Page 18 of Joey's Trick
“You want a beer?” Trick asked, opening the fridge and taking out a couple of bottles.
Joey nodded and started to get up, but Trick stopped him and walked over to him. He popped the top off and handed him one. “So, tell me how you got into the sports agent business?”
He took a sip of his beer, then set it on the coffee table on a coaster. “I kind of just fell into it. During my last year of college, a friend of mine talked me into interning there with him for the summer before my senior year. I fell in love with the whole aspect of it. Watched a lot of the agents work, listening to what they did.”
Trick placed his own beer on the counter between the kitchen and the living room, then took out a pan to start the steaks. “Sounds like you really love your job.”
Joey smiled. “I do. I get to meet new people all the time, get to travel often, and there are a lot of perks.”
“Oh? Like what?”
He almost winced. Normally he hinted at the sex, but that just didn’t feel right with Trick. “Good money. Nice expense budget. Helps me afford my place and the car I just bought.”
Trick gave him a raised brow. “And I suppose meeting hot men has nothing to do with it?”
Joey’s face went totally five alarm blaze. “Ah…”
Grinning, Trick let him off the hook. “I’m just teasing you.”
Gods, what the fuck was wrong with him? To hide his inability to respond, Joey grabbed his beer and took a swig. Hewas acting like a fucking teenager all over again. Trick made him feel so off balance and as if the last eight years hadn’t happened.
By the time they sat down to dinner, Trick had set him at ease again, changing the subject. Trick didn’t have a dining table since the apartment wasn’t big enough for it, so they ate at the counter, still chatting about various subjects. When they finished, Joey helped clean up after and grabbed a third beer from the fridge. He offered one to Trick, who nodded and motioned for him to set it on the counter.
Popping open the top, he tossed the cap in the garbage can under the sink and wandered back over to the couch where he sat in the far corner, slouching slightly. Trick joined him, sitting closer than Joey expected. He shifted uncomfortably, ignoring the heat he could feel radiating off of Trick’s thigh, which was only a few inches from his own. “So, ah… What were you going to college for originally?”
“Honestly, I had no idea,” Trick said. “I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life then. Football had always been a big part of my life throughout middle and high school. I guess I thought I’d always play professionally.”
Joey gave him a sympathetic look.
“But it’s okay. I like what I do. I’m outside all day in the fresh air. Set my own hours. And I get to work with my best friend. What more could I ask for, right?”
“Sounds great,” Joey murmured, twisting the beer bottle in his hands and picking at the label. Okay, where the hell did his confidence go? He was getting mad at himself and at Trick for affecting him the way he did. “I think it’s time for me to go home.”
“What? But it’s still early,” Trick said, frowning.
“You said dinner. We ate. So unless you want to watch a movie or something, it’s probably best I go. I can call an Uber or something.”
Trick turned on the couch to face him, his right leg coming up to rest alongside Joey’s thigh. “Do I make you that uncomfortable? You still haven’t accepted my apology?”
If only it were that simple, Joey thought. “What do you want from me, Trick?”
“What do you mean?”
Joey turned his head to look at Trick. “I mean, what is this? Why did you want me to have dinner with you?”
Trick cupped Joey’s cheek. “I don’t want anything from you, Joey. I just wanted to spend time with you. Get to know you again.”
“Why?” Joey murmured.
A smile curled the edges of Trick’s lips. “Because despite how things were in high school, I liked… I like you, Joey. You’re smart, funny, you hide an enormous heart behind a tough façade, and so fucking sexy you break my heart.”
Joey only had a split second to suck in a breath before Trick kissed him. He gasped into Trick’s mouth before opening his own under the probing touch of Trick’s tongue. A sharp pang of lust struck through Joey so hard, his cock pulsed and his stomach ached. Reaching up, Joey placed his hand on the side of Trick’s neck, leaning farther into the kiss.
He ran his tongue over Trick’s full bottom lip, suckling on the soft flesh. Trick groaned and pulled Joey onto his lap until Joey straddled him, their jean-clad lengths pressing together. Joey couldn’t stifle the moan he let free when Trick gripped his ass, squeezing the rounded mounds in his large hands. He rocked his hips, grinding himself against Trick. “God, Joey,” Trick growled. “You taste so fucking amazing.”
Nibbling his way along Trick’s neck to his throat, Joey heatedly sucked up tiny bruises, leaving behind his mark on Trick’s skin. Their harsh breathing echoed in the silence, only to be broken by the sound of someone slamming their apartmentdoor or voices chatting as they went by Trick’s apartment. “I want you, Joey,” Trick said. “Tell me I can have you.”
The sheer hunger in Trick’s deep voice sent shudders down Joey’s spine. He pulled away to look into Trick’s eyes, searching for deceit, lies, anything that would have him believe this to be a mistake. But the only thing he saw in Trick’s gaze was desire. The deep sapphire blue had darkened further, lust shining out at him. Joey bit his lower lip, caught between fear and having the one thing he’d always dreamed of. Trick used his thumb to pull Joey’s lip from between his teeth. “Nothing has to happen. If you still don’t trust me, I’ll take you home.”