Page 69 of Diavolo
"No," Elyse answered truthfully.
"Why not?"
Alessandro was watching her closely. He appeared to care a lot about her thoughts of him when she answered, "You didn't choose to be born a Vitale. No more than I wanted to be my father's daughter. Or a Graviano. There's nothing wrong with trying to make the best of a difficult situation."
The parallels between their lives were uncanny. Both of their fathers had fucked them over by becoming invalids. She was still trying to clean up her father's mess, and now Alessandro was tasked with keeping his father's empire from destruction.
Gently, he brushed a strand of hair from her face. "That is generous of you to say. All things considered."
All things considered. Like her being forced to wed him. Because his father was dying. A familiar tendril of indignation flared. Elyse scowled a little. "For the record, I'll always resent you for forcing this marriage on me."
"I accept your resentment," Alessandro murmured. "I know I deserve it."
At least, he was self-aware. For another moment, she wondered how many more attempts there would be on Alessandro's life until he secured his position as his father's successor. Irritation waned as her concern for his safety took center stage. "But I suppose… I can understand your point of view. In order to survive this shitshow, you have no choice but to fuck me over."
He studied her for a moment before asking, "Is there anything I can do to make you happier about our arrangement?"
"I don't know."
Suddenly, Alessandro rose from their bed, pulling Elyse up with him, and, within this very instant, the heaviness of their conversation dissipated. A new, lighter mood replaced it. Alessandro smiled faintly. "Come,Signora Vitale, I have plans for us today."
She side-eyed him warily. "What kind of plans?"
He started nudging her toward the shower. "The hopelessly romantic kind.We are in Paris, after all, and I have not been able to take you anywhere. Perhaps, after today, you will learn to resent your future husband—a little less."
Elyse scoffed through her smile, "Doubt it."
Alessandro stopped to raise her palm to his lips. He kissed it lovingly. Then, he winked at her. "Challenge accepted,cuore mio. I am determined to sweep you off your feet!"
With sunshine kissing herskin, they arrived in the fashionable Marais district. As Elyse strolled down the charming, cobbled lane ofRue des Barreswith Alessandro, it became easy to pretend that shewasin love and that her adoring fiancéwasn'tthe kind of man who set Mikey on fire without batting an eye. At this moment, Alessandro was no devil. He felt more like a fairytale prince, determined to give her a Happily Ever After.
Elyse's resistance slowly melted away like snow on a warm spring day. Her feelings were no longer hers to command. She found, much to her chagrin, that her hand seemed to fit perfectly inside Alessandro's warm, calloused palm as he led them past gargoyle-topped churches, medieval-looking half-timbered houses, and lush, green ivy-draped storefronts of small cafes and picturesque boutiques. They stopped for coffee and croissants. And browsed through tiny shops where Alessandro attempted to purchase everything that caught her eye. Luca and Monte traipsed closely behind them, carrying the mountain of goods Alessandro insisted upon gifting her.
All morning, Elyse's heart skipped girlishly even while unease gripped her mind. She feared this bliss-tinged madness was fast becoming her new normal. Was she behaving like an ostrich with her head in the sand?Absolutely. Save for her half-assed attempt to escape at the charity ball, Elyse had yet to test Alessandro's breaking point. If she ever tried to run for real, would he hunt her down and drag her back in pieces? Elyse didn't want to answer this question. Just for today, she decided to lean into the moment and forget the danger lurking around her. It was impossiblenotto get swept away when Alessandro was being his most charming self. The bastard's way with words and his wicked smiles could probably coerce a kingdom from a queen.
Around lunchtime, he brought her toLa Vigne de Montmartre. Founded in 1933, the sprawling vineyard was one of Paris' best-kept secrets. Nestled halfway up Montmartre hill, it was planted mostly with Pinot Noir and Gamay varieties of grapes. The winery wasn't usually open to the public, but somehow Alessandro had managed to secure a private tasting for them.
"Le Clos Montmartreis known more for its novelty as Paris' sole vineyard rather than the quality of wine it produces," he drawled. "Next time, when we have more time in France, I will take you to Bordeaux."
"Still," Elyse exclaimed in awe at the sight of the sloping vine-covered hills that overlooked the city, "it's beautiful here. Thank you for bringing me."
He bowed his head graciously. "If you are happy,cuore mio, then I am happy."
A smile crept over her face. Shewashappy. Elyse couldn't remember the last time she had felt this way, not since she was a child, and especially not after her father fell into his coma.Fuck Disneyland. Paris was a dream come true.
Several glasses of Pinot Noirs and Merlots later, Elyse started feeling evenhappier. She felt less restrained than usual. Lighter and freer. As they embarked on a tour through the winding, flower-trimmed pathways of the vineyard, Elyse kept stumbling and giggling even though she was wearing flats. Fortunately, Alessandro was always there to catch her, keeping a firm, steadying hand around her waist as she swayed in a merry daze.
Toward the end of their tour, Elyse's cheeks glowed rosy pink. A serene, relaxed smile rested on her lips. Tipsily, she rose on her tiptoes to kiss Alessandro. Contentment shone from her green eyes as she breathed out, "Today has been a dream."
"I am glad you are enjoying yourself," Alessandro observed with a wry grin.
Elyse teetered toward him and whisper-shouted, "Remind me to thank you! Properly! Tonight! When we're alone!"
Monte glanced away with an embarrassed grunt while Luca pretended not to hear her by fixating on his phone. Alessandro chuckled as he caught her in his arms. "Do not thank me.Yet. The day is not over, and I have a few more surprises in store for you."
Then, in lowered tones, so that only she could hear, he murmured, "But I look forward to being on the receiving end of your gratitude tonight when we are alone."