Page 83 of Darkness
Declan hands me the warm cup of tea, a fresh cup, and I have to smile because Cain must have told everyone I love drinking tea. "It'll be alright," he whispers. "We'll hear something soon."
I take the tea reluctantly; the warmth spreading through my fingers. The tension in the room is palpable, and despite their efforts, I feel my anxiety growing with each passing second.
Aunt Jane's voice breaks the silence. "She has a right to know, David. We can't keep her in the dark."
David sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair. "I know, but you know how his relationship is with her.”
I agree with Jane, we need to tell his mom, but I’m not getting involved in this conversation. Cain might not have the best relationship with her, but she’s still his mom.
"Windows almost done," Miles tells us, his eyes flicking between us nervously. "Shouldn't be much longer." He looks at me, they have all been worried about me, but I keep telling them fine, I just need some news.
Lincoln finally walks out, worry on his face. "He's been poisoned," Lincoln's voice is a whisper, a tremor in his tone "We've given him something, but now we have to wait. We need to see how strong he is, how much he will fight it." The uncertainty in his eyes speaks for everything he is feeling right now. I also think he’s hiding something.
The room falls silent, and I look into my teacup, because I don’t want anyone to see that I’m about to cry again.
Lincoln sits next to me and turns my barstool to face him. “You’re scared, I don’t blame you. But Cain is a stubborn asshole, and he’s been through a lot worse than this. Trust me. He’s going to wake up.” All I can do is give him a nod, because I know if I talk I’ll cry.
All I can do is sit here, helpless. The room feels colder with Lincoln’s words, the air around us is filled with uncertainty and dread. Cain is strong, but I have no idea if this is a fight he can win. All I can do is wait, and pray he wakes up.
Two days have passed, and he still hasn't woken up, Lincoln hasn't left his side, and whenever he does, Hayden or one of the boys takes his place. Everyone jokes that it's the first timethey’ve been in Cain’s apartment and it’s to make sure he doesn’t die. They try to lighten the mood, with jokes and things, but right now nothing works for me. I haven’t been able to sleep because every time I close my eyes, all I can see is Cain getting shot.
Lincoln checks up on the club, then pops in and out through the night to check up on Cain. Doc has been here around the clock, I’m not sure if it’s fear because Lincoln told him if Cain dies, his ass is back in The Pit. And I’m not even sure if Lincoln is joking about it or not.
I haven't been able to go into work, and I will need to give Katy a pay rise for the work she’s been doing these last two days. Aunt Jane went into the shop to help her for me. I'm not sure if it's something she will offer again because she laughed about how busy it was, and she definitely didn't wear the correct shoes. She mentioned her feet were aching by the end of the day, and she had to take frequent breaks to sit down. And it was the first time I had smiled since this fucked up situation happened. Despite the chaos and discomfort, she handled everything with her usual grace. I really appreciate her stepping in for me, and it made me realize this family will help each other no matter what. I mean I’m only Cain's girlfriend, and they have all been here for me.
I watch Cain laying in bed, with wires in his arm, Doc said it was to drain his blood clean and put it back hoping it will clean the poison which is harming him. He spoke as if I knew what the hell he was talking about.
The room is quiet except for the beeping of the machines. I couldn't help but feel a knot forming in my stomach as I look at Cain's pale face, his eyes are closed as if he’s just asleep. But the tubes and the monitors tell me a different story, a scary fucking story.
"Is he going to be okay?" I finally managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper. Doc glances at me, his expressionunreadable behind his thick glasses. He doesn’t talk to me, I’ve asked a few questions, but it’s Lincoln or David he talks to. I think Lincoln must have told him not to give me any bad news.
"We're doing everything we can," he replies. Cain is fighting for his life and I feel helpless standing here, unable to do anything but watch.
I take a deep breath and try to steady myself. Cain needs me to be strong, I reach out and gently squeeze his hand, hoping he can feel my presence, hoping it will somehow make a difference.
"Katy says the shop is busy, and Cain needs to wake up so I can get back to work," I say, hoping my voice will reach him wherever he is. "Lincoln stopped by again," I continue, trying to keep my tone light. "He keeps assuring me that everything is under control, but I can't shake the feeling that he's hiding something. I just wish he'd be honest with us. But I bet you would prefer he didn’t.” A tear slips down my cheek as I reach out to hold Cain's hand again. It feels so cold. "I miss you," I whisper. "We all do. Cain, wake up. We need you."
I stop talking when my cell rings, and see Katy calling. I hope it’s another wedding order, having the shop busy keeping me happy.
"Hey," I answer Katy's call.
"Do you have the camera footage?" she asks, and I stand up, looking over at Doc as I exit the room. Why is she asking me this? There can only be one reason she’s asking for the footage. Walking out to the kitchen, I see Lincoln with everyone, and they stop talking when they see me. I know there is something happening they don’t want me to know about.
"Cain does, I don't. Why?"
"You might want to look at it. Someone is here, and they want to talk to you." Katy's voice is a whisper, and my heart pounds in my chest.
I knew he would find me. Yang was going to help him. He knew Rowan would be the only one to bring fear to me, and all Yang wants is Cain to suffer.
"Autumn?" Lincoln asks, concern etched on his face. I nod, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. "It's him, isn't it?" Lincoln's expression hardens as he asks the question.
“Katy said we need to look at the camera in the shop, but Cain-”
“I have it on my cell.” Of course he does. “Cain wanted double eyes on the shop after Yang gave you the snow globe.” Lincoln tells me as he opens his cell and puts up the footage from the shop, and my body freezes.
There he is, the man who made my life hell. Walking around the shop, I try to talk when I hear Katy ask if I’m looking at the footage.
“Tell Katy to give him the cell, talk to him-”