Page 23 of Winning His Wager
“OMG, there are two of you!” The other redheaded man hit his knees. Just feet away from Dylan. “There are two of you! And you are beyond beautiful!”
Dylan couldn’t help it—she squeaked and jumped. Hard, hot, familiar hands caught her. She found herself pulled back against Fletcher’s strong, broad chest. “You good, brat?”
“Yeah. Just…what is this man doing exactly?” He was saying praise to the heavens and offering his soul to the goddess of twins right now. A bit of anextremereaction to seeing her sisters, that was for sure. “Is he possibly off his rocker?”
“This man…this incredibly grateful, blessed man,” the man said. “Is begging the two mostbeautiful identical twinsI have ever seen to let me make them my stars.”
“Is this dude a pimp or something, Char? Just what exactly are you getting into in that great big city of yours?” Devaney asked, calm as she always was. “I’m starting to get concerned here.”
“I think it’s a stress-induced reaction,” Charlotte said, equally as calm. “He’s been looking for identical twins for the docudrama. Been a bit of a long journey for him. He’s just not holding up well, I’m afraid.”
“That is a bit of an understatement,” Devaney said.
“You have identical twins right here in Masterson, in your family, beautiful, beautiful, young, redheaded twins, and you didn’t share that information?” the man said. “I feel betrayed. Betrayed! Introduce us, you wicked Charlotte creature. I am begging you.”
“Are we redheaded?” Dahlia whispered to Devaney.
“Just a little. Mostly lighter brown, though. I think this guy is a bit looney. Stay close. I’ll protect you,” Devaney told her twin.
“Have some dignity, Rowland. You are going off the deep end,” the redheaded woman Dylan didn’t recognize said.
“Rowland Bowles, director extraordinaire,” Charlotte said drily. “Meet Devaney and Dahlia Talley. Yes, they are identical. Their sisters Dylan Talley and Dorie Talley,notidentical. My newest cousins. I was trying to protect them from your insanity. Family obligation and everything.”
Okay, so that was Rowland Bowles, Charlotte and Quade’s director. He was a bit moresomethingthan she had expected.
“Please, please, please, be mine. I need twins. I need you.”
“Well, it’s very nice to be needed,” Devaney said. “I’m not so sure you are doing a great job of that, Char. I am just not so sure. Might want to work a little bit harder. You may just be the family underachiever, I think.”
“Devaney, dear, Poophead Dad said underachiever ismyrole in the family. Multiple times this week. Please do not give it to Charlotte.” Dylan felt obligated to say it. “I’ll start to feel displaced or something.”
“Of course. I forgot.” Devaney just shot the man a mildly sarcastic look. “Please excuse me. We have a lot of underachievers in our gene pool, apparently.”
“Oh, please, be my Perci, you beautiful creature. Please!” the redheaded man said.
“I have heard of you,” Dahlia said quietly—but not a whisper. “I have watched all of your movies. You are very good.”
“Sweetie, how would you like to beinone of those movies?”
Dahlia looked at Dylan. “Dylan, is he for real?”
“Beats me. I’m just a spectator,” Dylan said, leaning against the man behind her. It just sort of…happened. He was big and strong and just watching. “Life just gets weirder and weirder around this place.”
“No kidding. What’s this I hear about you moving in with Fletcher, anyway?” Charlotte asked. Her gaze narrowed, dropped. To the hands currently around Dylan’swaist.She hadn’t even realized he was still holding her—he’d just felt warm and safe and…“Or do I really need to ask? Just what are you doing with my baby cousin, Fletcher Tyler? You have some serious explaining to do.”
Well. Not like Dylan poached or anything. “I’m just his housekeeper, you know.”
“Sure you are. Sure you are. I know all about Tylers and their housekeepers.” Charlotte looked at his hands when Fletcher snatched them back. “All about them.”
“Huh? What about Tylers and their housekeepers?” Dylan looked at Fletcher. “What is she talking about?”
Nikki peeled with laughter. Charlotte wasn’t much better. She laughed until she cried.
“Okay, so what am I missing?”
Hunter sent her a grin. “I’m sure Fletcher will tell you later.”
“People around here can be really strange,” Dahlia said, taking a step back from the redheaded man still on his knees. “Dylan, is this normal?”