Page 53 of Burning Truths
Hide and seek, tag, nerf wars, it was all we could do to keep ourselves busy as kids. Choking down the intrusive thoughts I keep moving forward past the bedrooms, past the stairwell, pastthe kitchen. Finally, an enormous doorway comes into view up ahead but my feet jerk to a stop when my eyes catch sight of a familiar door to my right. I’m just past the kitchen that looks to be recently repainted and designed with all new solid black appliances to replace the stainless steel ones that used to be in their place. The tall white door seems to grow larger, hovering over me like a distant reminder, a familiar demon that calls my name.
Biting into the tip of my tongue the pinch of pain manages to clear some of the fog caused by the monster from the past. Making my way closer to the door I drag my fingertip over the chipped paint and a memory I’ve suppressed flashes through my thoughts. Pictures play like an old style movie showing me Cole’s face as he climbs down the basement stairs to see me soaking wet and crying. Another of West coming to kneel in front of me to make me smile but the final image makes me jerk away from the door taking the image with it. Burying the sight of him storming towards me calling me to him like a siren into the deep waters. And what tears my heart from my chest is I went willingly into his arms allowing him to carry me away to where I felt safe.
Covering my face with both hands, my chest aches and all I want is to claw out those memories. Those lies. Spinning on my heels my stare falls on the open doors and I run. My feet pound against the tile. I’m in nothing but shorts and a baggy shirt with no shoes on my feet but I run. My muscles scream at me but my fight or flight kicks in and I burst through the final door skidding to a stop when I see the front door. Shaky hands grip the handles and shove once. Swinging open the darkness greets me yet it feels like home. Dropping my head back my eyes fall closed taking in the open air that kisses my cheeks.
“GAHHHHH” I scream until my lungs are out of oxygen.
Ignoring the pain bouncing around my ribs with each shattering breath I run down the driveway not looking back at the house that I used to love. Escaping to the open street it only takes me a short time to find my way to the edge of the neighborhood. Every inch of my body needs rest but I keep walking. My stomach burns from nothing but acid filling it but I keep walking. I walk until holes are worn through the bottom of the socks from the asphalt. I walk until my eyes droop lower and my knees shake. I walk until I reach the dorms. And when my hand finally meets the cold metal of my dorm room my legs give out and my body slides against the wall until my ass hits the floor.
My head thuds against the wall when I realize that I have no way to open the door because my keys are gone. Leaning back I let my eyes drift closed allowing myself to rest until the dorm’s open and I can get a spare key. Promising myself that I’ll only rest for an hour, I drift off into a deep sleep right there in the hallway of the Hawthorne dorms.
Something digs into my ribs pulling me from a dreamless sleep. The pain fades when the pressure is removed and my eyes start to drift again when it returns. That’s when I hear a voice above me.
“Kenna?” It says.
My brain tries to catch up but I’m too weak to move from my spot. My hand stretches out rubbing something rough and scratchy.
“What?” I murmur.
Blinking, my palms rub at my eyes until the sight in front of me changes from blurry to clear. Brown eyes and thick brown hair frame a face I haven’t seen in months.
“Romero?” I rasp.
Leaning back on his heels he looks me over and I can see the moment he pieces it together. The way my cheekbones stand out against the pale color of my skin. Horror flashes across his face before a mask slams down and a smile takes its place. Dropping down to balance on his heels his milky chocolate eyes roam over my face taking me in. His baby face has small changes that I’d point out but I can’t find it in me to give a fuck. A laugh slips from my lips startling the man in front of me.
“Where have you been?” He questions.
Reaching over his large hand clasps my elbow pulling me from the floor and I don’t fight the help he gives me. When I’m eye level with him he finally sees me fully and his eyes widen. Looking away to avoid the pity behind his eyes.
“I lost the key to my dorm. Can you help me get one from the desk?” I question. It falls from my tongue like a plea and somehow he knows it’s what I need.
Nodding he motions for me to stay here, turning, he takes off down the hall. Returning a few minutes later he steps around me to unlock the door and open it for me. The lights are already on lighting up the empty living room and a sigh leaves me. I didn’t know if Ally would be here or not but fuck am I happy she isn’t. Stepping inside I turn to close the door but Romero follows me inside. Leading me to the couch he sits me down and starts to pace.
“Kenna, you look like hell. You’ve been missing for over two months and you show up on campus looking like a fucking hostage victim. The Stone family has been searching for you day and night yet when you’re found they’re nowhere to be found?” His hands comb through his hair.
Sinking into the soft couch I pull my knees up to my chest to give me that shield I need to keep myself safe.
“Are you asking me a question?” I say, my voice raw.
Stopping in his tracks he drops forward bringing himself eye to eye with me. His hands rest on his knees.
“They found you.” He breathes,
Shaking my head frantically my heart starts to pound.
“No. No, they did this.”
His brows pinch in surprise. “Kenna you don’t.” He pauses, pulling in a deep breath. “I don’t know where you’ve been and by the look of you I’d say it’s been a fucking nightmare so I’m behind you no matter what but, Kenna.” He stops again, “They’ve been looking for you nonstop. People are dead. Some people are missing. Ry-”
My hands fly to my ears at the name that drips from his mouth like venom.
“Stop.” I cry out.
Standing he holds his hands out in surrender. “I’m sorry, Kens.” He breathes out.
My eyes burn from the lack of tears due to dehydration.
“Tell me what you need.” Romero says.