Page 26 of Alpha Ruined
“Drive safe,” he murmurs.
She swallows and nods.
Then he turns and heads back into the café.
She stands next to her car in a daze, wondering what the hell just happened.
His scent is faded now that the wind has shifted downward, and she can finally think with a clear head.
What the hell did she agree to?
She met him this morning, and now she’s going to let him take her to dinner?
I find you endearing,he had said.
She’s not endearing.
She’s a mess with enough issues to make even the most patient man run screaming.
“What just happened?” she mutters as she opens her car door with a shaky hand.
Stumbling into the driver’s seat, she pulls out her phone, reading the text from earlier.
It’s from Darlene.
Who is that?!
She debates how to respond.
She certainly can’t tell Darlene how she met him.
His name is Cole. He’s taking me out to dinner tomorrow.
Her phone buzzes immediately.
What?? Give me all the details right NOW.
She sends another quick text, promising to tell Darlene where she’s going once she finds out the name of the restaurant, when a thought hits her.
No one calls her Breana. Ever.
She never even told Cole her name.
The unsettling feeling from before returns.
She’s going to have to cancel her plans with him.
She fiddleswith her sleeve when she’s nervous, and it’s adorable.
Bree’s sweet, subtle scent had hit him like a freight train, and his entire world shifted on its axis to only revolve around her.
Which makes tonight that much more frustrating.
He doesn’t want to wait a day to take her on a date—and despite what she says, itisa date.