Page 12 of Serious Cowboy
“It’s a sixty-seven.”
“Wow. That’s—” She almost said ancient but caught herself. She doubted he’d like the term ancient any more than he did the term old. “That was a long time ago.”
His pursed lips loosened which she took as a win.
Zeke took her around all the different parts of town, and while she did know a handful of the businesses, she didn’t know them all. She’d known about The Steer House and the Sweet Everything bakery since they were right there on the square with the Bookish Bistro. They’d both become favorites in a short period of time.
She’d heard of The Aviary inside the Overlook Grand Mountain Lodge. Tim and Amanda had been there on their anniversary not too long ago and she’d kept the kids that night for them to celebrate. She’d continued her run as favorite aunt by taking them to the Cowboy’s Toy Box, a local children’s toy store. They’d each gotten to pick a toy, so this had been a huge hit.
But she’d never been by Horseshoe Antiques. She truly was interested in seeing what was inside. It looked like her kind of place to browse and wander around. She was enjoying spending time with him, there was no denying that, but the antique store was calling out to her in a big way. She didn’t want to wait to check it out. She wanted to experience it with someone else. With Zeke.
“The antique shop is pretty legendary in this area,” Zeke narrated at her side. “They have a big section of antique books.”
“Oh, I really want to go in there.”
She refrained from huffing at his huff. “Yes, now.”
So, he took her inside. That was how it began. Callie would request—convince him—to take her into the various businesses for a firsthand look. Though he resisted at first, eventually, he simply gave in and if it was a place where customers were known to frequent, automatically ushered her through the doors. He actually didn’t put up much of a fight and she got the idea he was enjoying being with her. She was feeling good about the day. Very good, in fact.
They browsed the antique saddles and horse blankets. Callie was taken in by the large selection of old newspapers. She’d never paid much attention to these before, but seeing them in this shop drew her in. Reading some of the articles made her chuckle and be surprised. Journalism had changed remarkably in a hundred years.
She could tell that Zeke wasn’t having a bad time looking at all the antique store had to offer. She was immensely happy to see his demeanor lighten up a bit.
There was one exception to his willingness to indulge her curiosity about all things Rocky Ridge, however.
“It’s where I work,” he argued, when she’d mentioned the Duncan Ranch. “There’s nothing to see there, anyway.”
“What? They don’t allow tours?”
“It’s not that kind of ranch. It’s not… touristy. It’s a working ranch.”
“So there’s no baby animal petting tent?”
“Um, no.”
“Hmm. A gift shop? Surely they sell ranch-y stuff. I’m always interested in seasonings and cooking stuff. I actually have a salt and pepper set collection.” Callie couldn’t seem to figure this out, even though Zeke’s declaration that it’s not a touristy place should have been all the explanation she needed. She was baffled.
“Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t know how to explain it any differently. A ranch isn’t a tourist gimmick.”
“Well, you could show me and then I’d get it.” She smiled up at him sweetly, but he didn’t look like he was going to be swayed.
“It’s really not all that interesting and I don’t really want to go over there when I’m not on the clock.” His frown got through to her. She couldn’t push him further no matter how much she wanted to get to know him better.
Here she was again, pushing for something that could easily come naturally if she was willing to wait. She took a moment to calm herself down and give her mind a boost.
“That makes sense. I didn’t mean to push. I’ve just never been around this western lifestyle thing. As much as I’ve traveled, this is all new to me. And I’m finding it very interesting.” She shrugged trying to feign indifference and understanding that she wanted to feel but didn’t. “Forgive me for being pushy. I’ll try to watch that. I guess that’s what makes me good at herding kids in the pediatrician’s office.”
He nodded and gave her a weak smile.
Their day together ended with him dropping her off at home with only small talk between them on the drive from town. She managed to not lapse back into an interrogation she knew would put him off and make her feel like she’d lost control again.
She watched out her front window as he drove away, crossing her fingers he’d warm up a little more. She’d truly enjoyed his company.
Wondering about his quiet nature, she figured Zeke must just be bashful about sharing the innermost parts of himself, the parts she was so desperate to get to know. And with these thoughts she started thinking of more ways she could find out more about this man she couldn’t get out of her mind.