Page 48 of The Red Room
I swipe to my messages and click on her name. Thumbs to the screen, I type out the three words gnawing at my insides.
Where are you?I text.
It sends easily enough, and although the club seems to heighten in ear-splitting noise with the latest song, I focus on the three little dots signaling a reply. They stop as fast as they appear and start up again. Then, they stop altogether.
The message goes still, and my question is left on an alarmingreadstatus. The air in my chest hisses out in a sigh.Come on, Court. This isn’t like you.Maybe she’s pissed at me? I did basically ditch her to go up to Nikolai’s loft. Leave her at the bar only to be a muse to the single and sometimes married men who act like fucking vultures. She has every right to be mad if she is.
Are you okay?I text again.
The three dots appear once more and pause just as quick. I glance around Völk, hoping Alek is wrong and she’s still here. He could’ve been busy and didn’t see her go to the bathroom or out on the floor. My eyes land on Nik standing at the bottom step to his loft. There’s someone in front of him, his height rivalingNik’s even a stair beneath him. Pinpricks pierce my skin from my arms to my feet.
My heart plummets.
I alternate glances between the unanswered message and the two brothers, but only one of them has his fists clenched tight.Nik.His brow lowers to a scowl, and although I can’t hear what he says, his mouth opens with inaudible and visceral shouts. Anger morphs all the features I tallied as irresistible into a pure, unrecognizable wrath.
Three more dots. Still no answer. What in the hell is happening? Why are they fighting this time? Why isn’t Courtney responding? Why is there always some other shoe waiting to fucking drop?
Nik’s rage-filled gaze finds mine, and a distinct amount of unease replaces the expression on his face. He shoulder charges past Viktor to me, not even giving his monstrous brother another glance.
“We need to leave.Now,” he demands and grabs me by the wrist, leading me to the doors with incredible strength.
I follow as fast as I can, my camera bag slamming against my hip. He knocks back anyone that gets in our way, parting the sea of clubgoers for the both of us. Nik hurls open the doors, and before we pass through, I catch a glimpse of Viktor watching me, a ravenous glint in his gray eyes. His grin is deadly, spreading icy fear through each of my limbs. My heart rate spikes, leaving my hands and feet as numb as they are immovable.
“Now, Natalia!” Nik yells and rips me through the entrance. And when I’m on the other side, feeling the cool night air of Los Angeles soothe my cheeks, the doors of Club Völk slam shut.
“Dimitri,poydem,”Niksays, raising his voice with authority above the noise outside. He pulls me past the other bouncers and those making their way inside, hand still clasped on my wrist. His grip is tight but nothing compared to the fear strangling my throat.
Dimitri nods and unclips the entrance rope, letting it fall to the ground as we pass. He follows directly behind us, his heavy footsteps shuddering the pavement.
“What is happening?” I ask, my question seemingly dying in the clatter of the block. Tears sting my eyes, and my blurring vision only worsens when the paparazzi flashes pictures of the three of us marching to the SUV still parked against the curb. Nikolai and Dimitri say nothing. No, they herd me into the backseat like a fucking child. Despite my struggle, my need for answers, I’m powerless between the two.
I’m forced inside, and Nik enters the back next, ducking his head to clear the roof. In one smooth motion, he slams the door shut, effectively silencing the voices and music plaguing thestreets. The SUV tilts to one side when Dimitri lowers himself to the driver’s side.
No one says a word, and despite my panicked breaths breaking the silence, and the camera flashes blinding the interior, there’s a stillness. A lingering quiet at odds with the questions running rampant in my head. I check my phone again, praying to see a response from Courtney.Nothing.Just the small text under my messages showingRead. She saw them. Someone saw them at least. Fear laces my insides, painfully gnawing at each of my organs until my heart is the last to feel the excruciating bite.
“Why won’t you answer me?” I scream.
The engine roars to life and reels as we skid onto the road, the Völk lights disappearing in the rear windows. Dimitri weighs his large foot on the gas, and as I peek over the leather seats, the speedometer veers right like an overflowing pressure gauge. I dig my nails into my palms, surely piercing the first if not many layers of flesh. I remember the way Viktor looked at me, not once but twice tonight. There wasn’t anger in his eyes. No, it was something much worse. It was enjoyment.
“My bike is in the garage at the next light. They’ll be following both of your scents and mine. Wipe down the car with wolfsbane and park it at least two blocks from your apartment.”
Why are they ignoring me? It’s as if my voice is nothing more than background noise muffled behind the closed windows of the car. Am I just thinking it? Lost in the void while the words I wish to ask are trapped behind some impenetrable stone blocking my throat?
“Nikolai? What is going on?” I raise my voice higher, if for nothing else than to hear it for myself. I do, but Nik and Dimitri carry on as if my question is simple radio static.
“If I’m not back by dawn, you go. She needs to be out of the city by tomorrow. Viktor will have trackers looking for her.”
Great. Now he’s talking about me like I’m not fucking here. Questions bubble up my throat like stomach acid. Viktor is sending wolves to track me? Why? What could he possibly want with me?
“Will you fucking say something?” I demand, fresh tears sliding down my cheeks.
Dimitri’s hands tighten over the steering wheel but he stays silent.
“Don’t wait if I’m not back. Promise me,” Nik says, leaving no room in his stern voice for refusal.