Page 28 of Darkness
“You can leave.” She cuts me off and walks to the counter joining Katy, who is smiling at me. She didn’t tell her about what I did. Fuck, I messed up that badly. She never told her friend about how fucked up I am.
“I only want to-”
“Kick me out like I’m nothing again? I want you to leave.” She looks at me for a second before walking off into the back room.
Katy stands in front of me, and I wait for her to push me or slap me. I mean, I wouldn’t blame her, but she smiles again.
“I have no idea what you did, but because I believe everyone deserves a second chance, all I’m going to say is she’s looking for her Prince, so be her Prince.” I have to bite my inner cheek at Katy’s words.
Her Prince. I’m so far from a Prince I wouldn’t even know where to begin. She hands me a piece of paper and I look at it.
“It’s my number. You know if you want to get her some flowers.” She waves her hand to a few different types, which I’mgoing to say are the ones Autumn-Rose likes. But for me there is only one flower which I’d ever give her.
Putting Katy’s number in my pocket, I leave. I will be using it a little later once I figure out what I’m going to do with Autumn. I also need to figure out what I’m going to tell her about my life.
Seeing Lincoln’s name appear on my screen, I hit answer. “Did you see her?” he asks before I can even say hello.
“Is that why you called?” I ask him. Fucker.
“I had to cancel your mom. You need to get to The Pit-”
“What?” Something fucked up must have happened if I have to go straight there and not even get a chance to call my mom myself to let her know.
“Someone’s been killed.” There is silence between us, this isn’t something new. It happens more than I’d like to admit. They’re always trying to be top dog down there.
“Newbie?” I ask.
“Yes, he didn’t remember the rules. I thought you’d want to give him a reminder. Just don’t kill him.” I hear the humor in his tone, and I wish I could promise I wouldn’t kill him, but maybe taking out my frustration on someone this afternoon might help me.
“I’ll go straight over now. I’ll call you once I’m out. I might even go to the room for a bit.” It’s what started the headaches, and the last place I should be going, but it’s also the room I spent most of my time in. It became a fucked up version of my safe place.
That’s how fucked up my head is. The room which made my life hell is also the place I felt most safe.
“You don’t call me by the morning, I’m coming down, I know where you’ll be.” Lincoln hangs up before I can tell him I’ll be fine, but we both know I won’t be coming back in the best mood.
I might not want to go to The Pit, but it gets me out of having lunch with Logan and his brothers.
I’d rather be in The Pit, than with them three.
The Pit might be hell, but it was home for so long, and I hate it.
Throwingmy bag in the back of the car, I take in the icy breeze moving through the air. I love spring and summer, but there is always something nice about the cool autumn air.
“You killed it in there.” I jump, my back hitting the car. Rowan looks up and down my body. How is he always there? “You looked stunning. You’ll win easily at the end of the month.” He takes a step closer to me, and I glance around to see who’s around. No-one.
“You need to leave.” I quickly move to the driver’s door, but he blocks me in.
“Leave!” I shout at him this time.
“When are you going to realize you and I are meant to be together?” Rowan leans in closer to me, and my whole body freeze when his hand grips onto my hip. “I’ll be your biggest supporter. I never want to stop you from living your dream.” His mouth moves closer to mine, and I try to push him away. He’s too strong.
“I don’t want you anywhere near me.” I slap him hard, but it only angers him.