Page 57 of Scorching Lies
“Let me guess. You’re not most people?” I snort, laughing at that.
Shrugging his shoulders he keeps his face blank, which pisses me off even more.
“Let’s just say I have a bigger interest in Kenna Kingston and I won’t be run off by some little boys trying to run daddy’s empire.”
In less than two seconds I have him on his back, the chair under him, and my knife to his throat. Using my free hand I snatch off the blindfold so he can see how serious I am.
“I’ll carve your tongue out right fucking now for even saying her name.”
He doesn’t flinch. His eyes connect with mine, showing no fear. Most men aren’t afraid of another man until they’re given a reason to be, but this is different. Looking in his eyes something settles in the back of my mind.
“Who are you working for? Her dad?”
He doesn’t say anything.
Pressing the tip of the knife into his throat, I drag it down his neck. A bead of red follows the blade rolling down his shirt.
“Who has you watching her?”
Rage bubbles in my stomach, pushing me over the edge. Twisting the knife into his skin I flick my wrist, cutting his neck deep enough to have him grunting, but not enough to kill him.
“I can do this all day. It’s a gift of mine honestly.”
My voice light, I smile, letting him see just how far I’m willing to go.
“So, tell me. Was it her piece of shit father that hired you?”
“Go fuck yourself.” He spits.
There’s no anger in his tone, just a matter of fact attitude, as if his employer could somehow protect him from being the next gift I give my little Killer.
Leaning down, “I’m going to slice you into little pieces and send you to my girl. Every time she gets a chunk of you, I’ll pop into her head. She’ll only ever think of me when she sees you.”
Not giving him a chance to respond, I drag the knife across his arm, ripping a chunk of skin off.
“Oh shit. I really fucked up that tattoo. I hope that didn’t cost too much money.”
His jaw is clenched so tight I can hear his teeth cracking. Blood flows from the cut, his flesh split wide open, down to the muscle.
“You should have seen how much of a fighter she was.” I taunt, “She saved your pathetic life and in turn got herself shot.” Waiving the knife around, red splatters around us with each hand movement. “So, I guess that means I owe you a bullet. Lucky for you, I only have this knife.”
Looking at the tip, I bring it closer to my face, judging the sharpness of its point. Without warning I rare back and plunge the blade into his shoulder, in the same spot where Killer took a bullet for this fucker.
He is a tough mother fucker, but he still lets a scream slip through his teeth. It’s like music to my ears.
“Now, it’s not my best work…” I trail off with a laugh.
“You’re going to regret that.” He spits.
He breathes through the pain like a trained fighter moving through the punches.
“The only thing I regret is not moving my girl out of the way before pulling the trigger.”
He laughs.
“When they find out you shot Kenna Kingston your entire little kingdom is going to come crashing down.”