Page 6 of Winning the Dad
Jack stood in the middle of the bathroom, watching me with assessing eyes. He was good at reading people—not surprising for a bar owner. “No. Please stay.”
“You seem like you’re having second thoughts.”
“You make me nervous. For some reason, you make me so nervous that my brain doesn’t function. Ignore it. I’m certain it’ll pass.”
“Yeah? You sure?”
“Very sure.” I held out my hand and, when he took it, pulled him close. “Very, very sure.”
To end all discussion, I kissed him again. Within seconds, he pushed my back against the tiled wall. He was roughly threeinches taller than me, which got a little taxing on my straining neck. Just as I was about to ask for a respite, he put his hands on my hips and deadlifted me as if I weighed nothing.
So. Fucking. Hot.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and kept kissing him, not minding at all that his cock—his fully erect cock—was poking me between my butt cheeks. If he wasn’t so well-endowed, I wouldn’t have minded if it slipped in a little, but I wasn’t about to take that size without lube.
He confidently squeezed my ass with both hands. “I could kiss you for hours,” he murmured against my lips.
“We’d run out of hot water.”
“Who cares? I bet I could keep you warm.”
“I’d be all down for more kissing, though I’d love for you to fuck me.”
He leaned back a little. “We don’t need to do that. We could do…other stuff.”
For the first time, he showed insecurity, and I loved him for it. “Like what? You gonna give me a blowjob?”
He carefully set me down, then scratched his wet beard. “Sure. Can’t guarantee I’m any good at it, but I’m willing to try.”
How did he keep surprising me? “I appreciate that, but honestly, unless you’re not interested, I’d love a good, hard fuck. It’s been a while.”
“I’m very interested, but I didn’t want you to feel pressured.”
Was he determined to check all my boxes? Because he was well on his way. “I don’t, I promise.”
“In that case, I’m in.”
“Not yet, but I hope that’ll change soon.” Super cheesy and slightly corny? Damn right, but our laughter released some of the tension.
“Wow, that was bad,” Jack said.
“Making banal jokes is my superpower.”
“Banal? That’s an understatement. Even my dad jokes aren’t that bad.”
“I love dad jokes. My son, however, doesn’t seem to appreciate them.”
“My kid says he hates them too, but when I make them, he’s the first to laugh, so I think he secretly likes them. He just doesn’t want to admit it.”
While chatting, we soaped ourselves with my body wash, and I liked the idea of Jack smelling like me.
We rinsed and turned off the water. As we toweled off, we stole glances at each other. Jack was honest about his attraction to me. That much I was convinced of. Unless he was an Oscar-level actor, he couldn’t fake his interest. But why would he? Why lie about it? What motivation could he possibly have?
As an attorney, I was trained to look for action and reaction, for cause and effect, for motives and explanations, but with Jack, I came up blank. I couldn’t think of any reason for him to lie. He was real…and he wanted me.
Jack cleared his throat. “Do we need supplies? ‘Cause I don’t have any on me.”
So he hadn’t planned on scoring. I’d rather not spend too much time dwelling on why that made me happy. “I have condoms and lube.”