Page 25 of Joey's Trick
“Thanks, Jenny. I’ll be heading back home tomorrow. We can discuss this in the office with your manager and mine.”
“Of course. In the meantime, I’ll start filing the report and we’ll get this handled. Hopefully a warning will be enough to prevent him from continuing this behavior.”
They disconnected the call and Joey headed downstairs to take his parents to breakfast. He spent most of the day trying toignore the anxiety eating at him over Vince finding his parent’s home address. The last name Waters wasn’t exactly exotic, and there had to be dozens of people listed with the same surname.
Joey was on edge by the time dinner rolled around. His boss had texted him a couple of hours after his phone call with Jenny, requesting he keep him informed if anything else occurred with Vince. He hadn’t seen Vince since he’d kicked him out of the house, but something told him Vince hadn’t gone far. When his phone vibrated and he saw the text was from Trick, Joey smiled.
Come outside.
Frowning, Joey left the house. His brother had already arrived with Veronica and was in the kitchen with their mother. He saw Trick leaning against the side of his truck, hands in his jean pockets. God, the man was breathtaking in the fading sunlight. Trick wore a tight white t-shirt with dark-washed jeans and a pair of black boots. Joey’s mouth watered as he thought about dropping to his knees right there in his parent’s driveway to worship the obvious bulge at the front of Trick’s pants. “Everything okay, Trick?” Joey asked when he got close enough for Trick to hear him.
Trick grabbed hold of Joey’s belt loops and yanked him against him, crashing his full lips onto Joey’s. Joey gasped at the abruptness, but immediately melted into Trick, looping his arms around Trick’s neck. Their tongues dueled together, sliding slickly over one another. Joey groaned into the kiss, fingers plunging into the dark chocolate tresses at the back of Trick’s head.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” Trick growled, breaking the kiss and leaning his forehead against Joey’s.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” Joey said, his chest heaving as he tried to capture his breath.
Keeping his arms loosely wrapped around Joey’s waist, Trick asked, “How was your day?”
Joey tensed, his good mood from Trick’s abrupt, passionate kiss gone. Trick frowned. “What’s wrong?”
He bit his lip, wondering if he should bother to tell Trick about Vince. He didn’t really want Trick to know about his hookups, or how easily he found it to move from one body to another. Whatever was happening between them didn’t have a definition, but Joey found himself slightly embarrassed by how many men he’d slept with since college.
“Hey,” Trick said, tugging Joey’s lower lip from between his teeth. “Talk to me. Something happen? Are your parents okay?”
“Oh, they’re fine. It’s nothing like that.” With a sigh, Joey gave a brief rundown of what happened with Vince, not going too far into details, and just how they had had nothing serious going on.
Trick gave him a worried look. “Do you think he’d turn violent?”
“What? No. I don’t think so. He’s just not good at letting go, I guess. I’ve already spoken to the HR department about him.” Joey hadn’t considered Vince getting physical about the situation. “Besides he’s probably a hundred pounds soaking wet. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about there.”
Trick ran his hands up and down Joey’s back, large palms soothing along his spine. “What did your company say?”
“We’re going to talk more in depth when I get back home.” Joey felt Trick grow rigid against him and leaned back enough to see Trick’s face. “Trick?”
“I know this thing is like two days old, Joey, but… what’s going on with us?” Trick asked. “I mean, you go home tomorrow. Is this… was this just sex?”
Surprised, Joey replied, “I don’t know. I wasn’t sure what you wanted to go on with us, to be honest. My life is in Orlando and yours is here.”
Trick grunted. “I’m aware of that. Was this just sex for you?”
Joey didn’t respond right away. He actually took a minute to think about Trick’s question. Though his brain was already screaming,no, it wasn’t just sex. The biggest sign was how Joey hadn’t hauled ass after they’d both gotten off. He’d never stayed the night with any of his hookups. Most of the time he ghosted before the cum had cooled. “What do you want this to be?” Joey asked, his heart beating hard and his throat tight with uncertainty.
“Answer my question first, Joey,” Trick said.
Swallowing around the lump in his throat, Joey whispered, “No. It wasn’t just sex.”
Trick kissed him fiercely. “It wasn’t for me, either,” he murmured.
“What does that mean for when I go back tomorrow?” Joey asked, gazing into the sapphire blue eyes he’d always loved.
“It’s not like we’re thousands of miles away from each other. There are weekends, the phone, video calls, and text messaging. We can see where this goes. If you want to.”
Joey couldn’t stop the slight laugh he let out before dropping his forehead down to Trick’s shoulder. “Fuck, if you’d asked me how I thought this week would go when I was driving down here, I sure as hell wouldn’t have expected any of this.”
Trick ran his fingers through Joey’s hair, brushing some back from his cheek. “Is that a yes?”
Blowing out a breath and hoping this didn’t explode in his face, Joey nodded. “It’s a yes. Though I can’t tell you if I’ll be any good at it. I’ve never been with someone past a night or two, really.”