Page 74 of Burning Truths
“Are you sure about this, Kens?” Cole questions.
Twisting my lips to the side I tip my head to the side letting my gaze travel over his hardened face. His boyish looks long gone, fading into harsh lines and troubled days.
“I’m tired of this.” Looking down my voice lowers, “I have to do something that makes sense to me.” I beg him to understand without saying the words.
Placing his hand over mine he waits for me to lift my head.
“We’re not killing her.” He says his declaration is calm but fierce.
“We’re not killing her.” I confirm the corner of my mouth twitching when I try to hide my smile.
G makes his way through the door when we finally finish putting the parts together, making a super machine ready for what I have planned. Cole and West grab the heavy parts while I carry the only piece that I care to touch. Ryker stands at my back, leaning into my hair at the back of my neck, inhaling and sending a chill down my spine.
“Come on, Killer.” He draws in a lazy tone.
Is it ironic that we’ve become the killers? That somehow we house a hostage starved and broken in another room? Part of me wishes I’d died during my time with Hank to escape the very thing I’m becoming but the heat from Rykers hand at my lower back shoves that sinister thought away. Jerking my head towards Ally, G heads over to drag her along, looking at me with a questioning stare.
“A plus one.” I remark on my way out the room.
Following my boys through the house they lead me to a dark portion that feels degrees colder. The chill sinks into my bones, raising goosebumps across my flesh. West steps past Cole to open a large door letting out a rancid smell that has bile churning in my stomach.
“Holy fuck.” West gags.
Ryker rubs my lower back letting out a low laugh. “Smells like the pussy West used to fuck.”
The joke does its job and eases the tension around us. Cole flicks the light on to the bare square room walking further into the space allowing us all to enter. G and Ally are the last ones through the door pulling it shut behind them.
“My fucking eyes are watering.” I snap.
“Welcome to the party, Princess.” The way that name rolls off his tongue makes me lash out at smack him in the back of the head.
West rubs at the spot turning to flash me a wink, “Don’t act like one then.” He laughs, bouncing away from my next hit.
Cole and West move to set the modified generator in the corner of the room near a plug in that’s needed for it to work. The cold metal in my other hand feels heavier now that I’ve come face to face with Hank Harlow. Looking over at the man tied to a small wooden chair in the middle of the room, I take my time taking note of every little detail. The way his eyes are hollow the stark resemblance to what my were is chilling. The way his clothes are soaked with urine and shit sours the air around us and the floor around him. Even now, beaten and bruised, he still leans forward when I step closer, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Killer.” Ryker warns.
He’s on edge with me being close to the man who stole so much from me. From both of us.
“Princessa.” He rasps.
The sound of his voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard scraping across my skin. A shiver courses through me bringing with it a wave of memories. My skin feels stretched over my bones, my soul beating against the filthy feeling coating my body. Slamming my eyes closed I try to drag in a deep breath but the only thing I can taste is the way his mouth felt on mine. Shuttering from the onslaught of emotions that bombard me the room fades away taking me back to that room.
Ryker reaches out for me anchoring me in the present but the haze over my mind feels like a weighted blanket curled around me. Trapping me inside my own head.
“It’s just me and you, baby.” He murmurs. “He’ll never touch you again. You’re making sure of that.” he says.
Swallowing past the lump in my throat my hands shake at my sides.
“Lilies and fire, Killer. You burn, I burn, We burn.” He whispers, pressing a kiss into the side of my head.
Feeling the presence of the brothers surrounding me in the room even Ally being here comforts me. I’m not alone. They didn’t leave me. He lied. He stole a piece of me. I am wanted. Every broken and fractured part of my soul is held together by the forged bonds we made. Opening my eyes they connect with shallow blue irises.
“You don’t get to steal time from me anymore.” I say, my voice steady.
Pulling against the ropes that bind him he tries to reach for me, but he’s bound completely.
“Reach for her again and I’ll remove your hands from your body.” Ryker says calmly. The threat lies underneath his calm demeanor.