Page 43 of Abalim
Just as the binds morphed together, the hanging vines over the door were shoved apart.
“Are they here?” Nyvira stomped in with Tharion right next to her. “Have you seen them?”
Abalim faced the Lumarians with his arms crossed. “Is who here? And why would you think they were?” He stood in front of Lisa in an automatic protective move.
“What’s happened?”
His female was no simpering youngling who hid behind him.
She walked around him with ease, stood next to him, and clasped her hands in front of her.
“We have traitors in our village that threaten the lives of everyone at Aroonshire.” Tharion stomped a foot and waved his hands. “If we don’t stop them, all will be lost!”
Wow, drama queen much?
For the first time, Abalim heard Lisa’s telepathic thoughts. He coughed into his fist to hide his bark of laughter. He didn’t need to startle her, so he avoided responding to her in kind. It’d be better if they practiced her newfound abilities in private. He cleared his throat. “What do you mean, traitors?” He glanced at Lisa, who raised an eyebrow at him.
Nyvira held an illuminating pole and waved it around the small room as if she was looking for someone hiding in the dark. “Maelani and Dravik have gathered a small group of like-minded allies we suspect are trying to take the elders away. To prevent us from offering them in the Ritual of Renewal tonight.”
“Council Leader.” It was the guard Xalun who had stood sentry at the eldest tree earlier. “The elders’ hut is secure.”
“Are they all safely inside?” Tharion demanded.
Xalun gave a slight bow. “Yes, Council Leader. All are accounted for.”
Nyvira closed her bright eyes and breathed a sigh. “Thank the god Echovara.” She put a hand over her heart. “We are saved by his mercy.” She flicked a thumb up the illumination pole and it dimmed. “We apologize for the intrusion. But I’m sure you can understand our fear of letting anything happen that would disrupt the ritual.”
Lisa stepped closer to the female Lumarian. “Wait, I don’t understand something. Why would you think they were in here with us?” She flicked a hand at the small room. “It’s not like we can hide anyone here. Not to mention we hardly know them.”
“That’s because I overheard them say they had help from visitors from the outside.” Xalun offered. His hand gripped the javelin he held and lowered his eyes. “And you are the last foreigners we needed to check on.”
“Captain Xalun, make sure all of your troops are guarding the elders. This is no time to relax.”
The guard gave a slight bow and left.
Nyvira put a hand over heart and addressed Abalim. “It is hours before sunrise. Please take this time to continue your rest so you can be fresh for the celebration later.” She crooked a finger at Tharion. “Come, my bonded one. We need to prepare so we don’t incur Echovara’s wrath.”
Tharion nodded. “Just so.”
With that last statement, he left, following his female through the hanging vines.
“Well.” Lisa snorted. “That was fun.”
“JR15, are they out of earshot?” Abalim murmured in a low voice.
“Yes, Mister Abalim, sir.”
Abalim nodded. He gave Lisa a mischievous smirk. “Ready to sneak around and find out what Maelani and Dravik are up to?”
“Ha!” She bumped him with her shoulder and grinned. “Who says you have to be a psychic to read my mind!”
Lisa couldn’t believe how wide-awake she was despite so little sleep. Her face heated. Not to mention the sensual gymnastics she and Abalim had shared before she fell into blissful oblivion. But look at her now, sneaking around an alien village as if she were a heroine in one of her romance novels. Adrenaline rushed through her. Yeah, following the drop-dead handsome, muscular hero into the darkest night to uncover the vilest villain's plot…
“Stop here.”
Abalim’s deep masculine voice jerked her out of her daydream. Damn, she was doing it again. She tended to blank out at the worst moments as part of a plot revealed itself. Most of the time it didn’t matter because she was in her office at home, immersed in her creations. Too bad over the years it gotten so bad it started to take over her life. That was one of the main reasons she’d joined the alien exchange to live the kind of life she’d only written or read about.
“We’re here.”