Page 59 of Scorching Lies
That question comes from Ally. She’s standing at the back of the couch, her nose scrunched up with her hands on her hips. Pure sass. West throws a wink at me before sauntering over to Ally. He stretches his arms out wide and sweeps her off her feet. Literally. He swings her around, a deep throaty laugh falling from his lips. She’s dazed and taken by surprise, which was his plan, because he flashes a smirk at me over her shoulder. We share the same one. He sets her on the balls of her feet, patting her head, but she swats him away. Pressing her hair back into place, she spins towards me with a finger pointed in my direction.
“You need to be ready in five minutes or I’m leaving your tall lanky ass here.” Her tone doesn’t match the bossy words she spits.
She’s hiding a smile when she turns back to West, smacking his chest with the back of her hand. He jerks left and right, pretending to box with her before stepping around her and jogging towards me. I’m still standing in the same spot, staring at the two of them playing like best friends. It’s more than the face sucking they normally do and it sets me on edge, taking me back to last week when I found out she was spilling information to them. West sees the moment my thoughts float back there and halts to a stop just a foot away.
“She’s done, Princess. Don’t worry, she picked you over us so you win this time.”
Curling my lip, our pleasantries long gone, “And what exactly were we playing? What part of I’m done playing these games do you not understand?”
He raises his eyebrows at me. Not in confusion, instead he looks down almost daring me, not that I need the permission he’s granting me. One step forward and I’m at his chest. My height gives me the advantage of being able to look him fully in the eye.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to prove my father is innocent. Don’t ever take my kindness for weakness. Yourbrothers.”I make sure to spit that term, “Seem to forget that I grew up both a Kingston and Stone. Family, always.” Looking away, my eye catches on Ally standing behind him watching the entire thing. I wet my lips, bringing my eyes back to him, making sure he sees me when I say, “My hate for you and your brothers runs deep. Even after everything you’ve put me through for unfounded reasons.But I’m just as much a Stone as I am a Kingston and I’ll spend forever forcing you guys to see that.”
Our stare holds a few seconds longer before I shoulder check him on my way to my room. Grabbing my things, I check my reflection before meeting them at the front door. Tonight we have a baseball game, which is why I wasn’t expecting the middle brother at our door, but I’m preparing myself for anything. I haven’t seen Ryker since he signed his name in ink and blood. My core clenches at the image of his name on my skin and it sets my blood onfire. Loving the way his mark on me feels is one of the reasons I want to avoid the bastard.
The roar from the crowd vibrates the metal of the bleachers. Me and Ally are on our feet, stomping with the rest of our classmates. I haven’t seen Ryker or Cole yet, but West has made it a mission to search us out from the field. Wind blows my hair around whipping me in the face, but my smile doesn’t drop. Tonight has been just what I needed. Patching things up with Ally has started off smooth and spending time together at the game has been so much fun.
“Wooohooo!” Ally tosses her hands over her head with a wide grin plastered on her face.
We both stand at the same time when West throws the last pitch of the game, striking out the other team's batter. The entire stadium goes wild with excitement. Our school rushes to the field while the other teams school tosses hats, jackets, drinks, and food to the ground. Our clean up crew is going to have a field day with this one. Bodies slam into me and Ally, shuffling us along the bleachers, my feet tripping over steps. My foot catches on the corner of the last step, my weight falling forward, but two large hands catch me.
“Easy, Killer.”
Rykers mouth is only inches from my ear, his closeness sends chills down my arms. My body hums with his presence and I know he can sense the excitement pouring off me when he trails his lips up the slope of my neck.
“There’s my needy little brat.” He nips my earlobe.
The noise around us drowns out the low moan that bubbles at the base of my throat. Pure need shooting through me with the feel of his mouth on my skin. A reminder of what it feels like to have his tongue gliding inside me has my thighs instantly slick. Leaning back against his chest, Ryker makes sure we’re touching with each step forward.
“Cole.” I nod pressing my lips together.
Cole hasn’t acknowledged me up until this point, but this time I don’t give him a choice.
“I see you caught you a fish.” I wiggle my brows at him.
Both of the boys share a look before Ryker bends down to kiss my jawline. It’s not in a way your boyfriend would show you he cares. It’s in the possessive ownership he’s showing everyone around us and even though I belong to no one, it still lights me on fire inside.
“Doll!” West screams over the noise.
Bouncing on his toes he spots us over the crowd, with the help of Ryker and Cole's height, and the fact that people avoid touching the Elite bastards. Ally on the other hand is hidden in the sea of bodies so West is calling for someone he can’t quite see. Sweat drips from his thick dark hair, brown eyes shining with pride, West’s face glows bright red from the long game. Ally turns tolook at me when she spots Cole. Her smile dips slightly before she snaps out of it and bounds towards him. The broody fucker opens his arms for her, but only to stop her short.
Both hands grip her arms, “I thought I told you to stay away from West.” Cole says.
Ryker chuckles from behind me, “Sounds familiar.”
Leaning to the side, I turn my head so I can see his stare, “What’s with you Stone men thinking you own everyone.” I snap.
Dragging me closer by my throat, he yanks me forward fast and hard. Teeth gnashing at my bottom lip. Biting down hard enough to break the skin, blood drips onto my tongue.
“Watch that pretty little mouth.” He growls.
Pulling away my tongue traces the inside of my lip, gliding over the broken skin. Our eyes stay glued on each other as the world around us pauses, the death grip he has on my soul makes it impossible to move. West has made it to us by now, his sweaty uniform drips over my arm when he shoves past us, reaching for Ally. A look passes between Ryker and Cole, right before he turns around and sees West… who gave Ally a wink and slapped her on the ass. Ryker’s already shaking his head when Cole lashes forward. Cole’s fist swings past me, slamming into the side of his West’s face. Blood flies from his mouth, spraying my shirt.
“What the fuck!” I shout.
A warm hand clasp over my mouth, silencing my scream.
“No one gets to hear you sound like that but me, Killer.”