Page 50 of Darkness
“So, I was making breakfast, and at the same time, I thought I'd catch up on a TV show which I'm watching at the minute. Anyway, I was watching and cooking, well, cutting, and I was shocked. Couldn’t believe when she picked the wrong guy. I mean, that guy's completely wrong for her, he’s a dick. Then he threw the bombshell that she-”
“Autumn-Rose.” Cain cuts me off mid-sentence. “What does this have to do with anything?” Note to self, Cain does not watch reality TV. He's missing out.
“I'm getting to it. Well anyway, I was really frustrated with how the situation was going and I was cutting and gasping at the TV, not realizing what I was doing and cut my hand like really bad-”
“What?” Cain takes my hand in his to look at it, not sure what he will see as it’s all bandaged up.
“Yeah, it was deep, my towel got soaked through. I got into the taxi, got to the hospital." I start telling him bullet points of everything because he is not happy about the situation. I can see his jaw clenching. “Hospital took forever to look at me, I mean I could have bled out, and they wouldn't care.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” Cain snaps, still not looking at me. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s annoyed, and doesn’t want to scare me with the look on his face, or if it’s something else.
“Because it was seven in the morning. And… and I didn't know if our relationship is-”
“I don't care what you think our relationship is. You hurt yourself, you cut yourself, you got a little blister, I don't care what it is, you call me. If you did you wouldn't have even had to wait at the hospital. I would have just got you my doctor.”
“You have a doctor, a private doctor?” Seriously, who is this man, and why does he have an on-call doctor.
“Yes, and no matter what the time is, be it one o'clock in the morning or ten o'clock at night, he will be here. So, next time cellme, and as far as our relationship is concerned, I'm not sleeping with anyone else. Are you?” Cain asks roughly, and I can see he’s not playing with me either. His eyes are locked on mine, as if he is going to lose it any second now.
“Then I think we have a thing called a proper relationship, where you call me when you cut yourself,” Cain snaps, and lets go of my hand which he had a tight grip on.
“I'm sorry,” I say with a small mutter.
“How deep is it?”
“It was pretty deep, like I got so lightheaded. I lost loads of blood. I've been on energy drinks just to keep myself energized. I've had too many chocolates, but that's fine. Who can say no to chocolate? I've had a burger before I got here, and then when I get back, there's a sandwich waiting for me.” I lean in closer to him, and he shifts a little away, still pissed off with me.
“Why are you working?” His tone is hard, harsh, and annoyed.
“Because I have over twenty orders for this afternoon, and I can't make Katy do it. She had the morning off, but then obviously I was at the hospital, so I had to call her in to cover for me.” I stop talking when Cain shakes his head. I don’t even know how to say sorry for not calling him. “It won't happen again,” I say with a whisper. “Plus that's not even the worst thing that happened to me today.”
“Nearly slicing your hand off is not the worst thing?”
“No, he stitched me up. He said I have to change my bandages again before I go to bed, which should be easy enough. I mean, it can't be that difficult, can it? But then, as I was getting up off the bed, once he had finished stitching my hand, I walked into, you know, the little table they have next to the bed. I don't know what it's called, so I walked into it and look at this.” I lift the side of my t-shirt up so he can have a look at the bruise.
“Fucking hell. What was the table made out of brick?”
“No, I bruise like a peach, Cain. You know that come on. Your hands are still marked on my thighs from two nights ago.” Cain's lips turn into a smile now. “See, I always said you'd be handsome if you smiled.” The smile fades a little and he waits for me to say something else to him. “And then after that, when I was getting into the taxi to come back, I trapped my hand in the door.”
Cain stays quiet, watching the staff move around as they get things ready for when the club opens.
“You get used to it. I'm pretty good at it. Now.” I joke wanting to break the awkward silence.
“You're pretty good at being clumsy?” he questions without humor in his voice.
“Yeah. Anyway, I have to get back to the shop. I told Katy I wouldn’t be long. I really, really wanted to come here and say thank you for the gift. It's the most precious, thoughtful gift I've ever received, and no man has ever done anything like that for me before. And I just want to say thank you.” There is nothing I can really say to him, for him to understand what I’m feeling inside right now.
“I will be over tonight. But don't go into the kitchen. We'll order take out.” Cain slides out of the booth, and puts his hand out for me to follow him.
“Don't you need to be at the club?”
“Yes, Lincoln will do it-”
“I don't want you to step away from your business, for me.”
“I'm not going to be away from the club. Everything I was going to do was in my office. I'll just bring it to your place.”