Page 5 of Lords Of Ruin
Cast whistles slowly at the amount, but Vincent smiles like a Cheshire cat. “Excuse us for a moment, little devil.”
Vincent pulls Damien and me into the dark hallway, which flashes blues and purples from the party lights downstairs. The music is a dull, muffled sound that shakes the floor underneath my sandals. Vincent is smiling like he just caught some new prey, Damien looks annoyed, and I feel a surge of adrenaline running through my body.
Willow Cater is damn near naked in Vincent’s room; whythe hell am I not already balls-deep in my Chiquita right now?I can make her say sorry with my handprint on her ass and my mouth wrapped around her perfect chocolate nipples that are peeking from beneath her cereal top. Fuck how am I ever going to eat Frosted Flakes without a hard-on now?
My cock is hardening against the foil, and the pricks of the material only make me harder. I love pain: receiving, giving. I can’t cum without it, and it’s been that way my whole life. The same way I’ve wanted to ruin Willow since she came back to school Junior year, healthy, sexy as all hell, in her punk outfits, and hair that constantly changes colors. Right now the roots and undercut are pink and I like it.
Vincent closes the door with a click and whirls to Damien with wild eyes, but before he can say anything Damien speaks first. “No.”
“No?” I snap, rage rising in my chest.
“You’re not fucking the girl who killed my mother, our mother.” Damien eyes land with mine, but I look away and roll my jaw.
Vincent huffs, running his hand across his face and turning his back to us. Vicent has wanted to be with Willow since he first saw her on the first day of freshman year, but then a month later she was sick, and being homeschooled. Two years later she took Rosemary’s heart and then Damien put a ban on her.
Vincent shakes his head, poking Damien in the chest. “This is not your call.”
“What the fuck do you mean this is not my call? She hasmymother’s heart in her?” Damien growls in Vincent’s face.
Vincent scoffs, looking off to the side. “I thought she wasourmother a minute ago.”
I step in between Vincent and Damien, placing a hand on both of their chests, and relishing in the fact that I am taller than both of them. “Tranquilos, chicos. She’s just a girl, let's talk. D made the call when it came toourmom, but she just tried to steal from Vincent, a totally different situation.”
It’s funny how I have the most violent upbringing, and the more violent tendencies but when it comes to Vincent and Damien I find the nerve to be the peacekeeper.
“No, I said fucking no.” Damien snarls squaring up to me, but I chuckle and pat his chest.
“Okay, but if she doesn’t get this money she is moving to Minnesota. I don’t know about you but I’m not traveling a thousand miles from Texas to Minnesota to torture her.”
Damien rolls his jaw. If there is anything I know about Damien when it comes to Willow it’s that she can’t leave him, not when she has the only living part of his biological mother beating within her chest, so there’s our bargaining chip. I want to corrupt her, Vincent wants to consume her and Damien just wants her near to torture her and himself. He feels like he should have known his mother was sick. Colon cancer takes years to develop, as bad as hers had become, and he feels like he should have known that she was ill, despite him being a child at the time.
“She needs one hundred-fifty thousand dollars.” Damien mumbles.
“Okay, and?” I question, shrugging my shoulders and stepping back from the two, now that the tension has eased. “I wipe my ass with that amount every morning.”
“That’s nothing to you, but valuable to her. She’s going to need to pay us back.” Vincent muses, a cold smile spreading across his lips, and when heat flashes across his gaze I smile too.
“I know a couple of ways…” I drawl, nodding my head as Vincent and I come to the same conclusion. Vincent and I might as well be twins because we’re always thinking the same thing.
“She can be our servant, completely devoted to us, until the end of senior year.” Vincent nods, looking over at Damien who stares into the darkness with a vacant look in his eyes.
“I just want her here.” Damien mutters. “I don’t care what you do with her.”
Vincent clasps one hand on my shoulder, and the other on the back of my neck bringing me forward to rest his forehead against mine with a devilish gleam in his eye. “Cast, buddy, flip a coin. Pussy or throat?”
“Wait, you're giving me one hundred-fifty thousand dollars?” I gasp, the check dangles in front of my eyes, pinched between Cast’s thumb and pointer.
Vincent’schin rests on my right shoulder, his cheek pressed against mine, and I can feel the smile on his face. “Just for you little devil.”
My fingers twitch with the urge to rip it out of Cast's hands and flee, throwing caution to the wind. I can already feel my heart pounding in my chest at the mere thought of running to save my father from foreclosure. But I know these guys too well.