’d take Rerqel’s advice and get some sleep. Lowering onto the surprisingly soft mattress, she shut her eyes and emptied her mind. She yawned again, smacking her lips. If she was lucky, she’d have another dream about a dark, handsome man coming to rescue her.
As Abalim withdrew from the Dreamwalk he shared with Lisa, he was yanked into another psychic realm. The tug was unyielding and didn’t give him a chance to break away. When he landed, it was in a place quite alien, unlike anything he’d seen before. Everything in him stilled when a strange creature coalesced in front of him.
“I am Rerqel from the planet Qorath,” the androgynous creature stated in a voice layered with multiple voices. The inflection in his tone was unemotional, bordering on cold. “You, Abalim, from the planet Earth will be a perfect addition for us to analyze along with the human woman Lisa. When you created that last psionic connection with her, you enabled us to verify you are what your people call soul mates.” The spindly creature tilted his overlarge oblong head that was shaped like a bicycle helmet. “With that connection, we now will have the means to determine if your species is worth protecting from the incoming Krystalii.”
Abalim ignored what the alien said about Lisa. He might not know what a “soul mate” was, but he didn’t like the alien’s insinuation that mankind had to prove they were deserving of salvation. The mere mention of the Krystalii and the threat they brought made his protective instincts rise as unrealistic chills in the psychic plane made him shudder. “What do you know of the Krystalii?” When he encountered Lord Baelon on Hiigar, he’d gotten the impression the aliens hadn’t left their dimension yet.
The tall slender being had delicate, elongated limbs with a luminescent skin that emitted a soft glow. If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear this creature was somehow related to the galactic criminals known as the Fribbegh, the creatures who created the gray alien myth on Earth.
“Lord Baelon believes he is all-powerful, but we have monitored their interest in our dimension for quite some time without their knowledge. His interest in human women is quite fascinating. He believes his crystallized species can somehow use them to accelerate their birth cycles, which usually take thousands of years.” Rerqel’s almond-shaped eyes shimmered with an array of mesmerizing colors. “While we believe his assumptions are absurd, we do not discount the probabilities.”
Abalim crossed his arms. “While I realize you are a strong psychic and might try to force me to subject myself to your physical analyzation, I assure you that’s not going to happen.”
Rerqel tilted his head the other way. The movement highlighted the ridge from one temple that wrapped around his head to the other temple. “What is the fascination with you creatures about being examined physically? We have no need to subject you to that type of analyzation. Scanning your primitive bodies was hardly a challenge to gain an understanding of your biological workings at the DNA level. Especially you.” The Xeltrian’s eyes narrowed. “However, you are an interesting creature. Human, yet not. Akurn, yet not. It’s as if you’ve been given a combination of various galactic species. But—” Rerqel waved his long, serpentine fingers. “—that is not what interests us. What we propose is to see how you and your female handle an unknown situation of who lives and who dies. We are interested in observing how you react in an environment where you have no control and don’t have a clear understanding of the dynamics involved.”
When Rerqel stated Abalim was a separate species from Lisa, Abalim narrowed his eyes. How did this alien know he wasn’t technically a human? Did Reqel somehow analyze what he was without him knowing?
The creature, at least a foot taller than his six-foot three, flicked one of his three jointed fingers at the air next to them. A rounded image opened, and the scene zoomed in on a sleeping Lisa.
Abalim’s heart thudded as he watched her calmly sleeping.
“Because she is a primitive without your natural enhancements, we gave her the basic psionic ability to communicate with us as you do. Thus, we injected her with a stimulus to open her mind for that purpose. After all, how can she be given instructions if she can’t understand the directive?”
Abalim frowned. “Is that why she’s unconscious? Because of something you gave her?”
“Do not be absurd. How can the test be valid if we interfere with her otherwise natural ability? The stimulus only awakened that which she already had in her genetic makeup.” Rerqel’s tone ended with a slightly sharp bite. “We have provided sustenance to this female and she is now in a natural deep sleep. When she awakens, you will begin your trial.”
Was this creature saying they gave her telepathic abilities? Maybe that’s why it’d been so easy for him to link them into that last Dreamwalk.
The alien flicked his wrist at the image of Lisa, and the vision closed. “Because of the threat the Krystalii present, we have a limited amount of time to halt their ambitions. We have considered eliminating all humans on the planet Earth before they reach our dimension. However, that will diminish our resources significantly. While we are not convinced humans are worthy of saving, we have decided it would be best to verify if that would be the best option. As I said before, it appears humans are capable of procreating with others in the galaxy. On that point, Lord Baelon is quite correct. We are aware this human capability can be a great untapped resource for other species in our galaxy who are facing extinction.” Rerqel’s tone didn’t change, but somehow sounded condescending.
Abalim stilled. The veiled threat made him clench his fists.By the God An.Earth barely got through the last threat of annihilation by an alien race.
“Having one specimen of a species is hardly the basis for a true analysis,” Rerqel continued. “Especially since that species is split into two fractions… male and female. However, we will persevere. You will come to Qorath and partake in the trial we have set up.”
The gangly alien glided near enough that Abalim could see the intense glaze in his iridescent black eyes.
“And since Earth has lost its protective galactic status, we would be within our rights as citizens of the Federation Consortium to do what we deem necessary to protect its citizens without government backlash.” He straightened and clasped its fingers together in front of itself. “I trust you understand all that has been divulged to you?”
Oh, he understood all right. Easy enough to recognize a threat when it slapped him upside his head. Not that he had much of a choice. “Well, I’m not one who would refuse such a warm invite.” He took a step back. Personal space and all. “I don’t suppose you have a way I can get to your planet, do you?”
A brief sneer crossed Rerqel’s lipless mouth. “We have anticipated your need. In FiPan is a captain of a smuggling vessel by the name of Saphira who has tried to gain entrance to our planet for quite some time. She is currently at an establishment called Grub & Grog,not too far from where you and your brothers currently are. However, I would suggest you quicken to find her, as she and her crew are arranging to depart.” The alien tilted his head to the other side. “Until we meet again, hybrid.”
The connection broke.
Chapter Four
“MisterAbalim,sir.”Atiny metallic voice on his shoulder quavered in his ear. “Are you okay? Mister Abalim, sir?”