Page 49 of Burning Truths
Skipping around the two, I try not to think about the person they are getting ready to dump in a shallow grave. The way his body is carved into pieces infuriates me. The sooner we get Kenna out of here, the quicker we can get some answers. Starting with what the hell happened in this building. A door closing behind us has me spinning on my heels. Headlights beam directly in my face, coming straight towards where I’m standing at the back of the building. Silas and Havoc havestarted digging in the soft dirt a yard or two away. Moving away from the red brick building, my hands find my hips and I tip my head looking directly into the blinding headlights. Swerving the car just to the right, barely missing my leg, the driver slams on the breaks and rolls down the tinted windows.
“Stone Manor. Meet us there when you’re done dealing with this mess. Ryker has the family doctor coming to take a look at her.” Gio says from the driver seat.
My eyes move from him to the man in the passenger seat. He doesn’t speak, only assesses the scene around him, so I look back to Gio.
“Hank?” I ask, twisting my lips to the side.
Looking to the ceiling of the dark car, he shakes his head, “He’s in the trunk. Don’t worry, we’ll let you have a playdate before Ryker has a talk with him.” Gio huffs out a shallow laugh.
Leaning my arms on the window, I’m brought closer to green eyes and scarred skin. Tapping my nails on the metal window frame, I blow them both kisses flashing my red painted lips.
“Don’t worry boys, I'll save some of the fun for you.” Pushing off the car I head over to my men.
The car's engine revs a few times before the tires squeal, leaving a cloud of dirt and mud splattered over the pavement. Fucking boys.
“I’m not leaving the damn room.” Ryker spits.
“We need to examine her.” The doctor states. His tone is anything but pleasant, but he knows who he works for, so he steps back with his words.
The party has moved back to a mansion in the center of Del Mar which I’m positive is the Stone residence. West is leaningagainst the wall with both hands in his pocket while Ryker is going toe to toe with the good ole doctor. Fucking menaces, all of them. Rolling my eyes I stand from the small white chair beside Kenna stopping at the foot of her bed.
“Doc, he’s not going anywhere. I’m guessing you knew that already, so do us all a favor and get to fucking work.” Turning to West, “You aren’t needed.” I wave my hand to shoo him out the room. “Go make yourself useful.”
Brown eyes darken his gaze, lighting a fire on my skin, “Careful what you wish for, Blue.” He rumbles.
There’s a threat layered underneath his words and it shoots excitement down my spine.
“You have no idea what you’re asking for.” I wink.
I’d eat him alive and enjoy each second of watching my men savor every single taste from my tongue.
“You too.” I say, pointing to Ryker.
Ryker turns on me spewing venom, “Watch who the fuck your talking to. You’re in my house, in my town, running my streets.” His jaw ticks.
“Maybe it’d be best for the patient if she had some privacy due to her condition.” The doc says. His white lab coat is unnecessary on a house call, yet here we are. In a fucking reality T.V. show filled with personal doctors, mansions, and filthy money. Ryker shoulders past me grabbing the doc by his jacket, shoving him against the pale blue wall.
“Keep in mind who lines your fucking pockets and looks the other way when certain parts show up on the market.” He seethes.
“Let the man go so he can do his fucking job.” I exhale. “Stupid, pushy, bossy bastards. All of em.” I mumble under my breath.
A small moan pulls my attention back from the darker parts of my mind. Spinning on my heels, hazel eyes meet mine. KennaKingston. My father promised to keep an eye on her if anything happened to the Kingston family, so here I stand keeping his promise. My phone vibrates in my back pocket, reminding me how much I have on hold back in Seattle while I’ve been here playing detective. I force a smile from my face when I think of all the fun I’m about to have.
“Ms. Kingston, my name is Dr. Munford.” The doc moves around a red faced Ryker to slip beside Kenna.
Her eyes leave mine to look at the tall sturdy male beside her. She goes to jerk back, but lets out a groan from the pain. She hit her head pretty fucking hard. Luckily head wounds bleed a lot, and it doesn’t always mean disaster. I’m still positive she has a concussion though. Making my way back to the chair on the opposite side of Dr. Munford, I make sure to keep my movements slow and obvious. Having experience with trauma comes in handy with situations like these. It's why I don’t think Ryker needs to be in the room. I’d remove him myself if I knew it wouldn’t freak the little princess out over here. I’d enjoy finally getting in the ring with the hot head and putting him in his place. A smirk creeps up my face and I squish it back before anyone notices.
“It’s okay. You’re safe here. No one is going to hurt you, I just need to take a look at you.” He lowers his voice into a calm tone. Far from the deep one he held for Ryker.
Her gaze flits from him to Ryker and her eyes widen. When her breathing picks up and her fingers start to pick at the skin around her nails, reopening the cuts there, I turn to look at him.
“You need to go.” I snap.
Pausing his pacing, he starts to storm towards me when Kenna shrinks against the bed. Hand on my blade, I quirk an eyebrow, daring the little fucker to make another move towards me. Del Mar doesn’t want the attention of the wolves on themand he knows it. Looking back to Kenna, I rest my arms on my knees, showing her I’m not a threat.
“The doc here is going to check you out. You hit your head pretty hard and might have a concussion. You’re also dehydrated and-” Looking her over, I hesitate on the right words. “You’ve lost a lot of weight. We want to make sure you are okay and have medical treatment. We will give you privacy-” I pause again looking back over my shoulder at Ryker who is pacing again. “We willbothgive you privacy with the doc so he can examine you. If you need anything, call for me and I’m here.”
Tears form at the edge of her eyes, but she lays there silent. Looking away, her gaze floats to the ceiling, ignoring me completely. Whatever this shit-fuck did to her, she doesn't think she can trust any of us anymore.