Page 53 of Diavolo
"Vincenzo warned Alessandronot to return homeuntil he learned their ways, integrated inner circles, and secured valuable connections. His father even threatened to disown him—by cutting off funds and letting him rot overseas—if he failed to deliver."
Elyse's heart grew heavier and heavier as Malina affirmed her suspicions about Vincenzo's twisted motives.
"Imagine. A boy of eleven. Snatched from his mother's arms, his home, his friends, and everything he knows to be used as a pawn on a chessboard. Alessandro lived away from home for over ten years. To his credit, he had a knack for drawing others in and charming them to his will. Alessandro came close to fulfilling his father's wishes, but he chose to walk away in his twenties. He dropped out of Oxford. His father has never forgiven him for this rebellion. The only reason Vincenzo keeps Alessandro around is because his brothers are dead, and he is the only living heir to the Vitale line."
"His father's a fucking monster," Elyse whispered in outrage. This harrowing account contained the most telling truths ever revealed about Alessandro. Vincenzo madePapálook like a fucking saint. Elyse had never met Vincenzo, but she already hated the oldhijo de putafor putting her man through hell.Son of a bitch.
"I do not disagree with your assessment, Dr. Romero. To this day, Alessandro never lets down his guard. Because of his brothers. And what Vincenzo forced on him. He wears a mask at all times."
"It must take a toll," Elyse observed quietly, "to live in such a way."
The older woman implored, "Do you understand where I am coming from now?Signor Vitalemay be flawed, but he is nothing like his father. I swear, hecares for you, Dr. Romero. I can tell. Please do not hurt him."
Elyse's eyes fluttered in surprise. It was rather touching to see how deeply Malina cared for Alessandro. This was also the first time the older woman had been so open and forthright with her. She decided to return the favor, "The last thing I want is to hurt anyone. It goes against my personal beliefs andmy principles as a medical professional, but..."
Malina prompted, "But?"
"Even though I sympathize with Mr. Vitale for enduring such a difficult upbringing, at least, he was able to swim among the sharks—as a man. You must admit, his world treats women with even less sympathy. Sometimes, a woman must put herself first. Or she might drown in these waters."
Understanding shone from Malina's blue eyes. "You are no schoolgirl, Dr. Romero, I will grant you that much, and I am relieved to hear that you already recognize the kind of world we live in. It will make your transition more bearable. There is a reason why I have not been able to resign from my position withthe Vitales after decades of service, and it is the same reason why you must marrySignor Vitale. We are not allowed to leave.Your future withhimwill be a comfortable life, but it will not be an easy one. His world was not made to serve our sex. You must be prepared to stand tall if you do not wish to lose yourself in his shadow."
"Rest assured, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes. I understand that Mr. Vitale needs a dragon at his side. Not a damsel."
"Hearing you say this puts me more at ease."
"But I could use an ally," Elyse murmured. "An insider to guide me. So that I won't be charging into battle—blind."
Malina smiled astutely. "I wonder where you could find such a useful person, Dr. Romero?"
Elyse eyed Malina questioningly. "I wonder..."
Blue locked on green, and goosebumps formed along Elyse's skin. It felt as though an unspoken truce had been struck between two sly females.
Malina lowered her gaze for a moment. "HasSignor Vitaletold you about the charity ball this evening?"
Elyse possessed a hazy recollection of Alessandro bringing up something about a ball last night. But she'd passed out before they could continue their conversation. "I think he mentioned it to me. Briefly. What do you know about it?"
The housekeeper's eyes lifted back to Elyse. "There will be important guests in attendance tonight. Politicians. Prominent businessmen. Men whomSignor Vitalewill need to recruit for various causes. If you do not know how to help him, take care to stay out of his way. Watch, learn, and take notes. Until you figure out how these observations can be used to your advantage."
She nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Malina. I understand what you're trying to tell me."
"One more thing, Dr. Romero," Malina added,"Signor Vitale'sstepsister will be in attendance as well. It might serve you to befriend her."
The fuck? All three of Alessandro's brothers were six feet under, but his stepsister was still alive?Interesting. Elyse's eyebrows rose. "What's her name?"
"Valentina Rizzo."
If Valentina had managed to survive the bloodbath between the three older Vitale brothers, she wasn't someone to be taken lightly. "What does she look like?"
"Signorina Rizzois blonde and blue-eyed. She stands a bit taller than you."
Valentina was… blonde? Could Valentina be the same blonde who'd showered in Alessandro's Zurich villa? Darkly, she wondered if Alessandro'sblondestepsister might also be missing aredbra from her closet. Paranoia spiked even though Elyse knew that she shouldn't jump to conclusions. "I'll be sure to seek out Valentina tonight."
Malina cleared her throat. "Just sit tight and be patient. Knowing her, she will hunt you down first."
Green eyes flickered. "I see."
"Are you familiar with Machiavelli, Dr. Romero?"