Page 61 of Scorching Lies
After school today I plan on going to see my dad again, hopefully I’ll be able to pull more information out of him. My father and Alec Stone were best friends, but as of recently I found out there was a third. Rowan Savage. The father of none other than Oakley Savage aka Blue. That connection doesn’t sit right with me. Why would their family be sniffing around our stomping rounds two years after Alec’s death? Something isn’t adding up, and I intend to find out what it is. . My plan is to toss out the family name, see how he reacts and hopefully it will lead me somewhere because I’m running out of clues.
Rubbing my sponge down my stomach, my hand pauses over my tattoo. The lines are jagged and angry, but it’s beautiful. I fight the way my body reacts to the memory of Ryker above me. Moving past it I wash my scarred leg, rubbing the healed parts of my tattoo that spans from my upper hip down to my ankle. The skin loosens with each swipe down, the hot water making it easy for my muscles to relax. I beat myself up for not making more time for my stretches and therapy exercises. Letting the water fall down my back for a few minutes, it takes me a while to force myself out of the shower and into the real world.
After drying off, I get dressed for class in a white button-down shirt and tight school skirt with my signature black tights underneath. Throwing my hair in a messy french-braid, I grab my bag and slip my phone in the side pocket. The walk is peaceful thanks to the nice weather. The brown box locked in my closet keeps pressing its way to the front of my mind, but I shove it back where it belongs. I haven’t opened it yet in fear of it being another body part. By the time I reach the east building mylegs burn from the walk. This campus is massive with so many different buildings that expand a three block radius.
“Kenna!” I hear my name being yelled out from behind me.
Turning, I look around to see if I can spot who it was, but I come up short. Continuing up the stairs of the massive entrance, the double doors swing open revealing the packed hallways. I step inside the darkened halls, kicking myself for not leaving sooner. The dark brick walls suck the light from the building, leaving it feeling more historic and castle-like. Making my way to the third floor, I pass by several classrooms before purple hair catches my eye. Ally stands there with a small smile on her face, her hair tied in a short low ponytail with her foot propped against the door behind her.
She looks up at a figure standing in the shadows and my heart starts to pound behind my ribs. The sound of blood pumping through my body fills my ears. Looking around, I move towards the classroom but keep to the other side of the hall, trying to hide behind the students that pass me. Licking my lips I try to swallow, but my throat is dry. She leans away from the doorway to walk towards the man standing above her by at least a foot. Not that it helps when she walks into the shadows to join him, but at least I know he’s around my height if not an inch or two taller.
Romero steps beside me, breathing heavily and pulling my attention from Ally and the mystery man. My gaze keeps tethering back to see if he steps into the light.
“What do you want, Romero?” I quip.
Not in the mood to deal with his bullshit, I shift to the side to make sure I have a full view of the two people across the hall from me.
“I haven’t seen you around lately. I just wanted to apologize for what happened between us.”
Looking back at him, I can see the truth of his words. Sighing, I look back to Ally before turning to face Romero.
“No hard feelings. You got dealt a shitty hand, but we were never going to be anything in the end. I’m not looking for something serious and I have a feeling you just needed some fun.”
Giving him a smile, I pat his shoulder and start to walk across the hall towards Ally when and the shadowed figure steps into the light fully, his salt and pepper hair giving away who he is. Addington leans forward to kiss Ally on the cheek, but that’s not what has my blood running cold. It’s the second figure stepping from beside the Dean into view. Professor Arden walks towards Ally, but she shrinks back slightly. Addington catches the movement and stops Arden with a hand to his chest. Pressing my back into the wall near the door I breath in deep, trying to calm myself. Ally Adler has been caught talking to two members of the foundation.
Ally finally pops out from the classroom and turns the corner, going in the opposite direction. Waiting a few seconds, I go to step past the doorway when I hear my name being called again.
“Ms. Kingston.” Addington calls.
Stopping in my tracks my eyes roll to the ceilings. What more could go wrong.Don’t push your luck Kenna,My inner bitch snarks at me. Turning towards the empty classroom I step inside, but the door shutting behind me has my muscles tensing.Professor Arden raises his hands to show that he isn’t going to try anything. The foundation wouldn’t make a move on me so boldly, so I push the anxiety to the back and decide to focus on what the hell is going on.
“Addington. Arden.” I nod at both of them.
Standing straight, I don’t let them see me hesitate at being alone with them. Fear is the worst thing to give men like them. Wiping down my skirt I pretend to be slightly nervous to give them a sense of security around me, but I’m anything but nervous. If anything, my nerves are only bad because I just saw Addington kiss Ally’s face. Not only is he too old for her, but with the history we have of not being able to trust her, this doesn’t look good.
“Are you ready for the Fundraiser?” Arden asks.
Popping a hip, I flash him an open smile.
“I am. We haven’t had a big ball like this in a long time, so I can’t wait to see what our community can do when we all come together.”
I roll my eyes inwardly with my political answer. Taught well with handing questions like that, it has me holding back a laugh. Straightening my shirt, my nails tap on the buttons to distract them. The more men think they’ll get see of a woman's body, the more their mouths run, spilling information.
“The foundation noticed the trouble the Stone family has given you so we wanted to check in to see how you were adjusting.” That’s from Addington.
“We would hate it if they made you feel uncomfortable to attend the meetings.” That’s Arden.
Biting the inside of my cheek, I contemplate my next response.
Lifting a brow, my smile widens, “I appreciate you all for worrying about me. The Stone family has been less than welcoming, but I’ll manage. I’ll try to make the next meeting so I can catch up on all the things I’ve missed.”
They share a look. Something flashes over Arden’s face, but I can't quite place it.
“We were under the impression that you might need a little help with the brothers. If that’s ever the case, feel free to come to the foundation.” Addington says.
Stepping towards him I can see his eyes trail down to my chest. Placing my palm against his chest, I bat my lashes at him.