Page 51 of Abalim
He broke the kiss and placed his forehead on hers. “Woman, don’t start things we can’t finish.”
Her pink tongue peeked between her lips as she licked them.
His groin tightened, becoming a steel monster that demanded release.
Lisa gave a little wiggle, rubbing against his straining member. “Sorry.” She shrugged with a sheepish grin.
Damn woman didn’t look like she was sorry.
“Couldn’t help myself.” She jumped off his lap and held out her hand to him. “Come on, hunky man. Let’s find out what happened to the Lumarians.” She pointed to the large machine. “Think they’re over there with that thing?”
Abalim didn’t need her help to stand, but he wasn’t about to pass up the chance to touch her. Clasping his hand in hers, he stood and gathered her in his arms for a quick hug. With a slight smile, he let her go and glanced at his AI companion on his shoulder. “JR15, can you scan this room and see if you can find where the Lumarians are?”
The little bot’s silver-and-green body wiggled. “Already done, Mister Abalim, sir. Behind those mirrors along the walls are chambers filled with the bodies of the Lumarians.”
Lisa gasped with her fingers covering her mouth. “Are they all dead?”
JR15 shook his small, bulbous head. “No, Ms. Lisa, ma’am. Not all. I have analyzed the ones who came here with us. They are thankfully still alive. But I cannot determine how long that condition will last.”
Opening his palm, Abalim created a spinning sphere of light to help them see. “Which way, JR15?”
“To the left. They are lined up against that far wall.”
“Dang.” Lisa nodded at the light in his hand. “That’s all kinds of handy. Bet you don’t have to worry about running out of batteries.”
Abalim gave her a mischievous smile. “What’s better is I can make it do this.” He tossed the sphere into the air. It hovered and gave a light soft enough to guide them.
“Well, soaring space dung! That’s about the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.” Her laugh was infectious.
He chuckled with her as he struggled to tamp down the urge to puff out his chest and strut like a pompous moron.
Holding hands, they cautiously ventured deeper into the cave. In the background was the odd rhythmic hum of the massive machine. With the help of his lighted sphere, they reach the side wall that resembled a hall of mirrors as far as the eye could see. When Abalim looked closer, behind each panel was a Lumarian cocooned in a state of deep slumber.
Inside, an internal low light reflected against the cave wall, creating a translucent radiance around the sleeping forms, giving them an almost divine radiance.
“Oh my God, Maelani!” Lisa cried and ran to one of the pods. The young Lumarian inside looked like she was asleep. Her bright eyes were closed and her mouth slightly open. “Do you think she’s okay?” Lisa had her hands on the pod and looked over her shoulder at JR15 for the answer.
“Yes, Miss Lisa, ma’am. She is for now.” He turned his little, round eyes to her. “But I’m afraid the elder Lumarians are having their energy drained. I am not certain how long it will be before they expire.”
Lisa gasped.
“Can you determine what is causing that?” Abalim glanced at the large machine across the room. If his suspicions were correct…
“I cannot be sure, but I believe it’s not only the personal energy from the Lumarians that is the target.”
Abalim turned to his small companion. “What else is being targeted?”
“Look at that!” Lisa pointed to the floor where a long, thin tube glowed from one of the tubes to the large machine.
For the first time, Abalim noticed the thing was pulsating with a brighter light.
“Miss Lisa, ma’am, is correct.” JR15 nodded. “As far as I can ascertain, the machine is searching for a specific item the Lumarian might be wearing. Unfortunately, their life force is drained as a byproduct of that search.”
Lisa’s lips pressed together. “Well, since we don’t know what it wants, how ‘bout we kick that piece of shit out of their stasis pods?” When it didn’t move after giving it a swift kick, she tightened her hands into fists. “Okay, time for something else. Think there’s an ax around here somewhere? I’d love to chop me some firewood.” She glanced around as if an ax were handy in this dank, empty place.
Abalim put a hand on Lisa’s tense shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Hold on, my inkheart.” He nodded to the machine. “We can’t be sure what would happen to them if we did that. Let’s have JR15 analyze it closer.”
“Yes, yes, Ms. Lisa, ma’am.” The little bot nodded his head vigorously. “I will interface with the machine to see the best way to dislodge it from the Lumarians.”